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Everything posted by SassyCat

  1. Jeff now sporting a handicapped hand, back at the homestead gathering wood and boiling water. I wouldn’t touch water Jeff said he prepared with a ten foot pole. I was rewatching the Stacey tapped episode that they ran tonight before the new episode and one of the medics said could be a water born illness. I know I am not the only one who thinks Jeff could have possibly tainted the water and pretended to drink from the same pot. Couldn’t have Stacey tap on anything other than a medically forced tap.
  2. Off to a great start Jeff. He and Gary cutting branches to build the community platform bed. Waz walks up and now Jeff knows that group has a head start finding the cashes. Gary: Let me use that silky saw Jeff so we can get this platform bed built quickly. Jeff: (Ignores him) Gary: Let me use that silky saw Jeff. Jeff: (Ignores him) Gary: Let me use the silky saw on this branch Jeff: (Blatantly ignoring him) Jeff: Medic!!! I just cut myself with the saw! I need stitches! Karma: Here ya go Jeff! Instantly at your service!
  3. Re: Lee. I did notice the family resemblance as soon as I saw him. Even his mannerisms. The genes are strong in that family. I think he will win if he doesn’t misplace his glasses and yes! He does need to make himself a glasses cord. He is way more able to withstand the cold, compared to Luke the head ripper-offer, burly man from the tropics. Jodi with her cabin building, I think will do well. It looks like she ends up building a micro cabin, just barely enough to fit herself and her stuff without extra leg room which will be good for keeping the heat in a smaller space. Unlike the huge mansion cabin one of the women on last season was building and wore herself out doing so. I forget her name.
  4. 🤯😳 Now thats some bad luck starting out the gate. I hope he (Cade) finds them.
  5. It is kind of satisfying to see Jeff hurry scurrying and feeling the pressure of his past (and present) attitudes and actions coming home to roost. Of all the boasting he does about his survival prowess, I am not seeing any real talent from him on that claim. The four pronged spear he made before moving to the next step of the game was the crappiest looking one out of the bunch, just like the figure 4 trap he made. Also the crappiest of the bunch. He really doesn’t put careful and mindful effort into any of the tasks needed to survive, but he sure puts a lot of thought into how he can extract personal benefits from other survivalists, and how he can undermine any efforts they are carrying out. He is always the parasitic tick in my eyes and he is so flustered and sounds a bit hysterical when he talks to the camera now that he is on his own with no real opportunities to suck from the other contestants for his own personal use. He ran his partner Stacey ragged with his quest to gain ALL the tools, while ignoring the need for food and rest that she obviously was in need of to keep up with his frenzy to dominate the objects gathered, category. Now he has to haul all that hoarded extra bulk around on his lonesome back. We are seeing a side of Dan never seen before too. Waz is getting aggravated with him after seeing him eat the majority of the honey that Gary so bravely risked his own hide for, and helping himself to the very best filet mignon of the “bee bread” which held the most nutrients that really was Garys deserved portion that he so generously shared with the rest of them. That was really an overstepping self entitlement I was surprised to see coming from Dan. He just lost big points in the eyes of the other guys with that greedy act. I am happy Gary did not share it with Jeff though. That really stung Jeff, heeheehee 🐝. I like that he is finally,, after so many seasons, feeling the repayment of his constant withholding from others coming back to bite him in the butt. Jeff talks a good spiel about his ability to screw with the minds of the others to gain an upper hand, but all I can see is, it is Jeff that seems to be affected the most from inner mental turmoil at being the outcast amongst the bunch. All alone with crappy survival talent, unable to suck energy out of the others. I love that Matt figured out a way to catch frogs galore without getting his hurt hand in the dirty water, and laughed when Jeff held up those tiny crabs he caught as his only nourishment while the others were filled with the richness of honey and a frog feast festival. I didn’t like the way the 2 girls Sarah and Cheeny lacked enthusiasm when Gary showed up on their side of the fork in the trail. Gary has been playing this season very well I think, strategy wise, and has provided the others with that dangerously procured honey and climbing so high into that plum tree that none of the others would dare take a chance at. That cold shoulder attitude they gave him will not work out to their favor and will likely cost them “food in their bellies” that Gary has all along generously shared with the rest of them. I like how he is playing this game and I think he is playing it smartly. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he won the $$ 💰 in the end.
  6. Well, it looks like it’s really going to happen! A senior season of The Bachelor called “The Golden Bachelor”. https://hollywoodlife.com/feature/the-golden-bachelor-5101173/
  7. Thank you for that clarification. The father Michael deserves recognition.
  8. That is a mighty ugly dress and it does look like its been pulled out of a garage storage bin. It looks like she slid her bottom half into the dress and left her top part out of it. Such a strange choice. Her fingertips have what looks like clear thimbles that have been painted. Everything about what she is wearing is plain insane looking. She also looks extra thin, and has lost weight probably due to the stress and anxiety from losing her regular income from Bravo and having nothing to fall back on but a horrible reputation and no one wanting to hire her for any job lasting for more than a day or so.
