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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. Portia's not on the show that often, IMO. I'm not understanding why the presence of a camera crew would add to level of spoiledness or detract from how "grounded" she is. We don't know that they don't do these things. And if they do, it's kind of farfetched to suggest that a six-year-old's allowance would cover the cost of a few outfits even at Target; if it did, it would be more fuel for the "Portia is spoiled by Kyle" fire. While I agree that Portia herself probably would be fine whether at Target or a fancy boutique, I suspect she's a bit young to actually apply this "value of a dollar" thing to the amount of dollars that a shirt costs at either place as opposed to just understanding that you don't simply walk in to a store and take the things you want. I seriously doubt that she knows the difference between a high-end shop and, say, a Marshall's.
  2. Oy, you guys, why, why, why does it have to be more about bitchy squabbles than tattooing? I just want to see the tattoos, man! I just watched all the seasons of Best Ink (I even paid for them all legit-like from iTunes!) and it is so much better than this even though its format and premise are exactly the same, right down to the term "flash challenge."
  3. Like something you'd read on that "Overheard at..." website. Do these people never shrink from getting ill-advised tattoos? Maybe we'll soon see them on some ink cover-up show.
  4. While I just can't get my head around "dat" and "cuz" stuff, I think I agree with you on your assessment of these people for the most part, especially Stassi. I just...don't mind her, especially in comparison to everyone else.
  5. I think he said that he wants Tom to bang a chick in front of Katie.
  6. Ugh, I have a FB friend who, on Monday, posted that he will delete anyone who posts anything about this week's episode. I have another friend who bitched out everyone on FB a few Sunday nights ago (after 10pm EST) for being inconsiderate of those who may not have seen the episode yet.
  7. Is their last name Saunder (no second S)? Or is it Saunders and the type is lacking the "es"? And who in this day and age is calling on the phone for porn?!
  8. I hid in the bathroom during the bouquet crap at my mom's wedding. Unfortunately, they all waited.
  9. Eh, I just assume that maybe they did -- I have no idea. These shows often replay people's quotes (sometimes from completely different times) to make it sound like they're being repetitive. I guess I just don't think a kid whining for 12 seconds is an indicator of across-the-board or irreversible brattiness. Kyle's also afraid of flying so maybe she was in "let's get this show on the road" mode. I don't know. I don't recall the laughing (though I was halfway paying attention at most) and I don't have kids but, if I did, I am pretty sure I'd be guilty of laughing at inappropriate (and abrupt -- it's always the abruptness of it that makes me laugh)/funny things they said and did (not that Portia's remark was very funny). I've done it at friends' kids, as have some of my friends at their own kids. True, you should probably tell the kid to cut the shit as well; I just think some shit is funny, I guess--if also admonishable.
  10. But the family was going to Tahoe for the weekend, and they have the means to do so in a private plane. Are they supposed to just not go, or send Portia on her own in coach and a cab, simply because she may be an asshole in 10 years?
  11. I admit I don't quite get (or care about) "Rocia" but "Blanci" could easily just be an affectionate diminutive, which is not uncommon at all. Lots of people put a long e sound at the ends of names.
  12. Obviously, I can speak only for me, but I'm just curious, man! What's he up to, and is he OK now? I feel like they could have held onto this Morgan business until the end of last night's episode, really, for as much as it played into the half-season.
  13. I don't often believe in this so-called and rampant media-driven hatred, on this or on many other shows; sometimes the character just happens to be a chick. (But don't bother to try to "see" me a park; I bought a condo for the sole purpose of not having a yard.) But maybe I'm naive; I also don't buy at all that Maggie didn't give a fuck about Beth simply because we didn't see her do so. There are a lot of thing we don't see but can reasonably assume that people do.
