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Scout Finch

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  1. I'm just here for Eve Hewson, whose dad I've been a huge fan of for about four decades. I've followed her career since The Knick and think she's an amazing actress.
  2. Ten years later but...I'm rewatching the series for the umpteenth time although I usually skip this episode because, spiders. I'm also a huge LoTR fan and sometimes when I watch the trilogy (for the millionth time) I'll 'help' Sam kill Shelob from the couch with my Sting replica (one of my all-time favorite Christmas presents)!
  3. "Pledge Furniture Polish shines and protects, removes dust and fingerprints, and repels demons." Incidentally, my favorite fake blues singer name is Blind Lemon Pledge!
  4. I'm glad Miguel is gone because he was annoyingly cocky! Wait, what?! Just this afternoon an early Stones song came on the radio and the opening beat and guitar made me think for a second that the station was actually playing the Tap's "Gimme Me Some Money." Nope, but I turned down the radio and sang part of it anyway.
  5. I wouldn't think that the audience being too quiet would be more problematic than the audience clapping along in time with someone's floor routine music while you're on an apparatus. There must be a physical rhythm/timing necessary for any routine and I always worry that the crowd's synchronized clapping will throw that off, especially on the balance beam (where getting thrown off could be literal!). I suppose it's an issue with events not running too much longer but I wish they could wait until each gymnast has finished their respective routines so you don't hear the crowd erupting in cheers for the US while you're still doing yours. I would like each of them to get at least some acknowledgment and applause from the audience.
  6. Michael Emerson is one of my favorite actors and I've been following him since Lost. After despising the malevolent Benjamin Linus, once he ended up so broken and bruised physically and psychologically I ended up feeling so empathetic towards him. Then I absolutely adored him as Harold Finch in Person of Interest. PoI and Evil are shows I initially only began watching because of him but then I got really invested in them as a whole.
  7. I find Tom Bombadil very annoying and once read a great description of him being like some lecherous old guy who hangs out at Renaissance faires!
  8. But...but...drag queens are icky and I don't understand them and they'll somehow turn kids transgender and [other absurd reason(s)]. So recently on my local Facebook Buy Nothing group I gave away a large batch of about 35 Barbie dolls and clothes a friend had passed along to me. After I had already promised them to a mom and her little girl, another mom responded. She said her little boy would be thrilled to get some Barbie clothes if I had any left. I pulled some of the clothes and decided to throw in three of the dolls, too, from the batch before the first mom came and got everything else. I didn't want to assume but just wondered if Ken was in the picture because I had some clothing for him, too. She said her son did have a Ron Weasely doll but mainly just dressed him in robes. Because I loved that this little boy felt so free about enjoying the heck out of playing with Barbies I wanted to give him more than just the--to me, anyway--inadequate amount of clothes I'd pulled from the initial batch so I bought a few of those huge packs of clothing (one for Ron, too) to add to it. I just really wanted to make this kid's day/month/year, you know? Afterward, his awesome mom thanked me again and said that her son was just so in love with all the stuff I gave him! I kind of want to play Barbies with him--and I'm 60!
  9. in June one of my favorite YT people, Beau of the Fifth Column (aka Bearded Man in a Shed!) did a video about a guy who wrote to him all pissed off about the whole 'woke' Pride thing and something about a NY subway stop and Stonewall (which, of course, didn't even turn out to be accurate). On top of that, the guy didn't even live in New York. The question Beau asks is, "Who told you to be angry about it?" How does it even remotely personally affect you? Years ago I began referring to "politically correct" as "respectfully correct" because, really, it just boils down to being a decent human being. It also seems a bit harder to sneer and boast about not being respectful!
  10. The primary concern was flooding from the hurricane so that's why they were upstairs. Hell Gate aside, the basement would have been the worst place to be if that occurred.
  11. I don't know exactly what for but I really want my own Sister Andrea! I always thought it would be fun to be a train engineer but after learning this episode about how they have to deal with running over people...yeah, not so much now. (The other train-related adventure that would be exciting is riding in empty box cars but besides being illegal, as a female, there'd be an extreme risk to my safety. I get frustrated at not being/wanting to do things such as explore abandoned buildings by myself while men don't even give it a second thought!)
  12. Although I was baptized Catholic, my mother only expected me to go to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. After she suffered through a strict Catholic school education it was not at all important to her to raise me with a religious upbringing and we both ultimately ended up as definitive lapsed Catholics. Still, after all these decades if there's something with even a non-denominational religious component like someone saying grace at a meal, I'm always compelled to make a discreet sign of the cross. Also, I like to think that there's nothing that can't be conquered with just Holy Water and a crucifix!
  13. In 2019, Aaron and his mother were on a season of Marriage Boot Camp: Family Edition. It was apparent from the start of the damage she'd caused and his justifiable hurt and anger was visceral. I wouldn't put it past her to have guilted him into doing it for her financial benefit. Also on that season was Corey Feldman with his wife and brother.
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