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  1. I know lol, when went Hey Bob nice to meet you as he's shows the mask on his face I was like Yes Frank is so great!" My boyfriend was like "he's great? He's murdering that guy" And I was like "yea but the is awful and more importantly he's murdering for friendship." He definitely did not agree and we are probably in the minority thinking this way but you're def not alone lol
  2. I totally agree (sadly) that it's Frank under the sheet, the fire was intentional set by Annalise's to kill Frank but Laurel found out last min, ran in the house to try to save him. Howecer, you mentioning insurance as a motive for the house fire reminded me of the exchange between Eve & Annaliese where A says she's broke, spent Sams whole inheritance " on a hit man, not really a hit man, yea ok he's shut man " then shevery flatly mentions selling the house. So now I'm kind of flipping theories to the house fire was to get money, but someone found Wes was inside (maubetook A up on her creepy sleepover offer this tine) but I'm thinking she wouldn't plan to kill Wes. Then Laurel finds out Wes is in the house & knowing this show she's pregnant with his baby so tries to save him & end up burned in the hospital with her life in Creppt Meggies hands lol. I really don't know, but i think I feel confident it's one of those 2.
  3. The rumor is she was about 6 233&/ along when they finally met up in person.I don't ha e SnapXhat but I'd be sueurised it can send baby batter thru the interwebs straight to jaw belly. i hope this is gossip I heard but considering the 2 people involved, high levels of desperation, but low level math skills.
  4. I really hope Alla did too & it's just that Matt wasn't available for comment as he's currently hold up n his mothers basement being rocked to sleep and cooed at "one day you'll meet the right woman sweetie, one that loves you almost as much as I do"
  5. Plus free Electric & Canle while she's there
  6. LMAO my husband chimed in on Anfisa too. He said posting pictures on Insttrgram to lure lonely hapless knobs like Jorge is not a precursor to a legit modeling career. He said "in all honesty, she'll end up on RedTube at best" lol
  7. Re: Heather and Derek and smoking. I am pretty sure they were not talking cigarettes here, dude was hiiiiiiighh. Those eyes, were they ever completely open? That's a whole different ballgame, even though it is used for medicinal purposes it is still, at this time in the state they live in, illegal. He says it is a daily habit. This would lead one to assume he is meeting up with a drug dealer regularly to procure his daily dose. To me, that would be a deal breaker, and should have been a question on the questionaire. As should cigarettes, I wonder, does it bother Sonia that Nick smokes cigs like a chimney? Thats a whole other ball of yarn. But regarding Derek, I definitly think the smoking they were referring to was weed, and kept asking my husband how are they so openly discussing this on TV? It's still illegal alot of places?? He shurgged and said, "maybe its legal in the place they are honeymooning, please stop hogging the guacamole and making me analyze this garbage with you" He secretly loves it too tho lol
  8. bwahahaha "poor man's Jeff Goldblum" That is so amazingly spot on. You almost had me fall out of my desk chair trying to stifle my laughter!!!
  9. AAAANNNNYYYYWAYYY....So Addie's great Escape was finally acknowledged. While Leah was "cleaning" bwahaha. She still seemed to get a good spin. Thoughts?
  10. "MAAA! THE MEATLOAF!!!" "What are you even doing up there on the computer?" - Adam, yelling up to you from the basement
  11. I think you may be giving Randy too much credit that he wait to get home. I imagine him having 2 dental assistants there with him for every procedure. One to frankly refresh the Twitter feed on his phone, and one who he hands the tools to to do the work while he tweets a snarky remark, asking for feedback on whether its up to par for a Randalicious tweet from both DA's and probably the patient before finally posting. Can you imagine going to him for a root canal? An already long & painful experience but add in his 6500 social media breaks and you'd probably be therefor about 18 hours! No doubt he has some Randy Houska swag you can grab on your way out tho. like a toothbrush that says "TM2 Granpa!" Or "My dentist is Chelsea's Dad!" *frantically not frankly
  12. Full potato might be my new favorite saying ever
  13. YES. All of this!! I can't imagine being her therapist; if she actually was to go see a real therapist, not the VH1 employed kind. I want to think everyone is capable of change; but Jenelle seems to be an exception. The best therapist I had was one I was seeing about 4 years ago to deal with the grief I was experiencing acres my fathers sudden death. Almost our 3rd or so session the gloves came over and she was practically in my face telling me what I'm doing wrong as a person, parent, family member, friend, and why my life had continued in this cycle. I remember storming out of there so mad swearing I'd never be back, she was supposed to be helping ME, I'm the one going thru something difficult I thought. But after a day or two I got to thinking about how right she was on a lot of things; and that by me storming out and never coming back I was continuing the pattern of basically being a big flake who can't fully commit to anything. So I went back and she was immensely helpful. But the thing with Jenelle is I don't think she has the self-reflection or ability to take constructive criticism. She wants to be surrounded by yes-men; like her boyfriends all start out singing the same song that Barb is terrible and she's keeping Jace from Jenelle. The minute these guys stop being her echo chamber and stand up to her is when the dramatic fights and cop calling antics start up. So I dunno what to even hope for with her
  14. Whenever I see someone on my newsfeed start posting these constant happy happy happy posts I set a mental countdown to when they will eventually jump off a bridge (not really, that would be dark even for me). But I do see these types of posts linked to a downward spiral mentally and putting in more effort into appearing super happy. I hope the next bit of news we get on her is that she has checked herself into a REAL rehab. I wish her the best but this is not looking good, and I really hope she gets the help she needs, Mama Dawn and her enabling denial be damned
  15. To be honest that "trailer trash that one the lottery" cracked me up because it was spot on. Jenelle is a monster; she does not have one tiny even fleeting moment of caring about her kids and their well being. She's only concerned about her dick of the month and drugs. Evidence? When she was crying over Nathan bailing on the baby shower and Jace tried to cheer her up with the rainbow song which went in-noticed, then says "well I'll be there to help you" and she all but said fuck off I want naaaathan as she's maniacally drove around with her kid unbuckled in the back seat. She's a massive cunt abc my sympathy for here has been long gone. Plus, she's quick to fat shame women constantly, someone online put together a collage of all her nasty tweets calling various women fat bitches. So forgive me if I don't feel said that the chickens have come home to roost. She's vile.
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