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Everything posted by Ms.Lulu

  1. Dorinda needs therapy. I think people are focused on the way Dorinda treats others. She has less sympathy for people that are divorced than widowed and has said the divorcee can still see their ex (not recognizing that someone divorced may also be dealing with betrayal and the fact they didn't want the divorce. And unless there are kids, they don't see their ex). She tries to make it a pissing match about who has it harder She uses it to place herself above others She completely discounts the loss of a future and shared memories for divorcees 11 years after being widowed she still uses it as an excuse for her bad behavior and drinking. Most younger widows remarry within 4 years, so they are able to find renewed purpose and focus in their lives. Dorinda chooses not to She treated John poorly for 7 years, using him for dry cleaning, 'partying' and companionship, rather than getting therapy and moving on in life She uses being widowed as a differentiator, saying you don't know... So for me, it is about how Dorinda uses being widowed. She seems to think it allows her to treat people poorly. I have known widows who recovered quickly because they were heading to divorce or their spouses were ill. I have known divorcees who took a long time to recover emotionally and financially because they were blindsided by the divorce. Dorinda doesn't get to decide which is worse and how much compassion and understanding should be meted out to widows and divorcees. I also don't have a problem with Jill finding someone else quickly. She was Bobby's caretaker, and for all we know, Bobby may have encouraged her to find someone else quickly. What I learned from this latest season is that I don't want Dorinda or Jill on RoNY Legacy.
  2. From what I've heard, the complaining wasn't aired. It was to production and then on Twitter. Other things I've heard: Raja read Michelle, saying she wasn't qualified to judge Shea, and possibly Monet, threatened to quit because they perceived 'favoritism' when they didn't win and Jinkx did Yvie yelled at production while completely naked Everyone thought Jinkx was the biggest threat. From Reddit, Roscoe's Tavern, and Twitter.
  3. It sounds like Shea's complaining is the reason that they awarded the extra stars. That is disappointing. The real final four was Jinkx, Monet, Trinity and Shea. Justice for Jaida! Justice for Raja!
  4. I thought, as a group, this was the worst comedy performance ever.
  5. Yes, she doesn't remember that she blocked Jinkx first and Jinkx has been blocked twice.
  6. I understood that there were two offers-- The original for the North Side (what is for sale now) at $2MM then the reduced land counter offer that was closer to a million. This is my understanding from watching the whole season, not just last night. It also seemed like a series finale.
  7. Redrum, I always appreciate your perspective. For me, Chris was no different than anyone else on the show. I don't think anyone got a positive edit. TLC dialed up focus on the dysfunctional cluster this year. I don't think ZiT are happy. I get a distinct ' we've been wrong, we are owed' bitterness vibe and that is what keeps/kept them from negotiating with Matt. Matt offered them the house and half the land (not the woods) for what they paid for the house in Battle Ground. It is clear they are still upset about it, but not too upset to ask for a mower. I think Matt is incredibly controlling and feared that Zach would let the farm deteriorate more than it has. So Matt would feel obligated to continue to work the farm. And I do believe he really wants to dial back work on the farm. So he would rather sell to a stranger farmer than discounted to a lazy son.
  8. Finally, some clarity and closure. My summary of the final episode. Matt said he offered to accept half off (so $2MM) for the north side of the farm. And Zach expected to get it for less. Matt countered with less land. Amy is unhappy because 'a 2 year old appraisal' informed her (remember, she has a realtor boyfriend now husband) 2020 buy out of the north side property for $975K. And she says kids and ex-wives deserve the family discount/consideration. Matt wishes he was clearer that he expected the kids to work on the farm if they wanted the farm. He wasn't sure they would run it well anyway and suspected he'd get stuck running it after he sold. Curiously, I, as a viewer, have understood this for years. Amy is defensive that they raised lazy, entitled kids and says it isn't just her fault (true). Amy admits she doesn't know what happened in negotiations with the boys, but says Matt was wrong. There is an uncomfortable dinner where Amy asks for Matt's exercise bike and serves bad meatballs. Chris buys fish and frogs in an attempt to connect with Jackson. ZiT tries to convince us that we want to watch Little People-Battle Ground. Matt lists the farm and drives off into the sunset.
  9. Yes. My two younger sisters were 'the girls' until one died last year. Now the younger one, in her 50s, is called 'the baby.'
  10. I think most people think Trinity won the lip sync. My guess is Jinkx was so much better than others on runway and the roast that RuPaul gave it to her anyway.
