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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Antwerp: Why wasn’t the unemployed husband fixing dinner at the “three months later”segment? Too busy playing computer games?? Wny didn’t they get little booties for the little doggie to wear in the house so she wouldn’t slip?
  2. I thought they said they had taught in 20 countries. The narrator kept saying a series of “temporary teaching jobs.” Since the husband was older than the wife, I figured he had a prior career then turned to teaching ESL in order to travel around. No way they socked away a half million bucks on ESL pay.
  3. Ethan needs to get that stick surgically removed from his butt. Bernie seemed like a nice guy.
  4. Voight counseling be honest? Love him but ????!
  5. Good! That Dalmatian was adorbs! Hope she’ll be the new firehouse dog. I like Mouch mentoring the young guy.
  6. @mojito, yeah, if your family/friends are visiting all the way from SA, their jet-lagged butts just want a comfortable bed. They don’t care how big the room is! ? Then the rest of the time they’ll be sightseeing. Liked when the agent said “You’re giving me gas” to the wife. ?
  7. SA to Brisbane: I liked the condo the best. What a view! Why does the guest bedroom need to be big. You certainly don’t want the guests to overstay their welcome! ? The place they picked was nice. I bet that Queensland house was hot. It had window ACs.
  8. Ugh, can’t remember where the latest episode was located. Anyway, after the wife’s hand wringing over the “Baby” and the steps, I loved how the toddler tackled the steps his own way and did just fine.
  9. Yes, it was. Wonder if Joe’s fingerprints are already in the system. I rather doubt it.
  10. Naples, FL: The real estate agent’s voice was like finger nails on a chalkboard for me. ?
  11. Love Richard! When the husband said what his job was- editing movie trailers- I thought that was a job made for long distance, working at home. That blue couch and chair were garish. Loved Richard’s quip about telling landlords to get neutral furniture. What? No reference to Paddington Bear?
  12. And she was extremely clean and dry! Just make Tyler Labine and Anupam Kher the leads. That would be great.
  13. I too was wondering if the poor little parrot couldn’t get a 3D printed beak. That couple on tonight’s episode with the baby macaw: ?. Why on earth do people do that to themselves? The guy even had a tat going up his face. Anyway, glad the bird got better. Yes, baby raccoons are adorable, but...Another case where I wish the person (such a nice guy) had gone to a wildlife rehab place with the baby. Guess those people thought the natural habitat of a sugar glider was McDonald’s. Chicken nuggets and crackers? Seriously? ?
  14. Chekhov’s pee jar. I knew Joe would forget that. Yeah, Joe’s reaction to Peach peeping on Beck was hilarious. It’s so hard to wait for the next episode. Yeah, but abusive jerks like that tend to not like being dumped...
  15. Outer Banks: I’m pretty sure I heard the realtor say to the husband that the house was near his work, and the couple said something about it being their “forever home,” so I assumed it wasn’t going to be a just vacation home.
  16. Outer Banks, NC: So was the house they bought the one they had been renting for years? That’s the only explanation for all the family at the big reveal saying “didn’t so and so used to be here” and the like. “Remember the French doors?” Why would they remember all that if the couple had bought a new home? Then there was the scene where the couple was taking out the microwave and hubby said “You did your best cooking here.” ? I don’t like gas fireplaces with those fake logs. Give me real wood. Reno was nice, but it was the usual bland palette with the shiplap and subway tiles. Did Hurricane Florence hit that area?
  17. The couple in LA area who were going to get married soon: That place was indeed a fixer-upper! They should spend their money on the house, not the wedding. I just don’t get blowing money on a lavish wedding. Anyway, I loved the orange trees in the backyard.
  18. Spain to Vietnam: If she were working at a private language school, she would have to work in the evenings. That’s when they have classes- after school and work hours. I can see why she wouldn’t want to travel 20 minutes both ways at night. I thought they were biking all over Vietnam, so why did she say she was still getting used to riding a motorcycle? Bet the boyfriend had claw marks on his shoulder from that cat hanging on for dear life! Loved the cat sanctuary.
  19. I love the Irish hottie, too. He would have to show me a lot of houses before I picked one! ?
  20. Me, too! The Chief is the man! Hermann deserved that promotion. Gorsch is a weasel. His first task after the announcement by the Chief was to go tattle to Grissom. The BIL seemed like a competent guy. Too bad he got put in the middle. Everyone in that office taking a peak at Cruz was funny. Hope this romance works out. No mention of Gabby! ??
  21. I got the impression that the wife was annoyed that her husband had a job and she would be a SAHM. Could be wrong. Just my impression.
  22. Wouldn’t it take years for those little saplings to grow anyway? At least she didn’t insist on a gas stove.
  23. Qatar to Malaysia: They picked the right place. The wife irritated me. She said she wanted the toddler exposed to the culture yet had to be in an area with ex-pats. Couldn’t she have said that she wanted to have other ex-pats around to talk to? The toddler would be fine playing with any other kids, whatever language they spoke!
  24. The beginning with Chuck and Jimmy was so touching. Who knew they were ever that close? Werner’s demise was predictable and heartbreaking. Poor Mike. Poor Kim. She was just stunned by Jimmy...I mean, Saul at the end.
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