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Everything posted by BK1978

  1. Wait she's not doing a Deep Thoughts with Jack Handey sort of deal? That is one of the main reason why I hate Instagram so much, you have people posting that sort of shit wanting you to think they are deep thinkers and all I can think of is, "That's Deep Thoughts with Jack Handey." Besides the train bit I never knew any of this about Becky. I can fully understand why you and Steve disliked her. She's a damn female hipster. One of my old jobs was driving cars from dealership to dealership (They were all owned by the same family) and I worked with a hipster and I swear I wanted to strangle the dude. He would go on and on about pot, IPA beer, the vegan lifestyle, how great electronic music was. I could never get a word in edgewise. Whenever he drove he would blast electronic/techno music (I don't know the difference) and I felt like I was going to go insane. Shit I am having flashbacks just thinking about it. My ex co-worker would probably have been perfect for Becky. I watch a lot of YouTube and I notice a lot of younger people doing this and it drives me insane in the membrane. Where did it start? What does it mean? Is it a Drag Race thing? I am serious about this, I want to finally know where that annoying mouth-popping thing came from. I was of the same opinion of Jesse (Or however you spell his name) and I would not want to see him play the actual game again. But him being a punishment is hilarious and I have to say I did enjoy him as a professional wrestler. His character was that of a self-absorbed jackass, not much of a stretch I guess. There is an old saying in wrestling, the best gimmicks are ones that are not far from reality.
  2. I truly forget that he is there, until all of this talk about him over the past day or whatever. As I said Lamb reminds me that he there every morning with their post and then I completely forget he's there until he opens his mouth and says something stupid. He is like the Silence on Dr. Who, you only notice he is there when you see him and then you completely forget about him once you don't see him.
  3. Sadly if he did do that he would probably just end up putting her against David or Kevin. Despite winning two HOH's it seems like Memphis is really a non-entity in this game. Which is an odd thing to say because he has won two HOH's. I often forget he is there. Honestly, if it was not for @Lamb18 coming up with inventive names for him, I would not even know he was on this season.
  4. I understand why it is used, he always says, "Just call me Frank or black and we're good." That is always his go to line when anyone says anything like that to him. I guess my point being is, he finds it offensive because he views it as nothing more than a politically correct term for white liberals to use to feel good about themselves for not saying colored people, while he does not see the difference between the two words. Whereas you do not find the term offensive at all. That is why I stay away from the term all together because I never know who may or may not find it offensive. It is like the term Latinx, I started seeing it pop up in media that has a liberal bent to it a few years ago and I had no clue what it meant. I remember asking another friend of mine who is from Guatemala, if he knew he was Latinx and he laughed and said he did not even know what that meant. I told him and he rolled his eyes and laughed. Just to be clear, I am not trying to make fun of liberals here as I am a center leaning lefty myself. I just always wonder if these terms that start out in academia with good intentions really mean much to the communities that they are supposed to be used for. Or if a lot of the members of the communities are like, "What the hell does that mean?" or "That term does not represent me." Anyway, back on topic it sucks that Memphis won HOH. I really wanted to see something, anything that could mess this game up just a little bit. I always find the best seasons are the ones where there is a back and fourth between two opposing groups. Or even when there is many opposing groups going against each other (Though I do not think that has ever happened on the American version, but I do think it has happened on the Canadian version unless I am misremembering).
  5. I will probably get hell for this but, my friend who is black (That does need to be said for the context of what I am about to post) gets offended by the term People of Color. He always says to me, "Why do white liberals think calling me a POC is any different than calling me colored? Just because they add two words in front of it does not make it less offensive to me." That is his view on the term POC, that is why I never use that term and I do cringe when I see it. I mean most people seem to be okay tossing it around but due to my friend's view on it, I am not a fan of the term. My guess would be either Cowboy or Jenn City.
  6. Doing a quick look on Wikipedia, it would seem that this is his second time on the block where he was up for elimination. He was on the block twice during his first season but he won veto once to take himself down. The other time was at final four versus Shane. Edited to add: It was final four not final five like I had previously mentioned. I needed to point this out because the great Jenn City was eliminated at final five and any chance I get to mention Jenn City, I must do so.
  7. It makes sense when you look at her relationship with her father or lack there of. She did not get that loving fatherly attention from her father growing up, so maybe now she seeks it from other guys. In a non-sexual way. I wonder if part of it is him wanting to be considered "cool". Some, it might I have been you because you usually provide excellent information, said that he was bullied a lot when he was younger (Or at least I thought I read that). So it makes sense that he would want to feel like he fits in with the cool kids. You are not the only one. I was questioning it as well and I think my first post, or one of my first posts, was asking if he was or was not on the spectrum. The fans of the show look for things to be offended by.
  8. You may be thinking of Alicia Rosa from Survivor. I remember she said something along those lines about Christina during One World. Alicia was a Special Ed teacher, which made her comments even more shocking. Adam from BB9 also worked with youths who had special needs and he made some comment about the retards getting a haircut. I cannot remember the exact quote but it was something along those lines. Edited to add what I came on here to say: I was watching Danielle and Jason's Secret Alliance YouTube show and I have to say I enjoy it. But one thing I noticed is Jason's has a very pronounced newscaster voice. Now I know he does that for a living but I do not recall his voice sounding that much like a newscaster back when he played the game.
