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Everything posted by rainbowrockgal

  1. It is a new TLC show that follows Long Island Medium. It premiered last night (Monday). "TLC describes Jennie Marie as a doting wife and mother with a larger-than-life personality. She also happens to be gifted with the extraordinary ability to talk to the dead. Not only is Jennie a medium, psychic, and fourth-generation clairvoyant, but connecting with people who are otherwise incapable of communicating for themselves is her calling card. This series shows how Jennie helps people who are desperate to communicate with their loved ones, whether they've transitioned to the afterlife or suffered a life-altering incident. Episodes showcase several readings, while also exploring the star's home life in Rochester, N.Y." As far as I am concerned, the jury is still out. Must be something in the water in NY eh?
  2. Is there a forum for Mama Medium? I can't seem to find it searching. Thanks
  3. I don't either so am spared some of her grosser posts...
  4. It may be a quote from Animal House, but he still should have known better than to put it out there where many/most viewers wouldn't know the reference... Just makes him look ignorant, not cool.
  5. Thanks, I was laughing so hard at his ignorance, I forgot who he was...
  6. Who was the moron that said "the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, but the war wasn't over" after they were chastised??? Geesh!
  7. Maybe Christine is zeroing in on the kids collection?? With Truely as a model, she has a winner there!!
  8. I guess I can't see it because I am not a member of IG (or FB for that matter). When I click on her face I get asked for login info... oh well...
  9. Sadly, by the time I got here, it appears to be gone... no way she is going to show her weakness/lack of ability to even get up...
  10. Maybe the inside elevator goes down to the garage.
  11. Yeah, if I was Christine, I would be pissed Janelle so publicly trashed the dessert. You are so right @laurakaye, she could have easily given it to others or even back to Christine.
  12. It depends on where you live. I live in Montana and I get shows on Central time. The Doctor is on at 6PM and SuperGirl at 7PM so I can watch both!
  13. I don't do IG, but if you google WWT you will find her IG and can watch the videos, if you can stomach them.
  14. Thanks AZ!! After the discussions here, I wanted to see how that show went and watched a few episodes yesterday. They have their issues too, but the kids are much better behaved and respectful then Will and Zoey. I think I am done with Little Couple.
  15. Is there a forum for the Seven Little Johnstons? I can't seem to find it. Thanks!
  16. I thought it was because Gibbs gave him the file on the case and after reading through it several times he was ready to get back to work.
  17. I think this is one of my most favorite episodes! I watched it the other day and am watching it again tonight!!
  18. Simple answer...yes!
  19. I just shake my head so hard it may fall off my neck that she calls shaking her a$$ "dancing". WTF?? And a 6 year old could have done what Todd did...what is his disability? Mental?? Buddy was the smartest one to stay well away from the whole thing!!
  20. And when the mentors didn't hover over them the entire time telling them what to do and how to do it...
  21. OMG and bingo was his name o... diabetic here... sugar is the enemy..eek pecan pie!!
  22. Can someone post this video? I am not on fb/instagram.
  23. My max hot temp is 85°F I have no problem with low temps. Living here in MT I can take the minus numbers easily in stride. And I prefer below 0° over 90° any day!!
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