  11. No helmut protecting that noggin! I just don't understand it.
  12. Loved the season premiere. I already have my favorites. Giselle and Jada Shada interest me the most. Random Thoughts: Loved when Chelazon stopped Kim in her tracks by having 50% more insta followers. Chaos gives me a RDRUK Charity Case vibe Bom Bae's legs go on for days I was sad to see Halal Bae go. There is kindness there and it is a different kind of drag I like the extra nerdy queens
  13. I thought this was another strong episode. Jinkx slayed the challenge and other than the plastic pearl necklace her runway was amazing. I would have been fine with Trinity or Monet in the lip sync with Jinkx. Clearly, some shenanigans coming next week as no block and RuPaul saying Where there's a will there's a way. My hope is that the rumors about Shea whining and threatening to quit don't push into the finale ahead of Jaida or Trinity. I hope they join Jinkx in the final with Raja or Yvie. But please, RuPaul, no Shea or Vivienne.
  14. I am ready for this season to be done. It just feels uncomfortable and is difficult to watch. ZiT spent the entire season angry at Matt and Caryn Amy spent the entire season trying to put aside her dislike and mistrust of Matt and Caryn to film with them Chris spent the entire season trying to deepen his friendship with Matt and move the plot line forward Matt and Caryn spent the entire season in denial that that their relationship with ZiT may be irreparably damaged because Zach expected a family discount Jackson missed Matt, ChaCha, Teeter and the farm Lilah was largely ignored Everyone spent the entire season believing they are the misunderstood victims We don't need to see baby Si Si as he is all over the internet.
  15. What was shared previously by Matt was that ZiT made an offer and Matt countered with a smaller portion of the farm--basically the farmhouse and half the acreage (not woods). And ZiT said no. ZiT does not dispute this. So I think this is likely the classic two sides of the story and the truth is something else. I believe ZiT made an offer that reflected what Ami was paid for half of that half of the farm. Matt said no. Matt countered with less land and the farmhouse. ZiT said no. ZiT was angry that they didn't get a discount and an opportunity to get half the farm. Matt was relieved because he really didn't think ZiT could run the farm anyway and he wanted more money than was offered.
  16. August 29, 2021 was the planned date. They left Chicago because of Covid and moved to Flagstaff. They quickly relocated to Parawon so that Bonnie wouldn't have to run Lizzie's Heritage Inn. Why do I waste brain cells remembering this?
  17. The Naked Bike Ride. I have happened upon it several times here in Portland while out and about shopping. It has a parade feel and people paint their bodies, wear hats and play instruments. I have always stopped and watched the parade. Many others do too. Mostly I marvel that people are comfortable in their own skin and I am happy they are enjoying the sun, the ride and the festivities. Nothing about the parade is remotely sexual.
  18. With 2 challenges to go before the final I am loving: Jinkx, Raja, Jaida. At this point I'd like to see all three in the finals with Yvie. But Yvie won't make it. Some handwaving will pull in Monet or Shea. I am expecting Monet as Shea really has been meh. So has the Vivienne. Trinity would be okay. Jinkx for the win! I've heard that Shea and Monet thought that Jinkx was favored in judging and Shea even threatened to quit as she felt overlooked. If anyone has a legitimate complaint, I think it was Raja early on. But I do not think Jinkx has been favored. And certainly, Shea has not been a regular top performer. And adding I love Sibling Rivalry too. I also love Jinkx' I'm 40% Podcast.
  19. It does look like none of the properties around Matt's targeted price are selling. It may be a long time before the big house sells. And that makes sense. There just aren't many people who can afford $4MM property. If you put 20% down and borrow the rest you need to be making more than $700K/year to qualify. So less than 1% of the population qualifies. And really, how many in the 1% would choose Hillsboro, OR?
  20. It is interesting to me that so many people consider themselves writers without professional experience or education. Posting on boards and writing for my personal social media accounts doesn't make me a writer.
  21. 3 reveals/4 looks in one runway and the reason Jinkx is my queen.
  22. No one is allowed to go topless at school, regardless of gender--therefore, no one is discriminated against based on gender. Churches are private and can decide (they don't generally allow topless people at any church I have attended). Anyone, regardless of gender, can walk down the street topless. Think about it as treating everyone the same. Personally, I'd prefer nobody is topless in public places other than beaches, and i wouldn't mind if everyone wore rash guards. But I appreciate that everyone is treated the same.
  23. It is hard to believe they were only married 6 years when he died. Dorinda spent more time dating John than married to Richard. Richard died of liver failure, which can be caused by a number of things, including alcohol.
  24. I have been rewatching the entire series. I start season 6 tomorrow. It is better than I remember. I don't like Beth Behrs, but the rest of the cast is great.
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