  9. So the new season is taping and I guess we are all supposed to be so thrilled and anticipatory for a Lisa Rinna-free RHOBH. Andy thinks he has fixed it so that the fans don’t turn their backs and walk away now, because he got rid of her. I noticed he sure took a long time waiting for the forums and fanbase everywhere to just calm down and forget about her slime ball antics … he hoped. I do not think he planned on firing her and said just wait it out, we will take a hiatus (or just say we are) because of all the negative backlash towards Lisas drama of the past season(s). Just waiting for the negative talk about Lisa to become whispers of the past. Then it didn’t happen that way. Everyone still loathes her and does not hesitate to say so or forget to recall her ugly actions which still are on the tip of everyones brain, tongue and typing fingertips. He finally knew it wasn’t going to blow over with the fan base. I loathe that he did not immediately fire her, and tried to pull this hold out and wait crap on all of us, thinking he could let her slip right back in there and bring another season of outlandish behavior. Which he just adores. He finally started caring about what we thought, when it truly looked like it was going to affect him and his precious series, great losses of fans which equals $$ and his bottom line. He doesn’t want the insanity to stop. He was hoping we would just calm the heck down and take another season of her, with a no loss to his preferred sick sense of entertainment, grain of salt. This shows me he still wants to pass this off as entertainment to we the watchers, but knew he wasn’t going to get away with it anymore.. with his special lunatic still in the fray. I still can’t stand nor do I want to see Kyle and her sandpaper abrasive voice accenting her vile pot stirring smirks. He’s keeping the Erica too. Maybe some real juicy nasty drama can be still gotten with all her legal troubles and her bully tendencies. I can deal with Dorit and Crystal and I actually like Garcelle and Sutton. Not enough to keep up with this show though. Vile victim Kyle really turns me off and Ericas puss and attitude disgusts me. I’ve basically been cured of the desire to watch this crew. All due to Andys secret desire to keep Lisa and trying to bide his, but more-so our time, to do so. He still thought he can keep dishing the entertainment he wants to offer, at its lowest value. He finally did the very least he could do to try and save this show by getting rid of Lisa, and he sure dragged his feet till the bitter end, to do so. I am glad Garcelle did not leave after all the abuse she gets from this production. They didn’t run her off like they tried and I just want her to collect the cash from this job so she can put it towards the beach house she’s remodeling. She deserves that out of all she has been put through. Sutton… I don’t get why she is still wanting to do this show. She doesn’t need the money and has certainly put up with way more abuse than I would ever let pass, by coworkers towards me. So , I really don’t get it with her. Dorit pfft. A grey non subject. I guess she does it for the money and clothes. Crystal? Again, I do not know why she would want to continue being on with this group of women. Rob hasn’t worked on any giant Lion King-like hits lately, so maybe a little financial padding is her reasoning. All I know is each day that Andy did not announce that Lisa Lips was fired, was another day of lost interest in the series, for me. I saw the manipulation he was trying to pull on the audience once again and he wanted it to go on forever.
  10. Thank you for clearing up what was not clear, Realityplease. Well, at least to me, lol. Yeah, good point about Kathleen Sharp claiming to be onto Girardi since the 80’s, just popping up now. I felt so bad for that very poor family the Jone’s waiting to receive their lousy $6000 after all the so called fees. Yep, Girardi… A real champion for the little guy.
  11. I was reading elsewhere that Lisa was auditioning for a new spot in the Starburst’s candies “I’m a little Lad who Loves Berries and Cream” commercials.
