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Everything posted by holly4755

  1. that was dead wood, I think she was looking for live trees. It would probably be a better ant larva food source. I have an old rotting stump in my back yard, I put a planter on it until it no longer supported it. I attacked it with a hammer to get it down to the ground. I think Nicole was looking f or building trees.
  2. as bad as it was for Carleigh, we know something worse is going to happen, they keep showing that stretcher. really enjoyed that nature lesson by Nicole, hope it does not snow too soon. seems a bit early to eat ant larva
  3. I was listening for rules and environment. no snaring deer, only bow hunting. bears over 1000 pounds and aggressive, wolves 5 feet long and 175 pounds. no puppy that.
  4. I hope Lacey's kids are boys, kind of, because it would be hell being her daughter. She says she does not like women that is a tell tale of a person with social problems, I have worked with people like her, they do not do well in business, as far as alphas, I like to think that everyone is alpha in something. I was appointed a manager by my angry boss my first year in business, he wanted to punish the group so he appointed me, barely a coder to lead them, it crashed and burned. When I became a manager later in life (even though I fought against the promotion tooth and nail) it was easier, I was respectful to my staff, gave credit when someone deserved it and ended up with the best group, very loyal and we did miracles. So even though I did not want to lead this group, they chose to follow me.
  5. if winter is coming soon and there are limits to hunting, I expect it can become a starvation game again.
  6. I think this person was referring to things they get in addition to their 10 items, like a large tarp to make their yurt
  7. she is an idiot living alone in her own boma. good one, wonder if the camera crew will allow her to do it? they do have sharp shooters and stuff out there towatch them if they separate at night , she puts them at danger as well.
  8. the art of the edit, she said she had plenty of food but jsut really missed her kids. I think they edited it that way because she released that fish. The oddest edits are always about food. But indeed Dave had a lot of food that he was not eating. fish is not going to do it this time with the rivers frozen over. I expect cleaning and cooking pit vipers will be important if they keep finding their ways into yurts. the frog that one guy caught was HUGE. I guess they get to ask about cooking that stuff in camp. It seems like they want a short season this time, the winters sound brutal and unsurvivable. They will really have to stock up on food and insulate their cabins and have a ton of wood, 30 below is pretty bad, the advantage is that Brooke is from Alaska I think? and used to cold, maybe? I wonder if the hunting rules are more lax in Mongolia? I think snow leopards are protected there are less than 7K in the world. something bad happens with that emergency evac they keep showing.
  9. I am not sure lacey was trying to turn people against Shane. Shane is not a social animal, as can be seen when he totally ignores all the new people so he can fully yell at Lacey. usually you can say hello and then go back to yelling. I thought he was trying to warn, not get blamed for bringing him tothe group.
  10. I was just so glad for Stuart to be able to show off his trivia expertise. in character, but so rare a success.
  11. selfish is a bad guy. gaslighting is a bad thing. it is abusive.
  12. I thought it was a mix of new and returnee. I can't remember where I got that impression, but it was from a long time ago. the preview is on youtube.
  13. probably alone alone because it looks like the previous contestants the competed alone before.
  14. OH I minded Jlo, but the class of a person who puts their hands in their pits and then smells them on TV? pure class. are they looking for the 4th grade demographic now
  15. it is really simpler,Ryan is a boy who always wants to live with his mom, have her do his laundry and cook for him and also he wants sex. ew sex with mom.
  16. I am one that doesn't believe what she sees, but I try and interpolate and figure out what they are not showing. it is a challenge, but I am not going to hate anyone based on what they show. Rarely there are victims on this show, No one should end up like season 2 where you have to fear for your life and get a restraining order.
  17. I have heard many women question themselves, saying they should not have said something to set a guy off, one of my odd friends sad that about her sons bouts of anger, thankfully he has grown and changed and gotten off of drugs. But she was afraid of him when he was 11 and aI would say, what are you going to do when he is 16? I used to be a member of Al Anon and met many woman who though that about binges. I shouldn't have said this.... and I have seen mothers council their daughters to not say anything that would set him off. people do ask abused women what they did to cause it. it happens. when I said the clip could have been boring, I kind of also meant not fitted with their TV story or did not add to it. . For a show that repeats the same clips over and over, you would think anything to fill up time is good, but apparently not. example Moly. Molly Molly!!! Hey MOLLY!!! Talk to me!!! Molly????? and so on.
  18. I was wondering where it was nothing on TV, so I did my taxes.
  19. I kind of thought a quilting bee was a good idea, Didn't Amy say she wanted a little house on the prairie wedding> this would fit in with that.
  20. ok, made me look. according to one source theashleysrealityroundup on season 2 they make 1500 per episode, and with 18 episodes as there was last year that would be 27K. but they also get an apartment and expenses and a vacation. that was season 2 but then there is this one there was this article How much are the Married at First Sight contestants paid?
  21. I wish people would not refer to Ryan as an alcoholic. I was married to an alcoholic, and it was not easy to hide. he was a periodic and could go for a month or so, but not much longer without getting falling down drunk and nasty. I had a friend who was an alcoholic, he , unlike my ex, was a pleasant drunk, so no one cared so much that he was drunk most of the time because he would sing softly and flatter everyone and generally be pleasant to be around but we watched his life fall apart anyway, and that showed the disaster that is alcoholism. There are a lot of different types of drunk, but most could not be on a show like this without more of it showing. I see him as a guy with issues, he is trying to "be a man" in some fake stereotypical way, hanging out with his friends as guy stuff, working hard to be the man who brings home the bacon, controlling HIS woman (note: like property) because that is what strong men do in movies and their women like it (this is apparently some kind of crazy male fantasy for some guys not most,). a lot of people have beliefs of what marriage is, and without really being committed or understanding the person, they get to play it out on TV. I have been related to some men like that my Ex thought that way for about 5 minutes until his friends laughed at him for saying stupid things, not to mention I would not tolerate that kind of behavior. I have seen it with guys I worked with, I have seen it with cousins and in laws. no one is happy in those marriages. Jephete, why would he do this show, he is not ready? Debt. student debt, personal debt? some people are buried in debt and getting 50 K for 6 weeks work seems like a godsend. Yes they will do ridiculous things like getting married when they divorce will be paid for. They don't come in like this is really going to work. I can see where he would not believe this is really a marriage, but a TV show and not want to sleep with a stranger on TV show, but want to wait out the 6 weeks and get paid. Just my opinion, but I don't think he is so unprepared, as much as uncommitted because I don't think he really believed this would work. As long as they pay people, this is what they would get, but if they didn't pay people, what kind of real life losers would they get. As it is, he seems to be getting more into it, than I would have thought. I think both Jon and Molly are in it for money or fame not for romance, I think a lot of bad matches can happen,but what I don't understand is not being decent to your partner, even if you find them repulsive and there are a ton of reasons you can feel that way some emotional and some logical. BYes, there is pretend for the cameras, but don't be unneccessarily nasty or rude. I would hope they could be honest off camera,
  22. 99% of what people record is boring. I know this from watching far too many video's pf people/s children. This is a TV show, not a court of law, they just ct to the chase because no one is going to sit and listen to a video of a conversation about weather or what are you going to drink or what is the best character at disneyworld,
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