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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. I loved both Grag and Ada and I was glad that they were the top two. My heart tugged a little more for Ada, but it was a dead heat to me. So I am happy with the win. I'd definitely like to see this again. But I'd like the judges to pick the winner. I like the audience vote in the preliminary rounds. And I wouldn't mind a judges save.
  2. Thank you Ginger90. I tried to watch it, but it was like watching drunk people--lots of giddiness and not very entertaining. I did like that Kody likes to play cover your assets with kids. And he probably loses.
  3. Oh! I thought Whitney's husband said half of their savings which I took it to mean cash--not retirement accounts, stock or home. But maybe I was just assuming that Mr Whitney is responsible because he has kids from two marriages to take care of. Of course, I am probably giving them too much credit.
  4. I agree. I think they are setting us to think he'll win it all. But I think he won't even make it to fashion week. Aaron will be shocked and we the viewers are supposed to be shocked.
  5. I saw that Kelly Dodd was saying she has a text from Emily after Heather supposedly hit a camera person after the Terry Dubrow/Nicole lawsuit kerfuffle. And Noella has been hinting pretty hard that she saw it (or something like it). Any opinions on: --Did Ms Fancy Pants do it? --If she did, why didn't Bravo show footage or address? --Will Heather be back next season? (I am hoping no) I think Heather may kill this series when others failed to do so.
  6. And Robyn's kids were just as disrespectful as Janelle's kids. Even. Though. They. Have. Everything. It is unreasonable to ask Janelle to spend Thanksgiving without Gabe and Garrison and it is unreasonable to ask Christine to give up seeing Mykelti, Aspyn and Paedon. The tradeoff Aurora, King Soil, Lil Nip and Breanna expect is for Janelle and Christine to give up holidays with their kids to spend time with Robyn's kids. Robyn should have addressed how ridiculous this is. This isn't personal to Robyn and her spawn and if Robyn really was trying to pull the family together she would have focused on: "For Thanksgiving the Christine and Janelle parts of the family will be celebrating separately because they have personal and professional obligations. But everyone is really excited about spending Christmas together." I might even add into it. "I know it has been hard for them because they haven't been able to spend time with Dad because it took us 7 months to define the rules, but hey, Meri will be here with us for both holidays. Aren't we lucky? Let's give everyone some grace because my guile and selfishness has given us this house and exclusive access to Dad."
  7. I wonder if Gabe will move into one of the empty bedrooms. And maybe Gwen?
  8. I'm the person. I was just bringing it up around Truly & Ysabel as Christine and Kody are no longer together. From the most recent episodes I'm not even sure they were together then. In that instance Christine could ask for child support and Kody could ask for visitation.
  9. I think that's right. Christine said it was to take on legal responsibility for anything not covered by insurance.
  10. Here in Oregon, pre-Covid arrangements also remained in place. I believe either Christine or Kody could bring the other to court for child support or visitation, but I believe on Kody's part the comments were really more for show. When Kody was doing yard work with Janelle and kids he barely acknowledged them. And when he visits with Christine (may have been last episode) we see him arrive and leave and we don't see him ask for Truly or Isabel to come outside and chat. I think it is all for show on this part. Really, Kody seemed to be trying to control Janelle and Christine rather than gain access to his kids. Speculation, based on the fact that all of the women have chatted about doing home births so that the authorities don't know about the polygamy. And we know that Christine was on public assistance when the show started. She wouldn't be eligible for that if she was married or living with the baby's father who had a job at that point. Since they went public around the time of Truley's birth it is more likely he is on that birth certificate. And if Kody decided to legally push the issue of visitation (with or without a name on the birth certificate) Christine could ask for child support.
  11. What this episode revealed to me is just how alone/single parent Meri, Christine and Janelle feel. -Meri talks about isolating for 7 months and jokes/not jokes about not being everybody. Her invitation to Thanksgiving is begrudging given, and it doesn't seem like anyone wants her there. -Janelle talks about being alone for the holidays (while Kody wants to evict his children from a house where he doesn't live and isn't in the lease) if she follows Robyn's Kody's rules. --Christine is already acting like a divorced mother telling Kody she is going to do what she wants. And since Kody isn't on the birth certificate and they were never married, he can't stop her and there is no custody agreement. And meanwhile Kody is holed up with his legal wife acting as the cock of the walk trying to guilt Janelle and Christine into doing what he wants
  12. They are trying really hard to have a redemption season for Amber. But the problem is we have seen how she acts for many seasons. Going back to school because you need to keep your job, saying your adult daughter respects you more now that she has moved out and accepting an exchange student to keep your television series isn't redemption. It feels more like desperation.
  13. Jennie is thirsty, but she is absolutely right about Mary. Mary lies, denies and decries. The reason I think she might choose to skip the reunion is because of her edit this year. Bravo has revealed her bad side. And unlike at her church and in her personal relationships everything is on tape. And when Mary is confronted she walks away like she did with Lisa in this episode. So I think a skipped reunion is possible.
  14. Agreed. Your family is not weird. I remember learning in a Psych class 35 years ago that most women will pick their children over their husbands while most husbands would pick their wives over their children. It goes back to biology. Carrying and raising children is hard for women. And men want regular sex.
  15. Christine explaining to Kody how Janelle feels was amazing! And then Kody saying that Christine hates her! Now he is rationalizing that the rules are because of the way that Christine reacted, blaming Kody about Truely's kidney failure.
  16. Editing monkeys really didn't play. Janelle said, "Yeah, f@#k off" to Kody! Now we know.
  17. Christine: He is asking me to make a decision between him and my kids. My kids will always win, every single time. Janelle: Because I am not following his rules, his 10 commandments I am apparently not following any rules.
  18. Now Kody is trying to say that the boys could pass this on to employees and get them sick. He is attempting a guilt trip, but Janelle and Christine aren't biting.
  19. Garrison and Gabe are right though, they should be having the conversation directly with Kody. Kody wants Janelle to kick out her boys but he doesn't want to do it. Kody went on his mission at 18 and says he was kicked out by his father and then Kody spent the rest of his father's life trying to show how important he is.
  20. The fact that Gabe feels rejected is critical. And being there 'every month' would surely feel that way.
  21. Dayton turns 22 in 2 weeks.
  22. "They're adults. Bye bye." He want to evict his son but he can't because he isn't on the lease (or the birth certificates).
  23. Kody: "Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah. Just vomit more bullshit." Kody just said that about his wife. I wonder what Janelle will say when she sees that.
  24. So ready! I have the popcorn popped!
  25. I think Jennie is right that Mary knows something about Meredith. Otherwise, I can't understand the blind loyalty. I loved Bravo playing the Mexican thug discussion. Mary can deny, but these things are caught by the cameras and they will get used. Any predictions on whether Mary will attend the reunion?
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