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Everything posted by redpencil

  1. I watched this mostly because of Ryan Phillippe. Whelp.
  2. Nathan was a 2nd year senior when he went to the Olympics (he took silver in the GPF and 6th in the World Championships the season prior to the Olympics). He won all his Grand Prix events (including the GPF) in the Olympic season. The hype surrounding him for the Olympics was definitely crazy, but honestly way, way more deserved than any of the other examples here.
  3. The hair touching reminds me of my cousin. She has red hair, and when she was young (maybe 3-4?) her family lived in South Korea for a little while. People would try to touch her hair all the time. At the grocery store, wherever. She HATED it, and I think my aunt started to shut it down really quick after a few times. Very inappropriate in any circumstance. I didn't realize who that was in the photo at the end until I came here. I could see it okay enough, but we just have not seen Laurel enough that I remember what she looks like yet. It's interesting that the little girl doesn't seem to know who she is. Makes me think maybe she's not related (even if she had died before she could remember, you'd think she would know if it was her grandmother). But then if she's not related, where is this going?
  4. The previous episode had also eliminated 3 good singers and ended up with a 4/2 split to win the money. I thought that last one (the waiter I think?) was a better bet than this one. I can see why people who only had $20k would go for it, though.
  5. I don't remember what happened last year, but I've found it hard to track discussions in multiple threads on the same movies.
  6. There are also a lot of other cities in the West. Portland, Denver, Phoenix, Las Vegas, etc. Most of these bigger than New Orleans, so that can't be the issue. In fact, just looked it up. All those metro areas are bigger. Phoenix and Denver are 10th and 19th, respectively, by population in their metro areas. New Orleans is all the way down at 45 (though I get there are other reasons that New Orleans would be an attractive filming choice). So yeah, they should branch out a little.
  7. I didn't realize the other one I use was excluding some movies until it was mentioned here. I was excited to find this one, but I wish it was organized by date instead of network. The other site I use is organized by date and it makes it really easy to keep up with setting my DVR for things as we go. If anyone has another suggestion organized by date that compiles all movies from all networks, that would be great!
  8. This is why I have never been able to watch that movie. Watched maybe the first 15 minutes and couldn't get past it. And that's rare for me. I can deal with A LOT in these movies.
  9. I don't think Amelia and Bennett had met beyond what they said (both on the show and on Unfiltered and such). They seem genuine to me in that. As to Amelia's niece, it seemed clear to me that she was coached in the moment. Like her parent (Amelia's brother or sister or whoever) said "Go hug that guy and call him Uncle Bennett!" And if she's an outgoing child, they knew she'd do it. I assume by that point Bennett had met everyone, since this was toward the tail end of pictures after the wedding. I know people love to speculate about couples already being couples before filming (I think I've seen the same about Ashley and Anthony), but I would be shocked if that was the case with anyone. I think occasionally people just really click. I feel like it would have come out by now if that had ever been the case. Too many people would have had to be in on it, unless people dated in secret with none of their friends or families knowing about it.
  10. I thought the way his sister brought it up was weird to begin with. It was a total non sequitur just on the word "kid," like she was just waiting for the slightest opportunity to spring it on Amelia. I didn't get that sense from Bennett though (and thought his explanation was sincere), so I think his sister was just completely hamfisted about it and maybe did it on her own. Aside from Henry and Christina being uncomfortable to watch (though Christina was better than last week), I'm liking this group much better than last season thus far. Even Brett hasn't been as bad as I thought he'd be (yet). I think he genuinely likes Olivia as a person, but I have no sense yet about whether he is attracted to her. I adore Miles, and Miles and Karen together. So glad she seems to have gotten over her pre-wedding freakout.
