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call me ishmael

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Everything posted by call me ishmael

  1. Is it just me or did Jordan's makeup just look like Darth Maul but with different coloring?
  2. @wynterwolf Yes, i was thinking of that speculation about D'avin and the abuse since it certainly would make him a more complex and sympathetic character. The interview with the showrunner is also interesting for shooting down the UST arguments about Dutch and John.
  3. There is also an interesting discussion there about Macfarlane's take on D'avin's side of the abandonment question. I'm never sure what the rules are about other sites etc so people should look if they are interested.
  4. That makes it a lot more sensible then. I suppose the notion is that if you try something you would be electro-shocked. But D'avin is beyond that pain threshold. Thanks.
  5. That was my assumption. Although as someone said upthread having electronic handcuffs that can be shorted that way is pretty stupid. What if your prisoner goes out in the rain?
  6. I thought it was thrown in there to show that he could escape whenever he wanted but was just waiting for the signal. A way to show how talented he is. But I agree it seemed sloppy writing.
  7. This may also explain why he seems most comfortable with Lucy. If he was harassed because of dyslexia (this seems a pretty cruel society) and was also, as he sees it, abandoned by D'avin then it would make sense both that he would be most comfortable with the machines and also cling to the security he gets from Dutch who, it seems, he saved and nursed back to (psychic ?) health when he found her. I realize that this is not a comparison thread but this is yet another reason why understanding the backgrounds of Dutch, Johnny, and D'avin seems infinitely more interesting than the lost memories of Dark Matter.
  8. Doesn't a lot depend on whether she is Osgood or zygon Oswood?
  9. Now who is not talking talking about Killjoys. And logically the person who is insisting that only some sorts of sexual relationships are not screwed up is drawing on popular puritanical themes more than people who are arguing that human sexuality is plastic and we should not be declaring that some things are "screwed up." This isn't true. Johnny had some sort of ongoing sexual/affectionate relationship with the woman whose husband was leaving her to be arrested when he skipped out on his work permit, he was interested in the young women he met when he was working in those fields in the same episode, and he certainly was interested in Jenny during the vessel episode (who the show predictably killed off). I don't see the evidence that he regrets saving his brother's life. He still feels ties to him. He may not want his brother in the team but I doubt he is the first person who is ambivalent about siblings. That seems pretty common. Personally, I think that there is less UST there than you do. But I agree that to the extent that the show is pandering to people who think that they should have a sexual/romantic relationship it is bad writing. It seems to cut against a lot of the other interesting ideas in the show about alternative ways of living. But maybe they hate themselves for ever imagining that there might be personal relationships different from the conventional wisdom. :)
  10. I'm not sure what makes you think that having sex without developing a lot of affection is a recent development or a "strange thing that people have gotten used to, rather than being understandable" it has a long history. As I said earlier people can want to keep different parts of their lives separate because of various traumas etc. The notion that Johnny has to love Dutch and wants a sexual relationship seems to me to be the common but false assumption that comes from an overly sexualized view of all relationships. And it has nothing to do with puritanical shame of self-hatred. It just has to do with an openness to a variety of relationships between the sexes.
  11. Well for starters, he knows that D'avin walked out on his family and left him with his addicted mother. Why, if you care in any way about someone AND you know that they have suffered abuse and abandonment before would you think that might be a good person for them. And second, maybe Johnny has watched enough television to know that it is not a good idea to add that to a team. I personally don't find it that strange that Dutch and D'avin might hook up. I do find the implication that they would care for each other so quickly a bit forced.
  12. I find the Johnny/Dutch non sexual relationship totally reasonable. After all, they are both people with traumatic pasts of being abandoned who are in highly dangerous and stressful situations. Splitting the sexual from the close bonding keeps both sides safe and protected from the possibility of another loss or the posibility of overurdening the relationship. I'm curious about the bear and wasp business. Obviously K thinks he needs Dutch ready to kill so that they can keep each other alive in terms of what is coming. I suspect that the RAC is actually some sort of cover for something else. An organization that everyone trusts. But i can't figure out if the danger is the RAC or something else.
