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Everything posted by Rina99

  1. Glad to see so much love for Season 2 here. The reviews were kind of mixed, but I found it just as compelling as Season 1, in different ways. I liked that there was still some of the crime noir feel even as they introduced mystical ninjas into the mix. Some people felt that Matt was a hypocrite, but I guess I just understand how much he was struggling to keep his own demons in, and felt that his wanting Frank and Elektra not to default to killing was a lot about needing to believe that he wasn't wrong to try and place value on human life, even if said human life was trying to kill you. To be honest, I was kind of relieved when Karen, Matt, and Foggy split, if only so that Matt could get some breathing room to work out his issues. As much as I like Foggy and Matt's friendship, there as only so many "OMG, Matt, what are you doing, you'll get killed!!!!" conversations I can take. If working somewhere else can give them the distance to let Foggy allow Matt to do his thing without lecturing him every episode, I'm good with it. And I don't particularly care about Karen, so whatever with her.
  2. I'm 100% with you on that. I had zero issues with Matt not revealing that he was a vigilante to someone he went on one date with, and I never could get on board with the line of thought that he was constantly hurting her and being a jerk by lying, particularly when, as you highlighted, she has a whole bundle of shit that she's not revealed herself. Is it bad that I still hope that Nobu finds a way to come back? He was awesome. And I loved all the ninja fighting, particularly after enduring the shit that passes for fight choreography on Arrow the past few seasons. And thank you, show, for not downgrading Matt's skills from last season and remembering that he IS a badass, and shouldn't be frequently losing to day player #25. I liked that the enemy had to come up with a way to thwart Matt's super hearing to make him vulnerable, AND that they had adversaries that were a believable match for Matt.
  3. See, when I see comments like this in even positive reviews, I fail to understand why, then, it's hard to understand that for many people, this would make it a rather awful movie no matter how good the acting is. I keep seeing comments like these and then it ending with "But it was still great!" and I'm like, what? For me, these tend to be a movie killer. And it's not like I go in expecting greatness in everything. And this makes the mistake of thinking that the casual movie goer even gives a crap about who Zack Snyder is, or the inane Marvel vs DC "wars". Most people, such as myself, just want to kill an afternoon and not be bored out of my mind, and have my kids entertained for a while. I know who Zack Snyder is because at least twice I've been fooled into watching something he made, and really disliking it, and being pretty in tune with his worst critics. The only halfway decent thing was Watchmen, and it appears that someone helped reign him in on that one. I do not and never will give two craps about comic books, so when these types of movies get made, the things that I'm seeing brushed off like the plot not being great and the editing being off, etc, matter a great deal.
  4. Well, it's at 41% now, but the reviews indicate to me that it has all of the flaws of a typical Zack Snyder film, which I was really hoping it would overcome. Well, I want to see Wonder Woman, so I'll probably end up seeing it this weekend regardless. But after giving Man of Steel the benefit of the doubt despite the buzz and ending up wholeheartedly agreeing with the critics, I'm not optimistic.
  5. Just the sight of her in the white bathrobe at the beginning of one of her scenes pissed me off, lol.
  6. Outside of Yolanda, I find myself getting enjoyment from everyone at this point. LisaR spilling the tea on the beach was wonderful. However, and I say this as someone who has been on to LisaV since season 1, she can miss me with the "I was manipulated" stuff. She made the decision to bring the "M" word on camera, and that's on her. Do I believe that LisaV and Kyle emailed each other Yolanda's ridiculous selfies that made no sense and were all "Dis bitch, tho!" "I know, right?" about how confusing they were? Absolutely. It was hard for me to believe that NONE of them had questions about Yolanda after all this time, and with her contradictory behavior. I do believe that they think similarly to LisaR, in that they think she's ill, but uses it to her advantage. Kathryn, girl, get it together. She was just a mess, but a hilarious one, though. Eileen once again makes sure that there's some drama as she stands off to the side and watches it all go down.
  7. Kyle's tv show concept actually made it to the pilot stage.
  8. Thanks to Netflix, I'm doing a rewatch, and am currently on Season 2. I was never much of a Chuck/Sarah shipper, and still am not, but I do appreciate that the build up to their relationship was much more tolerable than most shows manage. I'm still dreading Season 3 though. I didn't care about Sarah and Chuck not being together, but I remember the first 13 as just really not great even as a non-shipper, and Chuck being whiny and Sarah pretty much stone-faced during the first half of it.
  9. I need to talk about Miss Eileen for a minute, because tonight she seemed to pretty much own her role as an undercover shitstir-er, I mean, someone who doesn't like things 'unfinished', lol. Having said that, she at least appears to want to have conversations vs a scream fest when she can, so there is that. And I'll add my thanks to Kyle and LisaV both finally acknowledging that Yolanda has been inconsistent, at best, about her condition to her face, which is what seemed to prompt Yolanda's sudden desire to make up with LisaR. Next week's previews better not let me down!
  10. I try to avoid this show now. It makes me feel too bad about myself as a person with the unkind thoughts I have towards these poor people, because they are awful experiences. At this point it has to be deliberate. There have only been a handful of episodes that didn't come off that way.
