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Everything posted by backformore

  1. Chiming in here - yeah, Dave & Connor fooled me. I was liking them until he showed this ugly side of his personality. The self-righteous attitude "Not our kind of people" snootiness is not something I'd expect of anyone past college age, let alone 60. He's an old guy trying to fit in with the younger racers by joining in and leading in mocking someone else. His attitude about the U-turn is hypocritical - if you use it on me, it's wrong, it I use it, it's part of the game. Yeah, he's not MY kind of people. He can take his asshole alliance and go to hell.
  2. I am not a fan of "Brenchel" (and even less a fan of that name). But I thought the mocking of rachel, using a high voice, the mocking and laughing at another team was unwarranted. And, there's the attitude that they don't have the right to use the U-Turn against dave & connor, that somehow using the U-turn was mean and sneaky and made them horrible people. What's more offensive to me is that the "alliance" is just a way for three teams to gang up on another team. I can only hope that it makes them lose focus and then the cowboys can race past them to the finale. (Brenchel can come in second).
  3. Two worst moments in the episode: The three teams piling on with mocking Brendan and Rachel. Mean bullying shit. I'm Ok with not liking a team, even talking about WHY you don't like them. But the imitations of Rachel just for the amusement of other racers were mean and petty. The blond girls driving, saying "It's nice following guys, they always know directions." WTF??? There have been some strong female teams in past seasons, and some who flirted and manipulated, but never a female team as delusional as this one. If you rely on male teams for building stuff, carrying stuff, and basic navigaiton, you're not a strong team. You're a blonde team. Excuse me, I have to go cover up my blonde highlights now.
  4. BW needs to be more careful with the cosmetic surgery. There are times when her eyes look weird, but the angles shown on The View, alone with the lighting, are kind to her. I saw her intro to a recent 20/20, and she has that "surprised" look the entire time she's talking. Basically, when you can see white both above and below the iris of her eyes - it's the look you have if you purposely TRY to open your eyes as wide as you can. Only for the rest of us, our eyes aren't stuck like that. On The View, it contributes to her kind of insane/demented look. It's a shame, because BW would be a fine looking woman for her age, if she could allow herself to age gracefully. A little tuck or lift is fine, but she has overdone the eyes.
  5. Oh, I think the point is just to crank up the drama and the fighting. You're supposed to work as a team, and then throw one of your teammates under the bus. Then, when that person is not eliminated, you have an enemy for the next round. It's like if on American Idol, if the singers were asked who should be eliminated - there wouldn't be those friendships and the support they give each other. (might make the show more interesting though, espcially this season) There would be sabotage, hatred, tears. Ramsey WANTS the screaming, yelling, threats, etc, just so he can shake his head about it and say "oh dear oh dear oh dear."
  6. Well, I was referring to the one segment where she was "cooking" with Clinton Kelly. It was different than the way Sherri usually acts, she took it to a different level. She seemed high to me because she was dancing to music that only she heard, AND she was grabbing the ingredients out of the pan and eating them. At one point she reached in to the pan and grabbed a hunk of RAW ONION, popped it into her mouth, and gave a moan of ecstacy like it was something he had cooked. Clinton was a guest on the show, and she completely upstaged and interrupted him, to the point that folowing the recipe and cooking instructions was impossible. Everything he said was punctuated by sherri saying "Oh yeah!" "Woo hoo!" "That't the stuff", etc, all while swaying and snapping her fingers like a gospel singer. It was one of the weirdest segments I have ever seen her do.
  7. Seeing Sherri with Clinton Kelly really highlighted the differences between The View and The Chew. On the Chew, the hosts might tease each other in a friendly way, but when one of them is cooking, the others let them have the spotlight. They don't all talk at the same time, cutting each other off, competing to get the most airtime. They also WAIT until a dish is cooked, seasoned, and garnished before tasting it. Sherri just took over, dancing, chattering like a 4 year old saying "Look at ME". Clinton is on a show with some strong personalities, but there's never been that level of rudeness. I speculated on TWOP that she might have found Whoopi's weed. But I also wondered if maybe Sherri discvered a new "diet pill", they tend to make people pretty damn hyper.
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