  11. I don't know what Miles talked about in his Instagram stories that Karen watched, but man. What nonsense drama. If his Instagram was full of partying, a parade of different women, whatever, I would get it. But talking about his feelings? Just give him a chance, girl! So far he seems like the best catch of the group to me. Him and Henry. Also loved that Miles immediately liked Bennett and appreciated that he was just himself (and Bennett seemed to reciprocate). I thought it was Christina who had a unicycle in the matchmaking special when Dr. Pepper went to her house. But I could be totally misremembering. I would have been like Christina at the bachelorette party and been completely not into the strippers, etc. But then Amelia suggested taking some food and going into another room and she still wouldn't go for it. I would have grasped at that offer so fast, even from someone I barely knew. I can't figure out what to make of Brett. He was a total jerk this episode, and I worry for Olivia. But at the same time in some ways it felt like an act? He seemed different with his family. As opposed to Woody for example, or others in the past, who was being himself for good or bad. It's weird.
  12. James Roday is adding his real last name back professionally, and will now be James Roday Rodriguez (which has been his legal name since he started acting). Interview with him here about his decision. Interesting that DJ Nash specifically asked him if he wanted Gary to have a Mexican last name.
  13. I loved Aaron Tveit in Brain Dead (I loved that silly show, still sad it got canceled), and he didn't even sing really. Hope they both do here though.
  14. I don't know how the other train would have come across them. They sent the decoupled cars off on a side track, but it can't be the same track that Wilford's train was on, which was only just coming into view on a track connecting with theirs. I actually enjoyed these episodes overall more than I thought I would, and am interested to see where it goes next. It seems somewhat clear to me that Mr. Wilford will be the next "villain" of some sort. I'm actually interested in seeing some of these people work together in ways they didn't this season (in particular Layton and Melanie, who actually seems relieved to not be the one in charge anymore, but still cares about the survival of the train and knows more about Mr. Wilford than anyone else). So, at the beginning Layton was also perfectly fine with the idea of Melanie being executed. So dumb. I knew from the episode title that we would be losing cars, but definitely did not expect it to be from the middle instead of the tail. That actually made that sequence more interesting. Layton had to make a sucky choice to cut that car, but he essentially made this choice when he started the revolution in the first place. People were going to die, he knew that. He just didn't expect this to be one of the ways. Well, revolution is messy. Melanie was right. Hard choices have to be made, and he was fooling himself if he ever thought it would be easy even if they succeeded. Ruth is a truly delusional Wilford believer, thinks he's some sort of savior and she's his lead disciple. Layton handled her well there at the end. I really want to see the moment she realizes Mr. Wilford is not the man she thinks he is. Also, there's no way Gray actually loved her. He was using her IMO and would have disposed of her if he decided he had no further use for her.
  15. Totally agree with everyone else who has pointed out how spectacularly stupid it would be to execute Melanie. Remove her from being in charge, okay, sure. But how on earth do they think this is going to go if they get rid of her? Especially now that they know how integral she really is/was in building the thing and keeping it going. I'm not sure if that is just what Ruth thinks should happen because she's pissed, or if that would also be in Layton's plans for when he or his group is in charge (side note, but who exactly do they think is going to run things? their whole game plan for once this is over is very unclear to me). I think he knows or at least suspects Melanie's true role in regards to the engineering, etc., right? Or does he still think Mr. Wilford built the train and she just took over at some point? I also feel like there should have been a better plan to deal with the Jackboots. Even if you couldn't get the leader on your side, at least get some of the foot soldiers before you attack so you don't have as much of a bloodbath? If it takes longer before you can put your plan in motion, it takes longer. Seems like bad planning to me.
  16. Bummer. I wonder if any of it had to do with citizenship? At some point that was going to have to be resolved if either of them had Olympic goals. Maybe they felt like it wasn't going to happen and better for both to find other partners now. Or maybe he didn't want to continue? In any case, she is wonderful, so hopefully she finds another partner that suits her.
