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Everything posted by backformore

  1. I remember Kevin and Bibianna we're a couple on Winter Games, but it didn't last long. Or am I getting them mixed up?
  2. Got to agree with @Amarsir. In earlier seasons, there were contestants who were earnest in wanting to learn, and a couple of people who had colorful or wacky personalities. But they weren't pretending, they were being themselves. Now, we have every contestant playing a role, acting a part based on a stereotype. None of these people seem very likeable, because we never see their real personalities, we see amped-up manic versions. And the mentors/coaches, whatever, are more interested in bringing and making faces when people do something wrong, than they are in actually teaching. And maybe that's what bugs me the most. I've had experiences in my life where I needed to learn to do something - drive, see, cook, etc, where the person teaching me had that approach. Let me do it wrong, then exclaim "what are you doing? That's not how to do it!" This show brings back those feelings. Oh, and Linda? Age 60? I'm 60, and she looks like my mother's age.
  3. I assume that the guy on the cover of a book is depicting the hero in the story. It's the only visual, so I assume the story is about the people on the cover. But they were turning a book into a movie, I think? Which didn't make sense to me. Is the hero Arie, who is acting it out? Or Leo,who is posi g for photos? It just seemed so completely pointless, an excuse to have long-haired guy be a guy on the cover of a romance novel. Maybe they're thinking that their audience is into that?
  4. Sure, its a giveaway, but in three minutes, moving all those mattresses AND finding the clue could be pretty difficult. Brett's brilliance was in knowing that he didn't have to find any clues - he could use each three minute turn to pile more stuff on his pile. If someone moves half the stuff off the pile on their turn, Brett gets a turn to add on to the pile before that HG comes back.
  5. Yeah, maybe it's just me being an old crank, but pouring liquid on a floor where people are running is just plain reckless. Serious injuries can happen from slipping and falling. And yes, Brett's strategy was good. He wasn't even looking for another card, each time he went back he just piled more stuff on top of his. Because you don't win by being good at FINDING, you win by being good at HIDING.
  6. SO, because someone has the idea that Leo looks like a guy on the cover of a romance novel, they have to make a "date" about a romance novel/movie? then have other bach alums "play parts," and then have Leo and date pose for a photo for the "cover"? WTF? How does this even make sense? Arie is the main character, but Leo is the guy on the cover? Stupidest fucking thing ever.
  7. Do grown-ups who are dating have to do the "will you be my girlfriend?" thing? It just seems so high school to me.
  8. My fantasy : Scottie goes to jury house. Hayleigh goes to jury house. IN a few weeks, Fessy shows up. He makes a crack about Scottie being a virgin nerd. Scottie replies, "No, just a nerd." And Scottie ad Hayleigh laugh. Fessy spends the rest of the time trying to figure it out.
  9. @BookWoman56 WOW! You are truly taking care of EVERYONE. I think it's important to remember that if YOU can't do something for someone else, it doesn't mean that YOU are responsible for an alternative plan. taking care of an elderly parent, in addition to working a job, is very stressful. Make a realistic plan as to what you are willing to do for your son and DIL, let them know the end date of the current arrangement, and stick to it. the first person you need to take care of is yourself. You've raised your kids, it's time for them to raise their kids. You've taken on the responsibility of caring for your mom, that is a lot. When your grandson visits, you want to be able to enjoy him and relax, not be stressed out by juggling all the different roles you've taken on. Make a plan, stick to your guns, and let them know that you are not able to keep up the pace that you have been. its not fair that they expect you to. I have a sister and a sister-in-law who are always asking me "don't you want your sons to give you grandchildren?" I look at their lives, and say no, not in a million years do I want the life that these grandmothers have. they have quit jobs and taken on the roles of being nannies - taking the kids to school, picking them up, making lunches, taking them to activities, etc. and a lot of times, sitting the kids in front of the TV so they can pay bills, clean house, make dinner, etc. One sister-in-law has decided to quit being the caretaker, and her son and DIL complain to her about the cost of daycare. Yeah, but when you've worked and are in your 60's, maybe you don't want to be picking up toys and wiping noses all day. Don't get me wrong, I'll be an awesome grandma if it ever happens. But only on my days off.
  10. The way they do this - find out who someone would LIKE to see in Paradise, wait until the person has started some sort of "thing" with someone else, then, introduce the "crush" to Paradise, to instigate drama - seems mean-spirited. I get it, it makes for DRAMA, but I wish the producers wouldn't be quite so manipulative.
