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Everything posted by albarino

  1. Perhaps I was too subtle. My point is that some native dishes are an acquired taste, poi being one of them. It is interesting to me how the American palate evolves; kim chi used to be a joke (we had/have lots of GIs stationed in S. Korea) and now we love it. There are lots of other examples (hummus, gojugang, etc.) and my point is he wants to use his west African influences and it almost got him and Brian V. sent home. Maybe he is ahead of the culinary curve? Eric can play Top Chef however he wants; I can critique him however I want. All good.
  2. Hey, agree to disagree. NO problems with that. I've never seen KKB in Playboy and I remember Ramona asking her if she got her boobs fixed so there was probably an issue with them. No worries; KKB needed a brain transplant.
  3. I understand him wanting to showcase his culinary heritage but it always gets him in trouble. Either he can't cook it or it just sucks. I don't mean this meanly. We don't eat poi here because it doesn't taste good. Eric, take note. Your dishes get you in the bottom because the judges don't like them.
  4. Meh, was Kelly ever a model? I know she had a famous husband but she was bat shit crazy. I would say B was more a cheft than K was a model. As a runner, I still laugh at Kelly running around Manhattan with loose long hair. Ugh, no thanks. Beth is fine.
  5. I'm usually critical of the PW but appreciate how she has revitalized a town. Watching this morning, she made fish tacos with frozen fish sticks (I can forgive that, we're all doing the best we can)but she also added mixed cheese. ICK. Her cabbage slaw also looked revolting with thousand island dressing and pickled jalapeños. Double ICK.
  6. That was quite the episode! This is probably just me but I was very concerned about drunk people diving into the swimming pool. I'm glad it wasn't a bad accident. I'm on the side of those who think it was rude for Ramona to leave her house guests; I also don't think it was their job to clean up the kitchen but the outdoor destruction was unacceptable. Now, a champagne bottle in the pool and picking up tiki torches isn't so bad but if glass had gotten in the pool, I think that would be a different story. As someone upthread said, a sober Dorinda?!?
  7. I am so annoyed with Stassi and Katie. First, because I like to go below the belt with reality hos, Katie, you're chunky. You're married to a moron. Your ending will be along the lines of living in an RV park and one of you ODs. Alternate ending, My 600 LB life. Stassi, there is nothing you have ever done in your life to feel so special/entitled. Nothing. You were lucky to work for LVP when this show began filming. Kiss your lucky stars for that. Get a pre-nup. No way this BS will last. Your fiancé will find his voice. That out of my system, I would actually purchase a case of the Weho wine if I could stipulate that the profits only go to Kristin. Bravo? Can you help with that? As was mentioned above, we didn't see many of the cast. I didn't even miss them. If this show were gone, would we miss it? I watch because nothing else is on Tues nights; I don't think I care enough about any of them. One last Bravo plead/beg...No more weddings. Stassi's will be in a crypt and I don't care about it. Donate what you would have paid to first responders.
  8. OH my.....I hope everybody at that party was as drunnk as Sonja so they don't remember how completely over the top she was. I don't quite understand why she lost it when she was considered an "Accessory." I"ve had acquaintances tell me they are trophy wives quite proudly. Sonja's bold proclamation she was an equal partner was ridiculous. They should have left sooner than they did. I had to watch the previews for next week twice. Yikes, it looks like Ro was probably on a date and her place got trashed. As in, a few tiki torches were thrown. Life goes on. Put the dishes in the dishwasher and move on. I'm not sure any of these ladies should drink. Lu, Dorinda, Sonja, Leah all have problems. Ro has had problems in the past and Tins has her own issues. Wonder what a sober episode would look like?
  9. I'm rewatching this and when Stassi says "Who cares?" to Lisa when she worries she spilled the beans to Kristn. Hmm. In light of Covid-19, this seems unusually cruel. Stassi, I cough/sneeze on you. I have no idea how you and Fat-Katie became so self-important but you aren't important and your 15 minutes are almost up. When Jax starts cheating, the show is over.
  10. ^^This. So much this. As I understand it, the baby was special needs since the ultrasound identifying her rare condition was diagnosed. I don't know the geography and I believe birthing centers have relationship with nearby hospitals but whoo boy, I would not have selected a birthing center.
  11. I have a Shame Hangover after watching this show. Random thoughts: 1) The new people are there because this is a transition year. LVP no longer has RHOBH so this is her show and the original cast is getting too old to play sophomoric pranks and they (and we) have moved on from them. Does anybody really want to see Brittany being pregnant and Jax abandoning her while partying with his friends? Anybody? 2) Stassi, Katie and Lala, I accommodate unlikeable people by not liking them. As a poster above said Katie was cold-blooded, she is. What a great characterization. I also continue to note in the after show, Katie fills up the entire wing chair. Yes, I go there. Either lose weight or be nicer and I won't call this out. Lala and Stassi, enough said. Know YOUR place. 3) Who attends a birthday party and thinks it is funny to smash the cake in the birthday Girl's face? Seriously? Sophomoric. 4) Who leaves their husband in the car on his birthday so you can socialize with your much younger employees for half an hour or so? 5) Not even going there with the vaginal fluid tasting. Never heard of it before. Tasteless (okay, I just made myself laugh about that one).
  12. I respectfully disagree. When watching the after-show, take a look at how much chair she takes up. Every single other person had room to spare in the seat. Even Lisa had room for her dog. Not Katie. While I generally don't care what somebody weighs; if they are ugly, personality-wise, I'm bringing it up. She can be happy with her weight, fine, but this is LA. Good luck with that.