  12. Great recap Realityplease! Heres what I garnered: TG (Tom Girardi) who is an expert in marketing himself, claims to be a Champion of the Little Guy. Erica says his biggest loss is his “Soul identity as a great lawyer” . The Erin Brockovich 333million dollar settlement scores Girardis firm alone, 133 million. Girardi boasts his (unmentioned) character in the movie, is the character Kirk Potter. Then it brings up the Brian Stowe case won by him in the Dodgers baseball case where that guy was beat up and ended up in a wheel chair. TG leads a big showy lifestyle and constantly entertains politicians and lawyers in his LA mansion, before he meets Erica, a cocktail waitress and then they marry in 2000, where he “takes a nobody and makes her a star.” Kathleen Sharp an author and investigative reporter whos been investigating Girardi since the 80’s, calls them “two peas in a pod.” A PG&E gas leak in 2010 explodes a neighborhood, seriously burning Joe Ruigomez, also killing his girlfriend. A family friend finds and recommends Girardi after seeing how good he did with the Brockovich case. He wins them a multi million dollar settlement but is not forthcoming with details, or paperwork, and treats sister Jamie like she is ungrateful for all he has done when asked for these required by law details… like how much they actually won. Jamie feels he is a real phony and gets a bad feeling about him, along with friend (who directed them to Tom) who agrees. She wonders how he can afford 2 jets, (or planes), a fleet of cars, the mansion, and parties.. the highlife his net worth does not add up to. He gives them a small fraction of the money and eventually tells them they will be receiving lump sums about every 5 yrs and cash annuities every month. He is constantly late with payments and still evades giving them information and the paperwork on how much they actually won, no itemized fees, and then the payments stop coming. Another family, the Jone’s in Kansas use him to sue Johnson & Johnson over the drug Risperdal. The son Matt, has enlarged breast growth from using it and then is diagnosed with cancer (not related?). After Years of waiting for the money to get surgery to remove the breast tissue and other medical bills, the son Matt dies. They live in a trailer and were hoping to get $ for this surgery and to make home improvements. Girardi wins them a whopping 12 thousand dollars (he said) and evades giving them paperwork, and itemized bill. They then get informed that the fees are 40% and other fees for postage, copies and filing fees cost $3,500. They are supposed to get $6000, that they never see to this day. Attorney Edelson is called to work with the firm on the Lyon Air crash in Indonesia for a dozen families, and meets Girardi in a restaurant in Chicago, where he spends the whole day, like a mob boss, conducting his business from there. Edlson agrees to co sit on the case. It was going to be a 50/50 split of the fee from the winnings, but Edelson has yet to see a dime. Erica spends 14 million in credit card charges and boasts of 40k a month glam squad costs. Girardi is regularly transferring settlement money into his own accounts and not placing it in in Specific Trust accounts as required by law as found by Joe Ruigomez and family by their own research into his shady past dealings. Girardi took all comingling clients funds places them into his own account and instead of arbitration he pays 100’s of millions to judges, wines and dines them escaping scrutiny for 200million owed to people from as far back as the 80’s, He pays off old debts with new money keeps stalling and lets the statute of limitations run out. No one knows who these judges really are who should have disbarred him. The Barr association instead, inducts him into the Trial Lawyers Hall of Fame. In 2019 Girardi takes another 10 million from the PG&E Brockovich case while the victims still are waiting for their money, and only have received about half of it so far. Girardi has 37 cases against him which he never shows up to court for. Joe Ruigomez files a lawsuit against Girardi … Judge Durkin oversees this and the shit finally hits the fan. Erica is served papers for all her financial records. Other attorneys, judges and associates involved are unknown and its hard to figure out who helped him. Erica is said to have hidden 20 million and is a front woman in her EJGlobal company. Tom supposedly had 50-80 million dollars cash and 50 million in stock portfolio but its all gone now. The LA mansion sells for 8 million and its contents go for less than one half million. Lyon Air victims wait for their 200 million which is all gone. Girardi is 100 million in debt and has 700million in lawsuit claims against him. Girardi is charged with a criminal indictment on Feb 1st 2023 and pleads Not Guilty. Thats it in a nutshell. They didn’t get too much into the Lyon Air facts and only showed 2 of the Victim families. The Ruigomez and Jones families.
  13. I have Sling, which i have found is really good at keeping and storing shows to look up in the on demand section. I do think it is there, tho I recorded it and watched it from that. Tom is a real piece of work and made his clients feel like they were strong armed and bullied into doing what he suggested and made to wait and wait for any monies due them, while he trickled them dribs and drabs to keep them shut up. I am going to watch it again and take some notes and will report back for ya 😉. I was kind of distracted when I watched it last night. Still, I was disgusted with what I saw. So many were involved in this cover up of his doings and the 20 million he put into Ericas business, I cannot think at all that she was unaware of what was going on. I think its like 180 million he has swindled out of everyone and has claims it is all gone now.
