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  1. This article said everything i was thinking. I was waiting for this apology. Hoping against hope we'd get one. And what we got.....left a lot to be desired. Midge still does not seem to comprehend how much danger she could have put Shy in. Forget his career, we're talking about his life. Sammy Davis Jr was threatened with a mob hit because it was rumored he was dating actress Kim Novak (a white woman). Guess what? Not too much later he married a black woman. That marriage barely made it a year. Now imagine being black and gay in that time period. Midge's apology was still full of entitlement ("if you would have just let me on the plane, then I could have apologized"). And she also had to get in there how her act "killed" and she "did her job". And then to turn it around on Shy, and accuse him of not really being her friend? She just doesn't get it. Honestly, the show could have kept that apology. I don't need the leads of shows to be likeable. I mean, I stuck with Don Draper until the end. But the show knew he wasn't a great person. They weren't trying to convince the viewers he was. That's all I ask. Let Midge be Midge. And who she is, is entitled and privileged, with not a lot of self awareness.
  2. I think the thing that is hard with Belinda, was that her first instinct was to dismiss Tanya. She thought she was full of shit originally. She really did not want to get sucked in. But she kind of did. She let her guard down just a little. Got her hopes up just a little. And that's what hurts worse. When you know better. When you didn't listen to your gut. I think that is where Belinda will find herself.
  3. Is this the place to discuss the book? Because I read it and have feelings about it! I agree Rosie did not come off well. The thing with her, is, even when there were times when she did have a point, and was maybe right on an issue, the way she handled it was wrong. Sometimes it's not what you say, but how you say it.
  4. I have not one iota of sorrow for anyone involved in this. ABC signed her to this show, knowing exactly who she was. Sara Gilbert, who I've always liked, pushed for this reboot, defended it and Roseanne, knowing who she was. Laurie Metcalf and John Goodman (both of whom I adore) didn't need this show. They have thriving careers. But they still signed on knowing exactly who and what Roseanne Barr is. This isn't the first racist thing she's tweeted. This isn't even the first time she's called a black woman an ape. She did it to Susan Rice in 2013. So she knew what she was doing. She just didn't think there would be any consequences. And why would she? ABC gave her a prime time show, despite everything she has done and said. And then America gave her amazing ratings. So of course she thought she could say what she said. And the network and actor's, etc knew what they were doing when they agreed to work with her. They were taking a risk. You lie down with dogs, you get up with flees. They were fine with her racism and conspiracy theories, etc as long as she kept it kind of quiet, and they were getting paid. As for any spinoff, etc without Roseanne, I could have been ok with that, if that was how the show originally came back. But now the whole show is tainted to me. I can't look at those actors and characters without thinking about how they turned a blind eye to racism for a paycheck. It's a shame because I loved the original. But this was the risk they took, getting in bed with Roseanne. Can't be mad when you put your hand in the fire and it burns you.
  5. I'm late on the Roseanne discussion but I wanted to chime in. I watched and it was funny. I grew up with the show, but I won't be watching again. It isn't so much about Roseanne the character being a Trump supporter. They handled that ok on the show. And I suspect the show isn't going to be the big "Trump's America" love fest, Meghan and other conservatives think. In the issue with her grandson wearing feminime clothing, she and Dan were shown to be in the wrong and they eventually came around to Darlene's way of thinking. So we'll see if they keep coming back in those same numbers, week after week, with more stories like that. The issue is the real Roseanne. She is horrible. And it isn't just her voting for Trump. She's a birther. She tweets conspiracy theories and vile hateful islamaphobic rhetoric. The list is endless. That's not just a "difference of opinion". I don't want to be part of giving her a platform and validating her behavior. Something which Meghan failed to touch on. Because in her mind, just like with Trump if a lot of people support something, or someone whatever their doing must be ok.
  6. Has anyone watched the past 3 episodes? It was 5 brothers who had just had a horrific upbringing. Both their parents were on drugs so they had their rights terminated. The boys (actually 7 in all, one was murdered a few years ago, and one is in jail), we're sent to group homes and foster homes where they were beaten, abused, molested. They ran away and lived in a car. I mean it was just awful. One of the brothers had developmental challenges which had never been addressed. They brought in the moment and the dad. They are both clean now. The dad seemed like he got it. He understood the pain he had caused. The mom? She was trying, but she was still too busy making excuses. Anyway, I was surprisingly drawn into their story and wondered if any one else had seen it.
