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Everything posted by backformore

  1. I thought JC should have been kicked out in the early weeks, when he was molesting HGs with an ice cream scoop. He is repugnant. I just read the past ten pages. There were posts about Fessy being a substitute teacher. Here's my experience - if you have a degree, you can register with the school district to be a sub. Fessy was a high school sub, which means he may have only been available for certain subjects. My guess is Gym class. And he worked as an assistant coach, so being a sub might have been a way to have him eligible to coach. But here's the thing - for many subs, you're on a list, and the school can call you if they need someone. If you don't answer, or if you say you can't work that day, they move on to the next person on the list. I was a sub for a while when I was between "real jobs". I was called twice, each time I wasn't able to make it. (sick kid, job interview). I took myself off the list when I found a job. It is entirely possible to NEVER be called, never work, for an entire school year. Schools call the subs they know, they only use the list when their regular subs can't make it, or they have too many teachers out sick at once. People know that you can put "Substitute teacher" on your resume just by registering to be one. You can even get an ID from the school district. All that is to say - Fessy being a substitute teacher could mean he regularly subs at a school. But it could also mean he is registered as a sub, but works rarely, if at all.
  2. More fireworks!?! Really? My neighbors had some left over after shooting them off memorial day, fathers day, july4, and a bunch of other random days all summer. How? Not only are fireworks expensive, they're illegal to sell here, so you have to go across state lines to get them. I don't get it. I don't wish ill on people very often, but I would not mind at all if the neighbor behind me blew off a finger or two while celebrating.
  3. I can't tell who is who, everyone is blending together. But I don't really care, either. the melodramatic reading of the wedding vows by one guy's wife - looked like a scene from a soap opera. I thought my satellite dish had switched channels on me.
  4. Only 12 years? I have that, plus college and grad school. (Jesuit priests instead of nuns)
  5. I think it was more that he set it up as a surprise date for her. If he had just asked her to teach him yoga, and then offered to set up a beach yoga place, it would have been better. Or, if he had another element to the date planned as well. It's like if you date a singer, and set up a "special surprise date" which involves a stage and microphone, and the opportunity to sing you a song.
  6. Yes - that was a nightmare date, especially since they weren't even given any instructions on what it was, why they were there. HOw embarrassing! especially when they first entered and thought maybe this was all about them, and they were supposed to dance, or perform - and then to find out, no, we just finagled some invites to a 15 year old's birthday. He set it up as a "Surprise" date for her - hey, I arranged a special date - Teach me YOGA! It reminded me of a Seinfeld episode where Jerry dated a massage therapist and assumed he was going to get free massages on dates.
  7. actually, I was noticing the producers throwing some shade about that. I didn't write it all down, but when someone dumped their partner to date whoever just walked in, they show a negative comment about it from an opposite sex person who had recently done the same thing. It happened at least twice, and cracked me up each time.
  8. I don't understand something - these houseguests seem unable to sleep in a bed, the same bed each night, by themselves, not touching anyone. They're over 3 years old, this shouldn't be an issue. I would have a tough time sleeping that closely to someone who wasn't my spouse or lover.
  9. I think you're talking about Utopia it was on in 2014. it was supposed to be on for one year, there were some pretty grandiose ideas about starting a new society. But it was dumb, and got cancelled.
  10. Yeah, but Kaycee got more of the squids, which were worth 3 points each.
  11. Kendall, of all people, thinks Eric is being dishonest for going on a date with Cassandra. KENDALL! Oh - and Crystal, as well. What is with these women, that THEY can turn their back on a guy to date/kiss/hang out with another guy, but when the guys do EXACTLY the same thing, the women all think he's some sort of man-whore?
  12. Yes! Go Joe! representing Chicago, where some of us know how to use proper grammar! Too bad Annaleise and Benoit didn't have a chance to get together. they'd be perfect for each other, each is so desperate to fall in love they keep doing it every few hours.
  13. I think the issue wasn't that he was drinking champagne - but that he was drinking tequila and soda, and asking it be served in a champagne flute.
  14. Jenna looked gorgeous when she arrived in Paradise. But not so much any more. the sand, wind, booze, weather, seem to have done a number on her. She's a person who can look stunning with the right makeup and hair, but not so much when she's out of her usual environment.
  15. I see your point. BUT - when you know someone is dying, a lot of that is handled ahead of time. The family might not be "done" after the funeral, but people return to work. And, most of the time, the surviving spouse is the one handling details.
  16. But that's the best reason to watch! a sociological experiment where you have one rather ordinary, kind-of-handsome guy, and get 20+ women to compete for him. At least 8 women will be absolutely positive that he is their soulmate and future husband and will freak out every time he is kissing another woman. They compete like crazy to win the guy whom, at a party or bar, they probably wouldn't give more than a passing glance.
  17. I don't think it makes him sound like a moron and a lunatic at all. He feel in love on the Canada version of the show, and that didn't work out. On Bachelor WInter Games he and Ashley I were in love, and she dumped him for Jared. I think he went on BiP, maybe not thinking he would find love, but that he would meet someone. He was talking to Astrid (?is that the one he's with?) about being afraid that if he got attached to her, another guy would show up and she would fall for him - as has been happening with every couple on the show. He was saying that he wished he were coming on later in the show, so that he wouldn't be the guy who gets dumped.
  18. Friends and co-workers express condolences in ways other than twitter. Just because something wasn't tweeted, doesn't mean it wasn't said in some other way. I'm confused over people thinking she won't return to the show for a while. Her dad had a terminal illness, the family knew he didn't have long to live. Grieving often begins before the actual death, and don't most people return to work after a death in the family? My experience is that people take a week off, possibly two.
  19. I'm not much of a cook. (not bad enough to qualify for WORST cooks). When they did the chicken breasts in the first half, I would have liked if they had slowed down and showed more of the instructions. Show us how to make those sauces! Skip the hysterics and demo to the TV audience exactly how to make the dish. Same with the fried chicken - how long do you fry it? Why were some using a pan of oil and some using the fryer? More COOKING please! One guy's chicken is greasy, one is pale - teach us what they did wrong! KImberly, with the long pieces of hair in the front, kept touching her hair and then touching food. They really should have called her out on that, it's disgusting. AND - speaking of disgusting - Robert Irvine takes a bite of food, shoves it over to one side of his mouth, and tells the contestant how they did - with FOOD IN HIS MOUTH!!!!! At least Anne takes a small bite, chews and swallows first before talking. I hate Robert Irvine anyway, but this made me hate him more.
  20. This is what I've always thought about Jordan. He's a photographer's dream, because he looks good in photos. But as soon as he starts talking, all that attractiveness is gone.
  21. JC wasn't even playing, or even pretending to play. He even shook some balls that rattled with a token, and he just threw them back. I can't stand him.
  22. My pet peeve these days is the term "old", especially "old lady." I find it's a way that people dismiss others because of their age. There was a story about a woman who helped Keith Urban out at a store when he didn't have cash. Most stories headline it "retired school teacher..." But one story starts with "OLD LADY helps out Keith Urban." the woman looks to be 60-ish. Keith Urban is 50. Is he and "old man?" His wife is 51 - is she an "old lady?" I hate the label, because to me, and old lady is a 90 year old in a nursing home. NOt a woman who has grey hair who appears to have an active life, who decided to help out a stranger. It irks me. just because you've had a certain number of birthdays, you get treated like a doddering fool, and people are amazed that you can actually function appropriately.
  23. In still photos, Leo is quite handsome. But on video, something about the way he carries himself, the way he tosses his hair around, makes me dislike him a lot - he seems very arrogant, and much less good-looking.
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