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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I'm glad Caroline called Maya a hypocrite. Otherwise, the Kumbaya scene had me rolling my eyes. Glad Cray-Aly is back. Who is running Spencer Publications now? Katie?
  2. OMG ! That is the most butt ugly, cheap-looking, trashy lingerie! What is that tiny skirt thing on the front?
  3. I dread it too. Billie Piper's big, prognathic mouth gives me nightmares. Why is it that Caliban is icy cold and does look like a reanimated corpse whereas Bronilly can pass for regular human? And why is she so eloquent now? Caliban educated himself whereas suddenly the ex-prostitute talks like a lady and uses big words.
  4. Vanessa's bloody lip was healed by getting in the carriage! Awesome! She and Malcolm were stupid to run off half-cocked to Witches Central. I want Lyle to survive and open a bed & breakfast with a ruggedly handsome partner. Bronilly biting off Dorian's ear with her big Neanderthal teeth was gross.
  5. Watching this new version brings back such wonderful memories of the original series that I want to see it again. As a young teen, I was enthralled by "Poldark." I absolutely adored Angharad Rees' Demelza and could not imagine why Ross was obsessed with the frigid Elizabeth. The guy who played George in TOS had, to borrow a line from the Bard, "a lean and hungry look." The actor in the new version is too pretty. And the new Judd and Prudie are awful. I could go on and on.
  6. Elizabeth wears as much lipstick as the working girl! I don't like Prudie and Judd at all. I prefer TOS versions.
  7. Jim is upset that he has to draw his porn in the sand with a stick. What a douchenozzle! Tell him no work, no food.
  8. Maya the SUPERmodel! Bwa-ha-ha! Supermodels don't work for one fashion house. I was afraid Ivy's dad was going to say "Well, Steffy is smokin' hot!" ;-) That internship must have no minimum requirements if Nicole got one. Zende is cute.
  9. What did Gillian say/mouth when she muted her phone? It was when Caroline asked her to the wedding. All I caught was "lesbian." Good to see Rupert Graves again. I remember how sexy he was in "Maurice" and "The Madness of King George."
  10. To quote the Stranger from "The Big Lebowski": Sometimes you eat the b'ar, sometimes the b'ar eats you. ;-)
  11. Thank you! Maya is not the least bit dignified. The whole transgender story is a joke anyway since it was an afterthought. I don't buy short KM as a fashion house model or s transgendered woman.
  12. So did the traffic cone guy.
  13. How did Truman Capote, um, Pilcher know that none of the kidnappees had the aberration gene?
  14. I would completely be worried about the cougars first and foremost animal wise. Didn't one guy in the "back home" footage say they had 40 items to choose from? I did the personality quiz on the Alone page on History.com. My match was Mitch. I'm relieved I wasn't a match to one of the tappers! :-) The Julia Child impression was a hoot!
  15. What happened with Cynthia? I had to switch over to "Hannibal." I hate when shows run over a minute or two intro the next hour. Also, I missed how she lost her foster kids. What happened? Ricky's house should be condemned.
  16. Or you can find sites where you can watch just about any series for free. ::nudge, nudge:: Just sayin'...
  17. Chilton and Verger were awesome. I liked the steely Alana too. Besides that, the Will and Jack (did he put Bella out of her misery?) stuff bored me. Fitting that Verger looks like a pig now.
  18. What would Little Ricky do if he didn't have a woman to fight his battles for him?
  19. Well, she is now St. Maya the Transgender Icon. Dislike her and you are a transphobic bigot.
  20. Here's a link to an article featuring top transgender models http://www.papermag.com/2015/03/trans_models_to_watch.php They would all blow Maya away.
  21. How can Bronilly and Caliban create more of themselves? I doubt their reproductive organs function. They would need Victor to make more monsters.
  22. TIIC need to put their money where the mouth is and hire an actual transgender model. Then Ridge could hire her to be the lead model. BTW, Rick looks stupid with that shaved around haircut and full beard.
  23. Ross's "scar" does look as if his mascara is running!
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