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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. NJ: As I said, the wife will be doing the tenant repairs. She is the handy one and doesn’t have severe allergies.
  2. NJ: Why didn’t they just buy a smaller, less expensive place instead of having to have a place with multiple tenants to help pay the mortgage? Guess she will be doing the repairs to the rental units!
  3. I googled her online (she was in The Book of Mormon). Not sure, but I don’t think they are still a couple.
  4. I’m glad Khiem won. Naked cakes are an abomination. What’s the point of having a cake without the best part...the frosting/icing?
  5. I have to rant about an episode I saw last Sunday. A young woman came in with a marmoset (less than a year old) who was obviously very sick. To cut to the chase, the poor creature was diagnosed with herpes (caught from a human) which Dr. K said was a fatal diagnosis for a baby monkey. ? She was euthanized because she was suffering. The whole situation made me so furious! Primates should not be kept as pets! Why is that still legal in some states? The exotic pet trade is cruel and abusive. Go to a shelter and adopt a dog or cat! That poor marmoset was ripped from it’s mother so some idiot could have a “cool”pet monkey and pretend it’s a baby. ?
  6. Not saying I disagree, but it’s not as if they have food finding skills themselves. Have the bromance boys caught any fish? Nobody seems to have any fishing luck. Without food packed in found suitcases and coconuts, all of the castaways would be in dire straits.
  7. Phnom Penh: I thought for sure that she would pick that penthouse apartment. I thought it was really cool. I don’t get how she could give speech therapy to Cambodians if she didn’t speak the language.
  8. Re: the separate toilet woman, I agree about why can’t she just lock the bathroom door? I would rather have some “private time” in a big master bath than a tiny water closet!
  9. “English Tudor” is rather redundant since the Tudors were the English royal family of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I fame.
  10. St. Martins: The house they picked was gorgeous (the husband was good looking, too!). I know what a concierge is/does, but what is a “concierge business”? Was she going to run a B&B or just rent out the ground floor?
  11. What was it with this obsession? I missed the first half of HH watching Better Call Saul so her separate toilet obsession puzzled me. There were actually nice blue walls which they painted white. ?
  12. Yeah, and the first guy was like “easy-peasy, no problem.” Gus is no fool. He knows that is not an easy project. Fun seeing Saul in the opening. Wow, Howard with his tie undone and collar open (which he didn’t fix before leaving the restroom). He really is in rough shape.
  13. Nick was on an episode of “Ask This Old House” last season. He and Kevin made a table, I think. I would def watch a woodworking show starring Nick.
  14. Loved Skinny the former fat cat. Wonder if he was formerly owned by an elderly person who kept forgetting she had just fed him...
  15. It didn’t look as if it projected much downward light, hence my comment. Still beautiful as 3-D art.
  16. Aurora: If I had taken a shot every time the wife said “French Country,” I would have been passed out halfway through. Shut up! When they were at the Sherwin-Williams store, I was excited when the decorator suggested picking a blue shade, but then the wife picked the most grey-looking blue I have seen. ? Blah.
  17. They most def do need to go back to having actual food truck people as competitors. The prize should be a tricked out, state of the art food truck.
  18. I wish the lady would keep the kitten as a house pet and not put it back in the barn. It got along so well with the doggies. l loved seeing the old photos of Diane and Doc. ?
  19. In Scarlett’s defense, she may have a nose with a low bridge like me. My glasses always need to be pushed up. Fortunately, I’m nearsighted, so I can see fine up close, looking over them.
  20. Even though it didn’t function well as a lamp, I liked Billy’s parrot as a piece of 3-D art. It was lovely and imaginative.
  21. Carter is one versatile dude. He can marry you, then he can turn around and handle your divorce and custody issues.
  22. The tiny house: Sure she’s going to bop around to RV parks towing that gigantic thing! ? I hate those claustrophobic loft “bedrooms” so, for me, that downstairs nook for a bed would make the place bearable for me.
  23. Seattle to Costa Rica: This time the kids were cute, especially the older one speaking Spanish. BTW, did they say the younger boy was named “Ziggy”? I hope I misheard.
  24. Her blog makes her sound insufferable. Hey, look at me, I’m so quirky and freespirited! ?
  25. I didn’t even watch because I knew the wing guys would win. Lackluster season.
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