  7. I do not know if I have enough words to say how much I adore Congresswoman Waters! She did not give an inch with Jed or Paula! I just adore Auntie Maxine! She always came back in a calm, but forceful way. No equivocation. I loved how she stood up for what the Democrats are about, with no apology. And was clear on what we needed to do. This was the best time I had watching the View in ages!
  8. Xscape! They were a little rough but A) this is the first time they have sung together live in like 18 years and B) they were actually singing live. So I thought considering they were pretty good. Those harmonies. Took me back! And not for nothing but a whole generation of young people only really know Tiny as T.I.'s wife, when fact is when they first got together she was the more famous of the two. Just saying. Anyway I am here for this Xscape reunion. Speaking of singing live Tamar was most certainly not. Which is a shame because she can sing. But that blond sure was glued on tonight. New Edition. Epic. That whole tribute, with the cast and the real guys. Yes, my 40 year old self was standing right in front of my TV jamming. Leslie Jones is an acquired taste. I can take her in small doses, but 4 hours of her? Too much. And she is so loud. Soooo loud. All in all BET did ok. They can be so hit or miss.
  9. I know Niecy isn't for everyone but I really enjoyed her today. I just think she's a lot of fun. Still can't stand Jedawhatever or Paula. They were both reciting the GOP/White House talking points word for word. Just admit you voted for him and support his presidency and be done with it.
  10. Ugh this show! The one day I decide to check back in on it, they get my blood pressure up! First Whoopi. She gets on my nerves when they talk about racism etc, because she's always trying to tell other black people how they should feel and how they should handle it. If you aren't hurt when someone calls you the N word well good for you. But there are many of us who are and Sunny has a right to feel however she wants to about it. But then Sunny had to go and ruin my good feelings for her with the birth control topic. She made me so made I almost wanted to reach through TV. I hated how dismissive she was,when Jedawhatever and Sara were explaining that many women take birth control for other reasons besides birth control. I am one of those women. I have uterine fibroids (something that is very common among women of color so I'm surprised Sunny isn't more educated on that) and they have caused heavy, painful periods for years. I've passed out. I've had to have blood transfusions and iron infusions. Last year I had surgery to remove the fibroids. They will come back eventually. Next step is hysterectomy. And right now the only thing that is actually helping me are birth control pills. And the thing is this is very common. Women with endometriosis. Ovarian cysts. Irregular periods. The list goes on. And Sunny had the nerve to say "I think you might be overstating that a bit. I doubt the numbers bear that out." For someone that is usually so big on doing her homework she missed on this one. And she made me agree with Jed! Unforgivable! But the point is it shouldn't matter why I use,them. They are medicine that are prescribed by my doctor. End of story.
  11. So I wasn't reading as closely as I should have and all I saw was Rimes, and all I could think was, "Why would Shonda Rimes be on this show!" LOL! I see now it's LeAnn Rimes, which considering the state of her career and this show makes more sense. LOL! I might have to check out Wanda Friday.
  12. I pretty much gave up on this show, but I had a very selfish reason to watch today. My sorority was mentioned (Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. one of the historically black Greek letter organizations) and Whoopi gave us a shout out and everything! So yeah, I was pretty excited about that. I will now go back to my self imposed View hiatus. LOL!
  13. Wow! Congrats to Amber! And she looked beautiful to boot! I'm so excited for her!
  14. I think I would have enjoyed this episode more, if the producers hadn't spent two weeks telling my how amazing and emotional it was going to be. Because it was actually a really good episode. It was very well done and well acted but I couldn't really enjoy because I kept waiting for "something to happen " because they had told us "something was going to happen ". I'm not one that needs big twists and turns and crazy emotional moments, but when you imply there might be some, well, I'm probably going to look for them. All that being said it was a good episode. I do not like the continued sanctification of Jack at all. I thought both he and Rebecca had valid points, but somehow the show is still setting it up as Jack good, Rebecca bad. There is nothing wrong with a wife and mother admitting they need more in their lives. Maybe she didn't go about it all the best way, but her feelings are valid. I don't think Rebecca thought she was going to suddenly be big and famous. She just wanted to carve out a little something for herself that wasn't about being a wife and mother. If that meant singing in just the greater tri-state area I think that would have suited her just fine.
  15. That was the part that really jumped out at me and made me side eye. But hey, if Ryan has since "matured" good for him.
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