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Everything posted by Negritude

  1. Thank you for sharing this. And to your point about how Africans are treated in Italy (and across Europe) vs American Blacks, SOME Black folks are so thirsty for positive attention from white people, they're willing to gloss right on over that. I'll be shocked if that is ever discussed in the show. I'll probably half watch in passing, but the whole point of it is problematic for me and I can tell that the real issues behind why they even feel the need to go all the way there to feel "appreciated" won't be explored in an intelligent, nuanced way. I'll be over at RHOA where everybody was dipping out with an African "prince" and Shamea even snagged one and got married in the motherland lol. Now THAT would be an interesting show, American sisters travelling to an African country to find Black men who appreciate Black women.
  2. I'm digging it. I like seeing child performers do their thing. They're all adorable. Reminds me of my triumph playing a wayward elf who steals Santa's magic and ruins Christmas in a community production when I was 11 (I even got a standing ovation LOL). I saw a lot of hate on Twitter and some of the early reviews aren't so good but I think it's really well executed and impressive. Does it need to be 3 hours long? Probably not.
  3. Liked this overall but the dubbed English took me out of it a little. I'm probably in the minority but I'd rather hear the original language and read the subtitles. Did anyone else wonder about child and adult Mikkel/Michael being alive in the same community at the same time? I was expecting to see flashbacks of Michael creepily staring at little Mikkel.Furthermore it would be interesting to see Michael realize that his son is the friend of his older brother who was with him when he disappeared. Hopefully adult Michael's storyline will be explored more in season 2.
  4. Well that class clown was...a sketch. Damn. The audience couldn't even muster up some polite pity laughs. Do NOT bring that back. Poor new guy. Now if he did a digital short recalling the awfulness of that sketch or maybe did a bit about it on Update that would be funny.
  5. Yes my comment was directed at Kate being that she was the focus of this episode. I can't stand the way she treats Rebecca, in all three iterations of the character. She should try having my mama lol, and I'm good to her because she could've been a whole lot worse. She was daydreaming about the child she lost and I couldn't help but think yeah babies are cute but what about when they get older and mouthy and surly towards you and you can barely communicate with them because you weren't 100% a perfect parent. Give Rebecca a break damn lol. Which she kinda did at the end of the ep but how long before she goes right back to shutting her out.
  6. I see a few folks wanting to see Randall and Beth foster a non Black child and I guess I get the sentiment but...I love love love seeing an upper middle class Black family fostering a Black child. We see alot of the reverse in media, fiction and non fiction to the point where if you didn't know better (and some don't), you'd think Black folks are just out there abandoning their kids willy nilly for good white folks to raise. My mother is a social worker for a Black owned foster and adoption agency and the majority of their kids and foster parents are in fact Black, but that's not the heart-warming story that gets told to the public. Not to mention folks in the family who have adopted and all the Black aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents raising kids that aren't their own. I, for one, would be a little disapppinted if they went in another direction just to be cute and show the inversion of Randall's adoption story.
  7. I'm always baffled by people who want desire children whilst treating their own parents like sh*t...and I'm talking good, decent, non-abusive parents like Jack and Rebecca. Meanwhile Deja's saving her allowance to put on her mama's commisary smh.
  8. Big chop, Cheerleading is not drill team... come on show! These are probably some of the most well written, authentic sounding Black characters ever on celluloid #blackwritersmatter lol
  9. The only thing that comes to mind is Oz and his Twisty the clown comics and dream/imaginaging sequence of Twisty killing a couple and showing up in Oz's room if I remember correctly, at the beginning of the season.
  10. Pretty sure TS has hosted before...which would make it even more strange she didn't cameo like Miley Cyrus did last week. Maybe she didn't want to. "I really liked Tiffany and thought she was a lot of fun, but it seemed like they had trouble trying to figure out what to do with her. Besides the monologue she was in one live sketch before Update. One." Pretty much. Not to mention that Democrat ad seemed like a cut sketch from when Larry David hosted.
  11. I really liked this. Kinda deflated to see so many here didn't :) Anybody else tear up a little when Sheldon said he didn't believe in God but he believed in mom and the head on her shoulder in church awwww...no, just me then? I also have a pet peeve about bad Southern accents by actors in shows/films set in the South so I appreciated the competent accents displayed and the kid playing the older brother is obviously an actual Southener. Didn't know the actress playing the mother is Laurie Metcalfe's daughter. Nepotism done right lol.
  12. You think you're a fighter...I still got a 4S bwahahahahaha. Bring Angel back! I love when they break and that definitely saved a lackluster sketch. I might be one of the few Good Neighbor fans on this board lol but that sitcom sketch had me howling.