  11. Count me in as believing that Mohammed told Lisa exactly what she said he did, and that he knows good and well what's going on with his kids and Yolanda. I wish to god that Lisa had taken that packet, and had it reviewed by actual doctors and exposed on TV what BS I'm absolutely confident those "tests" were. Erika kind of punked out tonight. And the fact that she doesn't come clean and (at least from the previews) seems to be trying to keep throwing the heat on Rinna brings her down even further in my eyes. Kathryn's bringing more of the loony side that's been poking out from her seams since she first appeared. And yep, Marcus clearly was a cheater.
  12. God, I hate that she didn't remain dead. Her head in a box made me very happy.
  13. You're right, because there was actual science used to diagnose the women, and a lot of time was spent researching the actual cause and proving what was happening. And as far as I can tell, these poor women for the most part had no idea what had happened until their babies were born. And again, no one on this thread has ever disputed that Lyme exists or that it can be spread AND be devastating health-wise. I don't recall seeing any of those who have shared their stories being disbelieved about how they contracted it. So...yeah, I'm seeing no connection whatsoever to Yolanda's situation. Now, if some scam artist starts trying to sell them lemon cleanses claiming that they just need to detox to get rid of all of the poison that's affecting them, then, yeah, maybe then it might relate.
  14. This could have been a much more interesting show if they had simply allowed Kara, Jimmy, and Winn to bond without all the romance crap.
  15. You know, it didn't even occur to me until reading this thread that Kathryn's "Don't act like you know me" gesture was supposed to be, well, urban, I guess. I just thought she sounded weird and crazy saying that. If that's the case, like, is that what she thinks black women sound like? I'm not even sure how to feel about it.
  16. I've never had an issue with Faye, particularly as I was with her 100% on her comments even then. And LisaV, you still mad? Really? Damn, that was good when Kyle gave her a taste of her own medicine! Katherine has the potential to be ok, but she needs to come with something more than being mad at Faye. So I'm guessing that next week LisaR is going to sell out LisaV to take the heat off herself.
  17. I'm enjoying the many subtle ways that Coby is revealing just how much of a dick he truly is. Drinking an extra mini-coke, that's just not giving a fuck about anyone else at all. And lady cop is NOT Jesus for sure, but she was dirty, and now she's dead, taken out by Joel. At first I thought that it was Coby Bell's character with a sniper gun.
  18. It was nice to see the actress who played Angel back, she's a very striking girl. I hope Steve Zahn's character isn't ripping her off, but shell company money transfer doesn't sound good. I'm really interested in learning how Romany Malco messed up in his professional life, to the point where he lost his license. I'm also officially throwing out my theory that the lady cop is actually Jesus, she's pretty scary. Steve Zahn is lucky that the woman in the car they got in an accident with was content to just grab a stack and get out of there, she really could have caused a ruckus by telling everyone that there was a big bag of money in their car. I doubt the cops there would have done much more than try to get their share. Getting ready to watch the next few episodes, perfect for a cold night in! By then I should also have a better handle on the character's actual names!
  19. Once I realized that all of the scenes with Billy Zane in them from the trailer had already aired, I figured he would be a goner at the end of the episode. Reminds me a little of Bloodlines as far as pacing. I'm always glad to see Michael Imperioli working. Romany Malco so far has surprised with me with the subtlety that he's giving his character, and Steve Zahn is great as usual. I'm not familiar with the actor who plays Joe(?), but overall they all have great chemistry together.
  20. So, somehow I missed that Real Detective was actually going to have some legit actors on it. Reading upthread, I see Devon Sawa also makes an appearance on this? I keep missing this particular show for some reason, but tuned in tonight to see Michael Madsen portraying one of the detectives.
  21. The use of "the affair" gave me pause as well. If the words "your relationship" had been substituted, I think the effect would have been much different.
  22. Did you see last week's episode? BLOODY BOOB IMPLANT!!!
  23. Honestly, I'm content to let this play out, I might change my perspective depending on how the rest of the season plays out. I'll happily discuss whether LisaV intended to be bitchy or not vs other topics that have dominated episodes every week, hee. I'm really curious to see what brings on Eileen's tears, and that look (maybe/likely edited in with this show) on Lisa's face. I do remember Eileen disagreeing with Bethenny and saying that the production values were nice, and agreeing enthusiastically about how great the idea of living two lives was. But for me, that scene was more about how Erika stood her ground and honestly didn't need back-up or help for anyone, and I loved that it ended with Bethenny splitting those ugly pants because she couldn't drop it like Erika could. Honestly, I'm content to let this play out, I might change my perspective depending on how the rest of the season plays out. I'll happily discuss whether LisaV intended to be bitchy or not vs other topics that have dominated episodes every week, hee. I'm really curious to see what brings on Eileen's tears, and that look (maybe/likely edited in with this show) on Lisa's face. I do remember Eileen disagreeing with Bethenny and saying that the production values were nice, and agreeing enthusiastically about how great the idea of living two lives was. But for me, that scene was more about how Erika stood her ground and honestly didn't need back-up or help for anyone, and I loved that it ended with Bethenny splitting those ugly pants because she couldn't drop it like Erika could.
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