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Everything posted by Crossbow

  1. I don't follow Twitter, or Tumblr, but apparently this happened:
  2. He says that whenever possible he prefers to eat the rude. That doesn't mean someone HAS to be rude or traitorous. He's not Dexter, after all. He doesn't have any rules, he just does as he likes. I wouldn't even be surprised if he served white wine with a 15 year cheddar if he thought it would work.
  3. Think of how hard it is for *us* to wait, and then think how much harder it would be if we had income depending on it.
  4. Fuller can handle it. He was executive producer on Heroes and Pushing Daisies at the same time. Dick Wolf is executive producer of 4 shows right now. Seth MacFarlane is always producing multiple shows.
  5. My oldest cat turns 16 this fall. I think I'll have a Sweet Sixteen party for her. My roommate said, "What do you get a cat?" and I said, "Have all her friends over!" She loves company.
  6. He has. I am beginning to suspect Fuller secretly writes half the slash fan fiction. Of course, in the books, after being gutted by Hannibal and shooting Hobbs, he gave up and proceded to drink himself to death in the Florida keyes. This version of Will just keeps going back for more.
  7. Not really - I don't have a funcitonal computer at home. I'm not sure watching them on my phone will be any fun.
  8. Maybe Hannibal targetted Dr. Fell because there weren't any pictures of him on the internet. I know many people, in fact most of my RL friends, who go out of their way not to have their pictures on line. Maybe in his quest for someone to impersonate, that was part of his criteria. Yes, I think throwing the ring was because they met there. I still think it's silly. He already dumped her ashes there. I think it was just there to echo Ardelia throwing Clarice's ring at the end of the third book. Chiyo clearly has her own plans for Hannibal that she thought Will would disrupt. My money is on her locking him up in her dungeon.
  9. But Hannibal still engineered all those things. No, it wasn't Chilton, it was some Neurologist, whom Hannibal promptly killed and tried to frame Will for the murder.
  10. #%$@& I can't watch it Satudray nights! I have friends over every Saturday and two of them can't handle this show. I also don't have any recording device. Well, an old VHS player. Egads.
  11. But that was almost all just Hannibal. He only had help with throwing Will in jail and throwing him off a train. And apparently, this is what Will wants from him.
  12. I think every story arc has one quote that sums up the whole thing. For this whole European escapade, I think it's "That may have been impulsive."
  13. It was announced after Amazon fell through, but who knows whether they were actually released before or after. What I'm worried about is something like 5th season of Babylon 5, where the story stayed good but because of the reduced time and budget, the costumes and makeup really sucked and were distracting. There was one where G'Kar went an entire episode with his face on crooked and another where Delenn had a blob of flesh makeup in her hair the whole time. Hannibal is so much about artistry, that kind of thing could seriously suck.
  14. I read it as being the end of the European story arc.
  15. The weirdest thing about her insane costumes is how much time and effort they put into researching and designing the costumes, and then they came up with THAT? (Also, Hugh Dancy should have been wearing trousers. But... no one's complaining.) This weekend I watched Mads in "Flickering LIghts." Yes, he did contrive to be completely naked again.
  16. The kaleidoscope ws like, http://www.criticalcommons.org/Members/ccManager/clips/busby-berkeley-machine-inspired-dance-sequence-from-dames I thought it was interesting that in the book, it seemed that Hannibal thought that guy (Kendall? Krender?) deserved an extra dramatic execution for being so foul, but with Will it was more like some kind of Jeffrey-Dahmer-esque attempt to keep Will with him in death.
  17. The cookbook is a go!!!!!!! From http://janicepoonart.blogspot.com/2015/07/episode-6-dolce.html Normally, I sadly tell you here that I am unable to include recipes and sketches in this recap because of the wishes of the publishers of my forthcoming Hannibal cookbook. Then when Hannibal didn’t get renewed by NBC, I thought perhaps the cookbook would be axed as well. Now, I am ELATED to tell you there will be no recipes here and no sketches because publisher Titan has confirmed they are committed to the Hannibal cookbook and it will be available next fall! Yay!! I will be unable to show you sketches and recipes til then. Yay - with a soupcon of sadness, of course.
  18. Highlights: The director asked me if I wanted to work on Mads or if we should get a prosthetic body double. With a heavy heavy heart (sobbing!!!) I said it would be too onerous for Mads to endure being naked, covered in glaze and laid out naked on a table while I drape his nakedness with fruit. So on set, I glaze and garnish the Man-o-Latex instead of the Man-o-Dreams. The fun we have goofing around with the prosthetic Mads head almost makes up for not having Real Mads in for the scene. (Did I mention "nakedly draping his naked body with fruit?") Normally, I sadly tell you here that I am unable to include recipes and sketches in this recap because of the wishes of the publishers of my forthcoming Hannibal cookbook. Then when Hannibal didn’t get renewed by NBC, I thought perhaps the cookbook would be axed as well. Now, I am ELATED to tell you there will be no recipes here and no sketches because publisher Titan has confirmed they are committed to the Hannibal cookbook and it will be available next fall! Yay!! I will be unable to show you sketches and recipes til then. Yay - with a soupcon of sadness, of course.
  19. I agree, it looked like the kind of thing you would think was cool if you were a kid just learning film.
  20. My first reaction: WHAT DID I JUST WATCH??????
  21. I didn't notice. What kind of money?
  22. Fuller said running multiple shows at once is no problem. Lots of people do it.
  23. I need a screen cap of Chilton and those flowers. PS. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8zu2jjQZfo4/VZSz5GNBrDI/AAAAAAAAANA/LwR3GTs9pZ4/s1600/whynotchilton01.jpg
  24. No one has mentioned any cable networks. We know Amason and Netflix passed, but that's all. HBO has Game of Thrones and Showtime ran Dexter, so they're not squeamish either. It's all about the Neilsen ratings.
  25. I think Will started looking directly at Chilton when he was incarcerated. Before that he openly disliked Chilton but also seemed a little worried that Chilton would manage to lock him up and study him. Once Chilton actually HAD him, it's like Will didn't care anymore and just started playing with him.
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