  14. OK, that makes complete sense--I'd hoped it was the case, for the sake of the canvases.
  15. Ugh, I thought Aaron had it with this one. Precision is great and all in all sorts of tattooing but tight, solid lines are not for a child's face, no matter how precise. Also, I thought Cleen's was good and all, BUT the shading was crazy--looked like dirt on the man's face to me (and I see this in lots of portraits. I myself have only a portrait of my late cat, so I really don't know from experience how they go about doing a good portrait of a person; I assume it's a tough job). And, while I agree with the Graduation Mom decision, the winner's hair (in the tattoo) was terrible--too flat and solid. I know it was '70s-girl long, straight hair but this looked like a stiff black satin curtain! I found it odd that the guest judge pretty much said that about the losing tattoo's hair.
  16. In the book, is there anything about Olive's acid refuel or bowel issues? I kept thinking she was gonna be diagnosed with something awful. Oy, the vet scene. Too close to home for me, man.
  17. I have started watching Best Ink on iTunes. It is far and away better than this show, IMO. Not only becuae the artists seem better in general, but because the computers [< EDIT: WHAT?! "Computers"? I mean "competitors"!] don't live together. I think this may make a big difference in the type of show it ends up being -- a competition show (with a few random seconds of drama here and there as opposed to Big Brother with tattooing. And, I've been thinking (obsessing about?) the whole "rivals" thing. I feel like the concept would have been better if it were set up so that if one rival is eliminated, so is the other. It would add a dynamic of collaboration between "enemies" working together (and also probably a source of the extra drama that reality-show makers seem to like) and then the end would be a pair of rivals competing against one another. As for this episode, I wasn't blown away by any of the skulls. The football man seemed very nice though.
  18. Since when did prisoners wear pinstripes anyway? Pinstripes are thin and vertical like you see on businesspeople suits; prison stripes are wide and horizontal, and possibly only exist in cartoons and old-time comedies, where they are often accessorized with a ball and chain. I'm a "Teresa fan" and I "care" (though I admit "care" is a strong word here, as far as her actions affect me on a day-to-day basis…which is not at all) that she was involved in all this shit, and believe if you wanna play, you gotta pay. Still, I'd say I'm a fan because she's one of the few on the show I am entertained by. So, "most likely" is a stretch.
  19. I'd watch a show about Teresa in prison. What can I say--I like true crime and I like Teresa; I'm set.
  20. I think she calls it that because tons of people call it that; it is a long-time common euphemism for doing time and the Giudice's are far from the only people who use it. I've heard the term since I was a child. Maybe it's regional to the tri-state area but "going away" is by no means a "Teresa-ism" at all.
  21. Oh, your ass hurts! After all these years, I am still not even sure what that means!
  22. Me too! My BF's relatives live two seconds from Teresa (and he's had run-ins in his youth with Joe Giudice's brother). Ever since I learned exactly where it was, I like to make a drive-by every now and then. I used to have an apartment right near the gelato place where Kathy peddled her wares and where Teresa flipped the table (close to where Al Manzo said there was not a KFC when Joe Giudice said there once was--and Joe was correct, by the way). Also, Dina got her tattoo where I get all my work done. And, my sister was at Joe Giudice's sister's wedding; she's got pics of Teresa in bridesmaid-wear! Also, and unrelated: I live in the same condo complex as a recent Hell's Kitchen contestant (who is not well liked here on this site). But he's a really nice guy...and a doting dog owner too!
  23. Haha--I graduated in 1989; maybe "your ass hurts" was passé by the time your time came (assuming you're younger)? Now that I think about it, that phrase may have been big in my junior-high years. I assume from your user name that you're from Jersey too?
  24. I forgot to add that I noticed someone (one of the guys) made the comeback "your ass hurts!" I laughed; I don't think I've heard that since high school.
  25. What I took away from this is that Rino really seems like a pretty nice guy. I also still can't understand why Twin Teresa finds Original Teresa responsible for the stupid rumor. In fact, I think she doesn't and just can't apologize for it. Also, Amber still doesn't bother me at all. Perhaps I'm grading on a curve here, but she's OK with me and, dare I say it, pretty good-natured.
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