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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. So basically no bathrooms in any home at the Jersey shore then.
  2. I will now be on the lookout for rocks in people's bathrooms -- errant pebbles, decorative geodes, what have you. And if I see one, I will take my business elsewhere.
  3. OK, but "constant"/"in your face" is just how advertising works, though — and it still doesn’t mean that this particular product is meant to be a substitute for showering (and it does not, as far as I know, require people to apply it multiple times — that would be the antithesis of the whole 72-hour thing, no?). I am, of course, not saying that someone shouldn't be annoyed by these commercials, just that it's disingenuous to claim that there is a directive within them to use Lume instead of showering. And I suppose that any commercial for a product that's used in a bathroom on people's body parts could evoke unpleasant images…but rock? No idea what that means (and I didn’t Google it, partly because Google what, exactly?). But as unappealing, ubiquitous, and repetitive as the Lume lady may be, it’s probably not her fault if a person’s brain conjures up gnarly, questionable, and/or mysterious activities, with or without rocks.
  4. But, no one says it’s a replacement for washing or an “either/or” scenario. They say that the product is effective for that long, should someone need it to be. Those are so not the same thing. I don’t get what’s so confusing here — it’s like the “just wash your hands!” response some people had to the 2020 directives to use hand sanitizer, as if it was hard to imagine one of the many situations in which someone may not have immediate access to a sink.
  5. UGGGGHHHHHHH, I hate, hate hate getting late notices/bills for things I know have been paid. But even more than that, I hate when get them outside of the hours that I can contact someone and straighten it out. It stresses me out so much. In fact, I feel like I would be less stressed if I hadn't paid; I'd simply log into my account and pay it that second. ETA: And now I have to add two stupid phone calls to my to-do list for Monday!
  6. I also don't identify with the confusion about Lume and its 48 hours of effectiveness or the "just take a shower" suggestions. Obviously, most people are aware they should bathe and are not likely actively trying to find a way to avoid doing so. But some people through no fault of their own have more intense sweat or smells or whatever -- and probably can't take a shower every time they suspect a...flare-up(?). Not to mention that people do get into situations where they may need to go longer than and day without a shower or have events where they want to be extra covered -- for example, I am not a super sweaty person and I use natural deodorant but if I have, say, a summer outdoor event, maybe I will use a stronger one just for peace of mind, haha!
  7. No shade -- just wondering! And it's so crazy too, especially that they wanted you to just throw it away. Yeesh!
  8. Did you tell us this once before? I feel like I remember a similar story -- though I suppose yours is, sadly, not the only one just like it. Or maybe I am having a weird deja vu! (Also, PSA: Walgreen's does not appreciate drug jokes when you need allergy meds, haha!)
  9. Well, no — not buying something immediately doesn’t mean that I don’t “really want it”; it only means the reasons that I listed in my original post. Haha, I spent all of my 20s and most of my 30s not buying things I really wanted! And yet another reason is that I am with the person for whom I want to buy something, so I can’t do it right then and there. This is where a discreetly taken picture is very helpful later. And like I also said, most of them are selling online, just not through certain channels, so they’re still shipping things and taking the risks you mentioned. I know I don’t “have to buy anything at the flea market” — I’m actually missing the point on that part, as my point was that I wanted to buy something outside of the flea market. I get all the reasons why they may not and they’re valid. It’s just a peeve I have, which is why I made the post. I don’t begrudge the artisans, I just prefer a more direct way to buy online and a way to see as much of the work as possible. And, yes, @Ohiopirate02, Etsy has become so convoluted and complicated over the last couple of years. Ugh. Different peeve: how in the hell does it take only a millisecond to fast-forward way too far, but seemingly minutes to rewind to get back where I want to be? And why do I do it every single time?!
  10. This is gonna make me sound like such a capital-O Old, but why do so many flea market vendors not have "normal" shopping websites or even just Etsy pages anymore? It's all Instagram or "contact us." I don't want to! If I took a card, it was because I dug your stuff, but (a) didn't have cash/Venmo, (b) couldn't decide what I wanted to buy and wanted to see everything, or (c) didn't want to carry something around for the rest of my fun flea market day! ETA: OOH, I should clarify that I mean people who handmake stuff -- jewelry, etc. I didn't mean, like, the guy who has a boatload of old Pyrex or midcentury steppy-stools or old books!