  11. The stuffed animal drama is made weirder by the knowledge that these guys did not bring the giant stuffed animals to the island themselves. In all likelihood the stuffed toys were provided by production, just like any picnic supplies, special treats, flowers, etc. - props, to amp up the drama.
  12. Lifestyle? You're using this word to mean something different from what I know it to mean. What kind of lifestyle are you talking about?
  13. He said it is a "prototype" and comes with a tie and jacket as well. AND he has it in blue.
  14. I can't figure out why Sammy and JC are not ever considered for eviction.
  15. Is this some new slang? I've heard it a few places. Are people so afraid to use first-person pronouns incorrectly that they use "your boy" instead of "I" or "me"?
  16. The biggest reason for NOT wanting Colton to be the Bachelor, is that for sure they would have an episode where Tia, and probably Becca, came back to "coach" him.
  17. Yeah, this show used to be kind of fun. take people who have no cooking skills, and teach them some basics. Now it goes from being fake and staged, to being mean-spirited. Let's have people who pretend they are completely clueless in the kitchen, and make fun of them for not being able to cook complicated meals within a time limit. There's not much to like about it any more.
  18. I'm curious - what is your favorite? I've had a number of faves over the years, and one by one, they all end up being retired. Or, I get sick of them.
  19. Yeah, I can't figure out if some of these people are genuinely as stupid as they appear on this show, or if some of it is acting. But the EMT - was she also the one who put SPRINKLES on her dish? She HAD to be acting, right? I mean, you can't know how to save lives and still be that stupid, can you? But I've always said that the best way to WIN this show is to pretend to be absolutely clueless in the kitchen, and then start to improve, a little at a time, as the season progresses.
  20. I think Gordon's ego makes it difficult for me to like this show. He enjoys disguising himself as a "regular guy", usually a blue collar worker, with facial hair, a wig, and a baseball cap, hardhat, or some other headgear to hid his true identity. He finds a group of guys to "fit in" with, and pretends they are his friends, who are having lunch with him. Then he has to pronounce ALL the food as disgusting, greasy, over or under-cooked, etc. But his moment in the sun is always when he goes into the men's room (where he is always alone!) removes his disguise, and GASP! everyone is surprised! That's the one and only Gordon Ramsey! Right here in our restaurant! descended from heaven to our little town! And when he says "Stop eating!" everyone obeys. (I guess they weren't really all that hungry) then he says "follow me outside", and they obey. HE orders staff to STAY working for the next 24 hours (aren't there labor laws prohibiting this?) and they stay. and the customers are ordered to come back tomorrow, and they do. (cancel your plans, Gordon says you must be there!) It's a big ego trip for him, and for me, it makes me dislike him intensely.
  21. What would I do? If you're still at the resort, go to the front desk, and tell them (loudly, so others can overhear) that you've asked multiple times for towels and toiletries, and have not received them, so you want them to give you these items at the desk. Don't take no for an answer. Say things like, "how can you still be checking in new guests when you can't provide TOWELS?" Get the manager's name, write it down - say you want to make sure you get it right in your letter and your review. Stay at the front desk, until the issue is resolved. be the squeaky wheel. take out your phone, get video of the interaction. ANYTHING that makes them afraid you will put up a bad review on yelp, trip advisor, wherever. Call and/or email the company that owns the hotel, (lowes, Hilton, etc) let them know how much you paid for the room, and that you were unhappy with the lack of service. Tell them how not having towels, not having shampoo, affected your vacation.
  22. Wait, what? We are communist now? Karl Marx, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." It's the cornerstone of communism. I would be PISSED if I made less because I had 2 kids, and another worker got more because they had 6. Or if a company told me, "your son grew up and moved out? Great. Guess you won't be needing as much money.". I'm not seeing this.
  23. (about Nicolle) I buy it. When my kids were little, I missed several years of current TV ,movies, and music that were geared toward adults. I listened to Raffi and watched Disney movies. I didn't lose any interest or knowledge of anything that I knew before kids, I just was kind of "checked out" of the most current stuff.
  24. Long ago, in grad school, (1980's) I witnessed a conversation about which grad student was going to get a funded position. Students were all adults, some were married. Of one woman, part of the discussion was that because she was married, she probably didn't need the funding as much as other students. Of one man, it was said that because he was married, he was probably MORE in need of funding. Yes, because having a wife was a liability, but having a husband was an asset.
  25. As a married person, I agree with you 100%. It's logical - If you, I and another unrelated person shared an Uber - we each pay 1/3. IF that unrelated person happens to be married to one of us - we still each pay 1/3. It's three people, marital status doesn't mean anything.
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