  13. Seriously, who made Lala queen of this train-wreck? Lala has a seriously rich boyfriend but she deserves a much harsher edit. Who is she, really? Nothing! She is an idiot but I laugh at how she feels she is so much better than anybody else. A pretty girl who has been given a pass. Hey, take a drink and calm down, bitch! Rachel has a degree and much has been laughed about it but a degree really is hard work (if it is accredited); I don't care where it is Lori Loughlin wanted to send her kids. Insulting. Lala is a complete joke and is now morphing into the villain. Good, always hated her. Dumb bitch. She is a terrible human being. Oh, Katie is also a wreck. Her husband hates her and so does the USA. Congrats. Keep eating. So loathsome and petty.
  14. What? I'm just starting this thread and will check on it.
  15. Is anybody watching this morning? GROSS! Everything bagel sausage and cheese patties, girl, you trying to kill your kid? I am usually indifferent to her but a third of a pound sausage patty? Really? I'm gagging just thinking about it. A third of a pound sausage patty? Girl, you're done.
  16. I understand your meaning but have we seen Lala's credentials? She is apparently good (self-professed) at BJs for PJs but does she have a degree/job before this abortion (literary liberty--A Confederacy of Dunces) or has she actually done anything? Seriously, has she done a damn thing? If not, shut up. All of these folks are jokes, and I can laugh with them, but when they take themselves seriously, then I say Oh No. You're jokes. Some are skinny jokes, some are fat jokes but you're all jokes.
  17. ^^This^^ She looks terrible this season, and yes, I had the same thought about the producers. Keep doing you, Katie!
  18. I generally agree with you but I generally liked this season. Yes, I wondered why Victoria kept staying, why Sergio wasn't getting the auf, etc. I think the ending to the season was great. A prior poster commented on Sergio having the most cause celebre works and yet Nancy was the one most embracing body diversity. I loved this. I see a bright future for Nancy and her thoughtful designs for challenged athletes. Sergio makes beautiful clothes, no question, but the judges wanted him to make them fresher. I understand his wish to stand behind his clothes and he ended where he should have because he stood by them. Same with Victoria. Numerous examples, no need to quote. I'm sure there is a normal tension between "your baby" and the critiques from the judges. Take them or leave them and take your chances. Late thought? Nancy designing all of the Oympic paralympic entrance and exit parade looks? I would love it. She seemed so honored. and touched.
  19. I think the right person won. Sergio and Victoria often displayed a level of haughtiness regarding their PW mentors/judges that the mentorship writ large with the win would have been a complete waste of time. Between Geoffrey and Nancy, Geoffrey's collection was just more interesting. Regardless, I think they will all have a place in the industry.
  20. I have not watched this show from the very beginning but watching it now really confuses me. Why are they having this friction about lots when the place hasn't even been surveyed? Seriously, why? Second, common knowledge is they are in Flag because Robyn's son is on the ASD spectrum. Who cares about anybody else, right? Then Robyn's daughter is going to freak out due to a local move? That is another flag, and not a good one. Seek counseling for her. There are many military brats who move every two or three years. Heck, State department kids move that often and they don't even move within the same country. She needs some coping skills and those will serve her well. I'm not a plyg family or apologist but they signed up for this lifestyle. Kody, man up. Aren't you the sun in their solar system? Aren't you the mayor of family planet in the after-life? MAN UP. If you want the big house, build the big house. Christine can make her own decisions. If you want to assign lots, then assign lots. Meri can make her own decisions. The consensus was LV was a good place and he/Robin directed the move. I get that Kody wants to appear "fair" but his outburst regarding Meri was ridiculous. Man Up. Guess Robin really does have his balls. Meri, keep cashing those checks. P.S. I was surprised Meri announced she had to be out of her house in 6 weeks and it was absolute news to all of the rest of them. To me, this announced this was a plyg show, not a plyg family on a TV show. They really don't give a shit.
  21. Ha! We're arguing about hose usage? You win this one; I concede I don't know what I'm talking about. Nope.
  22. You use a hose to connect it to a sprinkler to water your lawn if you do not have an underground sprinkler system. YOU move that sprinkler every hour or so to water your entire lawn. You do not stand outside and point your hose and hand sprinkler at various parts of your lawn. Remember, these folks are "rich", they have pools and lawns. I have a putting green size of a lawn and have a sprinkler system. I hope that clarifies my comment.
  23. I believe this episode is one of the many reasons Lala decided to quit drinking (and good for her). This show is starting to be "not watch" TV. The original gang has moved on and I don't care about their suburban lifestyle. They are so stupid we've seen several of them watering their lawns with a hose. Install sprinkler systems or go to Ace Hardware and purchase actual sprinklers. Idiots. I think we only saw Scheanna once in her car (telling Brett he shouldn't go out to dinner with another new chick) and we didn't see Kristin. No wonder Tom and Ariana are working really hard on storylines but I don't buy what they're selling. Watching Tom keep having to clench his jaw on WWHL was priceless though! I don't care very much about the new kids either. I can't tell the new guys apart, and frankly, the story about the kitchen staff (chefs, sous-chefs, dishwashers, etc.) would be much more interesting to me.
  24. Does anybody believe this? I do not. I know Kate was checking herself out of this Shit Show at that point but made a comment along the lines of "....thank you for your apologies but you came on WWHL and doubled down on all of your behavior on Valor all season...." Seriously, the brus all did that. Andy, too little, too late. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well following a medical procedure. You now have a son so I want you to think clearly. If you have a show scheduled for the evening/next day of a medical procedure, (go with me there) you don't reschedule the medical appointment? That is what real people do, dumbass.
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