  11. Man, if it wasn’t after 10, I’d run out right now for vodka and pink grapefruit juice. It looked so good. Also, Dorit looked cute “undone” in the van with a ponytail and glasses.
  12. I wonder this too. I am not going to lie, I have been pretty lucky over the last bunch of years, even with a couple of layoffs and a partner with very sporadic income, to have a reasonably workable "cushion." But I am by no means rolling in dough or unbothered by thoughts of "what will happen when I am older?" So, considering that, I do wonder how people who live where I live, but who make less than I do and have entire multiperson families to take care of, do it.
  13. I know not legally; I was talking about morally and humanly (and neither of them has the title if it's not paid for). But only a dick like her mother would think think of it that way; it's petty and vindictive and gross. Barring some completely crazy scenario, I would never take my boyfriend's car just because I'm a cosigner for him; I don't even open the bill when it shows up. Monica's mom's behavior is not that of a woman who wants a good relationship with her kid. (And, maybe Monica's not making payments, I don't know; I am basing my opinions only on what is on the show.) As usual, though, I'll add that I wouldn't be too surprised if the two of them were doing this for the show.
  14. In Lisa's talking heads where she is wearing jeans and bold-print top, her bottom half (starting at the waist) doesn't move and looks fake -- like when people stuff jeans full of leaves to make a Halloween scarecrow that sits on the porch. Maybe not. But I wash my stuff before I put it away, so that I don't have to do it every time make a salad or a smoothie or whatever. She's an asshole, yes, but if she's paying for the car, it's hers (though I do wonder if she'd need the credit help if she had something that isn't a Range Rover, or whatever it is). As a former low-credit-having asshole (with 2 jobs and student loans and rent to pay), I am grateful that I had help when I needed it (and also glad that I am now in the position to help my low-credit-having asshole boyfriend who has a small business to run and found himself in a similar bad position carwise). Again, Monica's an asshole, but I don't think her dickhole mother deserved a ride home for correcting her own dickhole behavior. That said, doesn't Monica's mom have her own keys? If not, how does she take the car away from Monica's house in the first place? Does she steal Monica's keys too?
  15. Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. I will try to spoiler her! And thank you for the info. Edit: I couldn’t figure out how, so I deleted the picture. I guess I completely forgot that spiders are upsetting to some people.
  16. I too thought she looked late 40s, early 50s -- she looked to me to be about the age of a few Real Housewives I'm thinking of and my friends, which is early 50s (though my friends and I are less glammy and more "aging grunge kid").
  17. Thank you! I did look at images, but none was quite like my Donna!
  18. Me too. I confess, I already cried a little bit. I'm pretty similar to all of this, though I do like a shower to "punctuate" the end of the work day, even though I work at home at a desk. I know what my "repeat foods" are supposed to be like so if it's not an egregious amount of time past the date, I rely on my intuition. @peacheslatour Was I correct in assuming that Donna is an orb weaver?
  19. Thanks. Man, I'll miss her. I loved that she had such a schedule and I loved seeing her where she "belonged" after I finished working. I like to think she was happy here. I wonder what she thought when my cats sat on the window sill right next to her spot. ETA: Just saw her way down in the corner, so I guess (HOPE!) I have her for a while more.
  20. Thank you. I knew I should have pretended not to notice her. Can you tell for sure if she's a girl? I didn't know, but I named her Donna.
  21. RANDOM: Does anyone know about spiders in NJ and their hibernation habits? For a long time, I have had what I think is an orb weaver living between my living room window and screen. S/he's built an impressive web in there and I have grown to love seeing him/her every day -- usually early in the morning and after 6 pm (not sure where she is between those hours). Anyway, I haven't seen him/her in the last 24 hours. I am truly hoping s/he didn't die. I know it's silly to expect to know where (or if) s/he is, but s/he became important to me, for whatever reason.
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