  14. She must have gone into her garage and dug into the tote marked “The 70’s”. That looks ghastly.
  15. Watched it. Was disgusted. What else should be expected from “Andy’s picks”. He sure knows how to pick’em.
  16. I haven’t been watching this season of Bachelor. I do stop by the forum to read the posts to get the gist of what has been going on. Especially for Rainsongs recaps which are always more entertaining than the show itself. I just can’t find the thrill in it all anymore with these bachelors of not-so-handsomeness, while they are delivered a bevy of beauties. At least the outer appearance of most of them is. Why cant they come up with ONE single drop dead gorgeous man ever? I could at least then, believe the bevy is truly interested and falling over themselves for time with the main man. Zach is ok looking. But a TeeVee show centered around men handed a platter of hand picked gorgeous young ladies has become a bit nauseating to see play out. Especially when the common looking lead starts becoming demanding of perfection in others while slipping deeper into over entitlement for his precious self. That’s about all I can say, other than I wouldn’t give him a second look if he was standing in a group of other men. I think about the recent past bachelors without naming names, the only recent one that could reasonably called good looking or handsome was Matt. Though personality wise, he was dull. I just can’t see watching season after season of all this time, money, travel destinations and grandiosity focused around such mediocre offerings for the many beautiful women to cat fight over. Ho hum. 🥱 Is there not even ONE Brad Pittish ruggedly handsome male with charisma out there to play the part? Not even ONE after all these years? Faces are kind of important in the spark department. That is one factor that is obvious the one who picks all the ladies seem to agree on. Too much emphasis is being placed on the male bodies in the shower with the water and soap suds dripping down hardened abs. I can’t get past the thought that it is a promiscuous gay man who picks all these male leads thinking they are “hot” because they all look like they’ve just walked out of the gym and are ready for some physical action. After their showers. Give me a slightly chubby guy who looks comfortable to hug, with a face, smile, eyes and personality to die for over any of these hard bodies anyday. Bald or unstyled hair not coifed to helmet perfection. Jutting lower jaws and perma flare nostrils all wearing the same haircut has bored me to the point that I do not care about “the journey” or who ends up “winning” the lame prize anymore.
  17. Bethenny is nuts. Bryn looks just like her father Jason. That is a good thing.
  18. I hope not! I did see a picture of Emily and her new baby girl. An Absolutely Adorable child. Now that shes got Jane there to help with the dredge, hopefully her Eroica can carry on into a next season too, and all the rest of them, tho it looks like someone sinks this week. The Kellys? Yes, the two hour shows are a surprise this season.
  19. What is wrong with my eyes!? By golly you are right and I do not know why I was thinking it was Cynthia I saw in the cast.
  20. This looks like a very interesting line up. Looking forward to seeing Camille. Wondering if they are brining back Vicki because she was so caught off guard by her boyfriend breaking up with her like a coward as she left for the girls trip. She was not herself as Dorinda so cruelly pointed out. Brandi should be put back on the back shelf. Her crass crudeness is NOT entertaining. Maybe Cynthia will lighten up and enjoy the girls from the get go out of necessity because she wont have Kenya to cling to and insist they be a team of two against the rest of them, or if she will try to elect Eva as her new us against them, duo partner. Looking forward to seeing Alex and how she will interact with the ladies after all this time out in the wild and not having to deal with their pettiness. I wonder if Caroline Manzo will loosen up and try to appear as if she doesn’t think shes the mob queen, above it all. Its quite a line up of black sheep, and will be fun to watch.
  21. 🗣 🎵Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life 🎶 at last I’ve found thee...🎶🎵
  22. Oh boy, I wonder who was the one who is thought to be the first physical aggressor in the fight between Shawn and Andy. Looks like Andy came right up on Shawns body with his. That was wrong of Andy to keep trying to make Shawn fall smashing into the boat. Now I wonder if Shawns bad back is going to have added damage to it from that falling into the skiff. I really don’t like that this has happened. Who is in the right? Is that Shawns bought and paid for area in the Tom Codd claim? I knew that Chris is a tick that hangs on the ass tail of other miners, picking up their missed crumbs last season.... but he asked if it would be ok last season, and got permission. He seems to be losing it because of his extra mouths to feed. I didn’t like him siccing Andy back on Shawn either. I hope Shawn is ok.
  23. Oh boy, I wonder who was the one who is thought to be the first physical aggressor in the fight between Shawn and Andy. Looks like Andy came right up on Shawns body with his. That was wrong of Andy to keep trying to make Shawn fall smashing into the boat. Now I wonder if Shawns bad back is going to have added damage to it from that falling into the skiff. I really don’t like that this has happened. Who is in the right? Is that Shawns bought and paid for area in the Tom Codd claim? I knew that Chris is a tick that hangs on the ass tail of other miners, picking up their missed crumbs last season.... but he asked if it would be ok last season, and got permission. He seems to be losing it because of his extra mouths to feed. I didn’t like him siccing Andy back on Shawn either. I hope Shawn is ok Edited to add: Whoops! Posted this in the wrong forum. I should have posted in Bering Sea Gold
  24. Thank You ZettaK! I wish you Happy Holidays also and a very Happy New Year! 🎉 I wish everyone on this board a wonderful New Year filled with Abundance of Joy and Good Health! 😺
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