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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. It has a little flourish and they say it sort of wistfully!
  2. Oh good lord, do not give them any ideas. Also, and semi-related, I really miss biscuits from Popeye's. Sometimes I am tempted to ignore my veganness and eat them. Oh my goodness, I want 'em!
  3. Popeye’s is getting on my damn nerves with their commercials. All the examples of things that don’t make sense don’t NOT make sense. Which I guess could make sense in the not-making-sense theme? But I really doubt they intended to make sense by way of not making sense. Anyway… It’s like they thought the tagline of “we don’t make sense, we make chicken” was so hilarious that they had to use it, regardless of whether or not they could effectively pull it off.
  4. All they're doing with their Jessel hate is making me prefer Jessel.
  5. Please help, I give up — I’ve Googled and I can’t figure out what the fuck does “Kerin” mean?!
  6. It's so stupid! And half the time it's not even anything important -- or it's something that almost everyone on earth agrees with anyway, like "I am against being bashed in the head repeatedly with a frying pan! I bet you're afraid to share this!"
  7. No, it's like sentiments in a meme or an image format -- maybe self-esteem advice or affirmations or whatever -- but after the actual text (which may be fine on its own; that's not what's annoying to me) there's a directive like "read that again" or "let that sink in." Like "look at my quiet, sage wisdom that I have generously and oh-so seriously imparted." It's not usually a reflection of those who repost it; it's just an annoying thing. I will add that sometimes, when these directives are attached to a sentiment that is unserious/sarcastic/ridiculous, they can be funny. Example of the not-funny kind:
  8. I'm sorry to hear that about your dad. I guess I just don't necessarily understand why the shot format is less responsible than any other way of serving or ingesting alcohol. It's the amount one consumes (and time it takes them to do it) that would be the issue, in my mind, at least.
  9. I am not defending the shit-show that HW parties always become, both with and without kids present, and am not sure who "we" are, but I don't think having a shot is binge drinking. Lots of not-questionable people, venues, and events allow alcohol in the presence of minors (and, I swear, I'm not just saying it just because of my lax and admittedly probably irresponsible upbringing and parents, haha!).
  10. I think, for me, it's less the actual wording than it is the vibe of "I am so profound and wise." Even when the sentiment and message are valid, I feel annoyed. I have to remind myself that the person reposting it isn't actually the one demanding that I read it again
  11. I confess, my parents would never have batted an eye at this and so I am not super-bothered, yet I also do find it pretty odd. I feel like letting them have wine glasses like the grownups would somehow not be as weird, but shot glasses made even my “raised in the ‘70s” self think twice!
  12. I don't know if they were rehearsed or not, but I laughed at the Easter Bunny invitations. Whitney was a bizarre combo of ready to throw down but also calm and collected. It kind of reminded me of a scene in The Office, where Dwight is aggressively demonstrating his karate (or whichever martial art he does) and gets too close to Pam, who quietly gives him a stern look and holds up one finger at him.
  13. He annoys me too, but then I feel bad; he's a little kid who digs Halloween. Or as he says at the end, "Hal-o-wEEn!" (even though that is not his pronunciation at the beginning). It might be the pitch of his voice that bugs me. It's practically a whistle! It reminds me of another candy commercial in which the narrator first says "caramel" (the 3-syllable way) and later "carmul" (ick). Why both? To avoid the ire of people (like me?) disagreeing on the correct way?
  14. Ohhhhhhh, OK -- I'm sorry! Maybe he just wants to get away, haha!
  15. "Read that again," as used in memes and posts that are intended to be poignant, sensitive, inspirational, helpful... It was 12 words; I read it just fine the first time -- don't assume that I need to be gently pushed into understanding and subsequent internal healing!
  16. Yeah, that's kind of what I took from it, especially after the news about the mom's phone moment when she thought Monica couldn't hear. But less "savior" and more "cool mom/honorary HW."
  17. Her mom was making it into more of a spectacle and knowingly doing it in front of people with whom Monica has contentious relationships. I am not saying that this makes Monica "right" or a victim, just that her mom is a toxic dickhole that appears to want to humiliate her kid. She should show unity, or at least express only quiet noncommittal concern/support, with Monica in public or stay out of it. It looks like she's trying to be liked by the other HWs by fighting with Monica -- to me, anyway. ETA: That said, who knows -- maybe Monica and her mom are in some kind of attention-getting cahoots with their troubled mother-daughter relationship?
  18. The Book of Mormon is not just the name of that satirical show, it's also the name of the actual religious text. (If your post was sarcastic, ignore me; I didn't mean to seem pedantic!)
  19. I know she's in her own very special and unique Mary bubble/closet and probably misses a ton of things in her day-to-day life, but how would she "notice" that they're married -- other than rings (I didn't look to see if he had one -- and hahahaha, she'd probably harshly judge the quality of the rings!) or maybe mail that indicates it? Ugh, I was OK with Monica at first too -- she seemed OK! But yeesh. That said, her mom is a disloyal piece of garbage. If you can't take your kid's side, maybe express that privately and not at a big party and especially not in front of a bunch of other adversarial mean girls competing for the spotlight (a description that seems to apply to Monica's mom as well).
  20. Yeah, Frasier's has stairs and it doesn't appear that Freddy's (Freddie's?) does, plus Freddy was sleeping on the couch. It still just does not make logical sense to me. And while Frasier is doing a helpful thing in his own way (and for his own reasons), it was Freddy who originally made a selfless sacrifice to help out his friend. Now that Frasier bought the building and there is seemingly enough room for everyone, it would be nice to give Freddy back his own space. I am overthinking, I know; in strictly "TV logic" it's the obvious solution and we "need" the roommate situation to mirror the original. But the part of me that values my own space and who has lived outside of my parents' homes since I was 19 does not like it!
  21. Ooooooh, god damn it, I thought that the annoying-voiced Febreze lady who says that her shoes smell “frash” had retired or something equally lucky for me, but she’s back with a vengeance lately and I hate her.
  22. OH, I forgot! Brynn's birthday outfit looked so uncomfortable! OK, so, not that I'd wear it (I'd have no occasion to and, while I am not really bothered by how revealing it was, it's just not something I'd like regardless), but it looked weirdly stiff in places -- the top in particular, which should not have been stiff and, like...crinkly/crumply. And the bra underneath looked lumpy and too high in the back (this latter is a peeve of mine). The whole thing looked like the fabric quality of a Halloween costume that you buy in a bag.
  23. Not weighing in on whether Brynn is educated or not, but how is this a measure of that? Lots of people are educated and wouldn't know this particular, very specific thing. I mean, I know lots of stuff in certain areas too (for example, editorial stuff, like capitalization and punctuation); doesn't mean I am more educated than someone else in all areas. I am certain there are much better things to mock Brynn about than not knowing one fact about a tree. That said, I still think she has more to offer than this dumb "sexy" thing. That in itself – that it seems like she's opting to be this way on purpose – adds an extra layer of annoying. ETA: She said her grandma liked that kind of tree. I would do the same for my grandma, regardless of a hypothetical hurricane (like the way I bring her the more expensive version of the candy she likes, even though the cheaper and more convenient one is exactly the same).
  24. Maybe someone more mathy can help me follow this information from a Downy commercial that says something like “every load of laundry can be worth up to $300.” Why is that number the upper limit? I could have 20 items that cost $150 each in there (I don’t)! Maybe there’s a “based on average blah, blah…” disclaimer that I didn’t see. But even so, why not word the claim with “at least” instead of “up to” to leave more leeway in the interpretation?
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