  9. This sort of has something to do with this episode. I forgot that it came back last week so I missed it on Wednesday. I thought they would put it on the CW OnDemand but nope. So I tired to watch it off the CW website and it kept on buffering every five seconds, so I rage quit watching this episode. It sucks because you really do need to see this show on a week-to-week basis to understand what is happening. Now I am going into tomorrow nights episode blind.
  10. Why would Cody of all people be bitching over the Veto being played? It cuts off options for Nicole F. and makes her need to work with him even more now.
  11. You don't find the feeds to be boring? The one season I had the feeds was Enzo's first season and I was bored to tears watching it. I would much rather read spoiler updates on here than watch the actual feeds.
  12. Taking this off-topic again, I was a Celtics fan (I don't know if I can call myself a fan nowadays because, I stopped watching pretty much around the time LeBron did his whole press conference to Miami thing. That shit irked me and the NBA in general started going down in quality around that time so I stopped watching on a regular basis) and I went to an event that the Celtics were having in his honor about twenty year ago or so. It was not a retirement of his number or anything like that because his number had long been retired. It might have just been an appreciation night for him, but he was talking about that. Like you said he discussed the stuff that happened to him. This event happened right before Wilt Chamberlain died because he was there and I think he passed away like a month or so later. But yeah Bill is awesome. I do think that it has to do with the fanbase in general though. Boston fans tend to be assholes even to their star players. Hell they booed Ted Williams (Who is right up there with Willie Mays and Babe Ruth for the best player ever. Granted as a Yankees fan I am always going to say Ruth is the best.), so that tells you the type of fans you're dealing with.
  13. Yeah I remember reading an SI article years ago about when Hank Aaron was approaching Babe Ruth's home run record. Some of the things that were sent to him were terrible (Though that really is not the right word because they were beyond terrible). That is why if you ever see clips of when he did break the record and the two hippy kids run up behind him, he sort of pushes them out of the way because he was legit scared that someone might do something to him. Honestly I am shocked that Ian would not have Dan ranked as the best winner, unless Ian thinks he himself is the best winner. The reason why I say that is what Ric Flair always says, "To be the man, you've got to beat the man." So if Dan is the man in this case and Ian beat him, then that logic would dictate that Ian would be the man. I read a few years ago, and I am obviously not a doctor so I am just going by what I read, that the modern teenager suffers from more anxiety than the average 1950's mental patient (The words of the article not mine). That is astounding to me because when you think about the generation they are talking about, that generation went through a Great Depression, WW II, and the Korean War. The kids these days have not had to endure anything that even approaches what that generation has gone through, yet they are more mentally unstable. Now I wonder how such a thing is measured, I am not sure how you can measure one's anxiety level for scientific purposes. Also, to make my game at least a little on topic. I hope Day uses the Veto, she has to understand that if the game is going to be shaken up that might be the best way to do it.
  14. This made me laugh more than it should have. But this sentence is hilarious.
  15. You know what the dream alliance would be? David and Cowboy. Now that would be the ultimate alliance. If there is a Legend's season make it happen.
  16. My thoughts exactly. Why Bayleigh sought Christmas' approval is beyond me. Maybe it was just her not trying to show anger, but I would say fuck it pull a Kaysar and blowup their game. Might as well.
  17. LeBron, David. Really? I think you have to find a better idol than mister LeBron, "I stand up against all forms of oppression unless we're talking about China. Because then that directly impacts my money and we cannot have that, so let's not get vocal about that and upset my Chinese overlords", James.
  18. People always seem to get mad when I bring this up in real life. But I don't even eat eggs at all, never mind eggs with pb on/in them. I eat with eggs mixed in like cake or pancakes. But yeah I will not willingly touch eggs at all they are so gross to me. I always assumed the same as well. I might not be a fan of Cody, but he does come across as far more mature than his brother.
  19. Honestly I think Will and Dan are A1 and A2. I like them both and I was highly annoyed when Ian won that second time. My thing with Will was he was an asshole to a lot of the players and he still won, while Dan was mostly nice even if he will always be a Judas in Jerry's eyes.
  20. Someone else already said this in this thread, but I hate when people say, "That's my truth." What does that even mean? The truth is the truth, there is no your truth or my truth. As Joe Friday used to say, "Just the facts."
  21. I wish Shambo would want to come back, she would be my dream get if I could have any former cast member return. Honestly I liked Dave Ball on the season as well, but I don't think he was memorable enough or as much of a character that he would ever get asked back to return.
  22. I have given up posting this every season.😆 Granted I still want to see it happen because as I have said before Leroy is the one person who just seems likable and nice. Out of the guys he would be the one I would want to hang out with and be friends with.
  23. Bringing up Paulie in my last post, does Cody ever talk about him on the feeds?
  24. I was honestly shocked when I saw that she was going to be on this season. I mean they knew she had anger management issues (to say the least) from her first season and also her trying to run someone over. Why take the risk and put her on? Hell the Challenge of all shows didn't put Paulie on the last season because he did not pass the psych evaluation, or that was the rumor. Does that mean The Challenge has more stringent rules than Big Brother?
  25. What were they saying? I mean there is so much material to use I am just interested it what they were saying.
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