  13. Just binged both seasons. Liked seeing the married leaders of the community and Dean McDermott back from season 1, AHS style. (At least I think that was the same woman walking with her wife when their dog discovers the dead body in the field). I was really scratching my head about why they hated Talvinder enough to kill her until the last couple of episodes when its fleshed out more, how she comes to die that is. But still it was a bit much. They probably could've gotten away with a few years time and probation had they stopped. Re Susan and Talvinder: That really went nowhere. I thought she hated her because they had a thang goin' on lol. And furthermore if I was Susan, I would've sang like a canary and ratted 'em all out.
  14. This though. I like the directors and producers that work with a lot of the same actors over and over. I get a kick out of seeing which one of them will pop up in which project. Spike Lee used to do that a lot. EP was in the X-Men movies so there's that, but creatively and artistically, he's hit the jackpot with AHS because he was playing pretty generic teen roles prior to this. At least those were the only roles I saw him in.
  15. Emmy nom for Evan Peters...hell yeah. I thought he was a lock for the "Hotel" season as Mr. March. Kid's killin' it. Speaking of Frances Conroy, while I love me some Sarah Paulson, I'm kinda burnt out on her in this show. I think she could benefit from a season or two off or just in cameo. She was there in smaller doses in "Hotel" and it worked (for me lol). As much as I would like to see Frances Conroy in a lead role, maybe her appeal for me on AHS is that she does just pop in here and there. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe she's been in every season along with Evan Peters and Sarah Paulson. That reminds me, where is Denis O'Hare?! Really digging the last few episodes, the first few had me checked out and just catching up on DVR when I thought about it, but this last one I actually watched the first-run broadcast. Jamie Brewer...yay!
  16. SuburbanHangSuite...you're a Maxwell fan I take it ? I don't think I've ever seen so many red posts on this board or even on our dearly departed TwoP. One even had 99 likes at last count. This episode pushed some buttons lol. SingleMaltBlonde beat me to it but...Although I wasn't a fan of the twins I never like to see people ganged up on. While Claire wasn't "ganged up" on per se, it seemed like she was genuinely surprised that every other contestant had a problem with her. I'm the type of broad to bring my issue to you first before I go to any authority so I get Margarita's reaction. The twins were probably so caught up with each other they didn't have a good read on how they were preceived by the others. I actually feel sorry for them being home watching this season and the talking heads. Lord knows they should stay away from social media and damn sure not this board lol.
  17. I literally LOL'd at the scene with Joe and Haley in the car and he tells her to put on what she was listening to on her walkman and it was "Fishheads." The look on his face...bwahahahaha. of course I had to google the song and it was some novelty joke song. It goes along with her being a Kids in the Hall fan. Haley is cool lol. Good call show.
  18. Baby Mine is from the cartoon Dumbo...nothing to do with suicide or anything dark. Just a mother comforting her child lol.
  19. I've been actively rooting against Paul for most of the season but after tonight, I'm Team Paul all the way. At this point I would be pissed (Paul voice) if somebody wised up and turned on him and got him out when he clearly deserves to win. This guy Metro Dee on YouTube does BB recaps and a while back he said they all talk about somebody being their "ride or die" when really Paul is everyone's ride or die, as illustrated tonight.
  20. I'm guessing you meant to type "wrecked," but with what Dario said about Ammo not wearing deodorant it looked like a Freudian slip lol.
  21. I'm calling it now, there will be a live birth to coincide with the finale for the next season of The Bachelor. Won't matter if its too soon or too late. They'll induce or hold that baby in lol.
  22. Rare pics of Cody as a child...
  23. That was terrible...I could barely watch. I read some of the reviews and was surprised to find how negative they were. I thought the show was good, but then again after Gypsy, which I thought was dreadful, anything is an improvement. Some of the reviewers mentioned what a big get it was to have Laura Linney and how under utilized she was and I agree, the whole time I was thinking she must be good friends with Jason Bateman or just always wanted to work with him. Same with Jordana Spiro as the owner of the Blue Cat. She's not a household name but certainly has the resume for a meatier role. Maybe it was a networking opportunity for both of them. I really liked that the kids knew what was up through most of the series, it would've been too hard to keep it from them anyway, but shows do that to add "tension." I'm not from the Ozarks, but I did grow up with low income-working class folks of all races and...well, I'll just say they must be very hard to write for because it's rarely ever done well or with any authenticity.
  24. So...nobody's gonna talk about the very pregnant stripper lol. She looked like her water was about to break right there on the stage. Talk about making it rain.
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