  17. I haven't seen the article, but I just saw the preview clip, and I got a different impression about what happened. Obviously hard to tell for sure from the quick clip, but it sounded to me like she got a text she wasn't supposed to get that told her info about him, and from that she didn't think he was her type. Not that she actually knew him, but just that she had learned details about him that she wasn't supposed to know, and was drawing conclusions based on that.
  18. I think that is the same woman who has been in the background in previous episodes. I haven't figured out if she's a photographer they have specifically for this show, or if she's a friend or nanny or something who lives with them anyway and is helping with the cameras, or what.
  19. I still think there at least was a real Mr. Wilford at some point, and that's the guy some people met and the man whose voice Melanie used, spliced together from what sounded like old shareholder meetings. He probably started the original company (whatever kind of company it was before everything started), but by the time people started realizing the Earth was in trouble, he may not have been running day-to-day operations anymore. My guess is Melanie was always the brains behind the whole train project, and Mr. Wilford was the figure head at that point. Maybe he was involved only by being the trusted face behind the plan, raising money, but Melanie was always the one designing and building the thing. I'm pretty sure at least some second class passengers bought tickets. They just didn't get the same accommodations, and some clearly have jobs of some sort on the train. They specifically referred to the original tribunal as "ticketed passengers" from first and second. Lilah Sr. clearly knows her daughter is a sociopath, but doesn't care. She told that story about her poking out her dad's eye, and also some of her facial expressions when they were talking to her early in the episode clearly showed a contrast between how she sees LJ and how her husband sees LJ. She knows what LJ is. I'm not even sure she likes LJ, but that's her "bloodline" so she'll do whatever it takes to protect her. Dad, however, still seems to be at least somewhat delusional. In regards to commuting her sentence, I definitely think it was partly the issue of what LJ knew, but also I think there was genuine fear that that commander guy (is he the police commander?) might try to oust her, based on the reports from that meeting he had with LJ's dad and a couple other first class passengers. So it was also placating whatever portion of first would raise a fuss. Though I feel like there could have been a middle ground that would accomplish both. I don't know if they have any cells besides that one we've seen, but she could have had a short "jail term" and then been confined to her quarters as "probation" for however many years, or something.
  20. Also, I feel like this is different than when someone dies in the process of filming any other kind of television show (whether scripted, competition reality show, whatever). In those cases, the production could potentially be held liable for someone's death, as they are the ones controlling the script, production conditions, stunts, whatever, and it would certainly be covering up to destroy footage. I can't imagine that would be the case for something like Live PD unless somehow the on-site production was directly involved in a death (like they forced police to take certain actions, or the camera man knocked a citizen off a cliff, or something crazy).
  21. I obviously don't know for sure what is true, but they're saying that for footage that isn't aired (which this wasn't) they always destroy it so that it can't later be used against citizens. I have no idea what their timeline is for doing this (if indeed it's the case), but the incident happened over a year ago I believe, and they claim that it was destroyed after they thought the investigation had been completed. Live PD is saying nobody ever asked them for the footage, others are claiming Live PD stonewalled (unclear if they're claiming this happened before or after footage was destroyed). Not sure we really know the full truth here.
  22. This is fascinating. I love SciFi, and I watch a lot of Hallmark. Wonder if I will like the two merged. I will surely give it a shot!
  23. He did that same song for his audition, and I was so glad he did it again. I think that's probably my favorite original song anyone has ever done on American Idol. I think it could be a hit tomorrow, it's so good. At the very least I think he has a solid career as a songwriter ahead of him (given a couple other of his original songs I've come across, not to mention that Amazing Grace mashup he did, I don't think this song was a one-off fluke).
  24. It sounded to me like they did find a legit contractor (and probably did research), but the scammer spoofed the real company's phone number, and then had them calling the "contractor" directly after that. So they thought they were dealing with one outfit, while it was really a scammer pretending to be that business the whole time. I also agree with others that the whole scandal is stupid. All they need to do is say yeah, we exchanged like two sentences in the bathroom, she suggested the soup, that's it. Then we coincidentally ran into each other later. The end.
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