  13. Well the show finally gave us a reason to care about their losing their memories. If they actually had any experience they probably wouldn't have been so naive. Two can't be dead. Besides being one of the leads there are too many questions about her--her healing, her super soldierdom, her recognizing what the space lab was about. Isuppose the writers could think it would be cool to build her up as the most mysterious of the crew and then kill her or maybe they realized they had built or up and didn't know what to do but i hope not.
  14. Isn't this pretty much always true....
  15. I tend to agree with this. I just think that Clare is scary and wants something immediately that isn't going to happen. Personally I would run like crazy. What is puzzling is the shift to Ashley I except that he didn't want to leave the show I guess. Otherwise that is really out of the frying pan into the fire in terms of people not being able to let things be normal.
  16. I'm totally on Team Jade in all of this. Yes, Clare was upset about Jared but after all she wasn't threatened with going home. Instead, because she didn't get what she wanted she had to put down everyone else. I've never really liked Clare, she always seems entitled and acring as if she isn't on a silly reality show--the fact that other people may have made connections while she hasn't is no reason to play holier than thou. If Jared had encouraged her she would have been going on and on about how much more genuine this season was than last year when no one was serious. I missed the point when Joe laid out his master plan in front of other contestants (i thought he was just saying it to a producer). Who was there and what did he say exactly?
  17. The winning look at least tried to gesture to the Siren's song with her musical shell. But what put me off wasn't the teeth so much as the eyes. The weird bluish color looked like it would repel sailors rather than lure them close enough to be attacked. I'm bugged by Kevon. He sulks with criticism and i'm pretty sure that he tried to say what each had done because he was sure that his chest piece was going to make him the winner since the judges had commented on it. I was quite pleased that he wasn't the winner.
  18. For all of the flaws in the show, I find the desire to find out about their pasts pretty believable. Both Moss and Four I think acted quite normally in trying to find out about their pasts once they realized that they might be more complicated than they were simply wanted. I think that Six is a bit more complicated unless recovering that memory meant that he couldn't avoid the emotional attachments that came with it. Granted I don't think that the show has handled the issue very well but for Moss to rush back to find out who he really was made perfect sense to me.
  19. I was thinking that the title might signify all the good ideas that the writers couldn't see surrounding the predictable ones they have chosen.
  20. If that is right it's too bad they didn't get rid of Austin. I feel badly for liz.
  21. But wouldn't the clone machine be able to tell it was copying a clone? It has to be able to tell the difference between a clone and the original doesn't it? (Even allowing for the fact that this is dark matter).
  22. Although i wouldn't put it past these writers to suddenly decide that she has been sneaking around the ship sucking blood from the crew because "hey, we haven't done space vampires!" I think that you are right about her secret being the healing. After all they alluded to her killing all of the bouncers at the casino twice at the beginning of the episode, first when she practically ripped One's arm out of its socket and then when she told them not to draw attention to themselves on the station. They may all be killers and ruthless CEOs but she is clearly more lethal than they are.
  23. Given that the episode ended on Dutch being more worried about her own capacity for violence than D'avin's does anyone wonder if she is a widow because she killed her husband and that is why she fled wherever she came from and why Khylen claims he is protecting her? ETA: oops sorry Tigris Tv i missed your comment on this.
  24. For what it is worth here is a link to an IGN interview with Moffat where he discusses Maisie Williams' character. http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/07/31/doctor-who-producer-steven-moffat-shoots-down-maisie-williams-character-rumorsutm_source=IGN%20hub%20page&utm_medium=TV&utm_content=4&utm_campaign=Blogrollto
  25. Maybe the writers are the only people who thought it was funny when Jeremy Renner was going around making fun of Black Widow because he claimed she had slept with all of the Avengers.
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