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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Versailles: The wife’s fake laugh was so grating. I’ve read so many books about the French Revolution and Marie Antoinette that I would love to live in Versailles. The view from their apartment was beautiful. That baby and the King Charles Spaniel were adorable. I looked up HEC online and it looks expensive and demanding. I usually like Adrian, but this episode I was like “Shut up, bitch.”
  2. I hope Just Wing It doesn’t win. I can’t stand them. And wings? Ugh.
  3. Yeah, this season fell flat for me. I wish they would put people in place before the resources started to dry up.
  4. Yeah, I did a spit-take at $7500 for a pool! “Life Coach” is pretty much on par with being a shaman, IMO. ?
  5. Bakersfield: They sure we’re asking for a lot for the budget they had. The two sons looked old enough to be moving out pretty soon unless they were going to college locally.
  6. NC to Germany: The wife got on my last nerve with her “am I not the cutest thing?” shtick. Isn’t an aesthetician someone who does facials? Get over yourself. I did like the place they picked. Odd thing about the kitchen customs in Germany. The agent was cute, but his suit was awful. He looked like a local news sportscaster!
  7. I don’t blame the mom in Singapore for wanting a pool. I’m glad she got what she wanted, I just got tired of hearing about the coffee shops! I wonder if the husband put in for moving to Singapore before talking to his wife. He made it sounds as if he raised his hand in a meeting. I hope that’s not what happened! ?
  8. When was that mentioned? I thought they said they fell in love with that part of Ireland while the husband was in the military. They would vacation there. I didn’t hear that he was Irish. I liked the house they picked. It just needed some paint. I liked the third place but, horrors, there were no coffee shops RIGHT THERE! It would have meant a brief bus ride or a ten minute stroll to get to coffee shops. ?
  9. Lexington, KY: On first glance I thought Billie was the mother. ?
  10. There has to be a way to train a dog not to injest random stuff in its path. Spray bitter apple on things and put them on the floor? ?
  11. I noticed that too! I was wondering if there weren’t any Mongolian herbal remedies the contestant could have been told about.
  12. There’s a history of coyotes where you live, yet you let your cat out? You love your cat, yet his hair is matted? ? I wanted to snuggle Bear. What a sweetie!
  13. Poor little lemur. ?I love Dr. Pol, but he should have told Jerry’s owner to find an exotic animal vet or even contact the state veterinary school (U of Michigan?). Speaking of exotics, I’ve watched a few episodes of Dr. K’s Exotic ER, and on one there was a couple with an anteater (a small species) and a sloth. That made me so upset. It shouldn’t be legal to own animals like that as pets. The exotic pet trade is horrible! A lot of times the mother is killed to get the baby. ? Anyway, since there isn’t a forum for that series, I had to rant here. Good on Charles for taking such good care of that kitty. Bet they grew up together. After last week’s episode, I was so worried for that trembling puppy. Glad it had a good outcome.
  14. Just saw an Island Life episode in which young single mother who is a bartender moves to Key West with her six year old son. Her budget was $600,000. How can she afford that? Is “bartender” a euphemism for something else? ?
  15. I was about to post the same thing about the concertina razor wire on top of the walls. The political situation in Nicaragua is kind of dicey. There has been unrest against Ortega. Not sure if it is a great time to move down there. ? I thought it strange that the dude disparaged the little pool in the first house but thought the little one in the third house was just great. I liked either of the places in town. Zagreb: I liked the friend Tristan. Not so much the HH.
  16. Guess their psychic powers didn’t tell them that their budget wouldn’t get them much in the OC. ?
  17. Why would a local food truck want one of the contestants to park next to their truck and take away business from them?
  18. “Pajama Day” at a business? Is that actually a thing now?
  19. I missed the very beginning. Why did Ian’s teammates leave? Unless it was a family emergency, that was a dick move.
  20. I’ll keep watching just because I like this genre of program. Already don’t like Kenzi.
  21. MN: The wife’s vocal fry drove me nuts, as did the husband’s “no stairs” harping. I mean, WTF, you are a young able-bodied guy. You can handle stairs! ?
  22. Bologna: Glad they picked the place on the historic square since, from what I understood, they would be there only a year.
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