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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. Eh, people are insecure about different things, logical and otherwise. But it seems like she's not ashamed about the BiL. I still don't see any connection, but TY for the follow-up! Call me nuts, but I'd rather have a $200 ring to wear whenever I feel like it than one worth bazillions that people judge me as irresponsible for wearing wherever I want. If a cheap thing looks as nice at a glance as an grossly expensive one, then just give me the cheap one -- which works out well, I guess, because I have no expensive jewelry anyway, haha!
  2. You are all making me crazy with the pimiento cheese talk! Oh, I want some. When I was little, my grandparents always had some that came in a cute little glass jar with little cut-out parts and they saved them for juice glasses. It wasn't fancy at all, but I liked it! I need to find a vegan version.
  3. I don't get what these things have to do with each other or why they would "mesh." If the rings aren't too big, stacking shouldn't be a problem -- people stack rings all the time. I kept thinking it was probably somewhere inside her pants, and I felt like she'd have heard it fall on the floor. How the hell did it get away from her so fast? She hadn't even done up her pants before going to look for it!
  4. I love, love, love that you held Limu equally responsible, hahahahhaaa!
  5. Before I forget, I just need to ask why the server at Angie and Whitney’s dinner looked like she just got out of the shower. That said, I want that beet salad. As of the time of this post, I like Monica. If she really feels comparatively inadequate, I feel bad for her. Somewhat related: Man, I hate champagne flutes! They’re so awkward to drink from!
  6. I know what they're referencing. That's not the issue -- for me, anyway. It's clunky and shoehorned in with no regard for conversational "flow." Maybe the commercial was once longer and, at that time, the line worked.
  7. I know what it's trying to do as well. But it still makes no sense in the people's conversation.
  8. The commercial doesn't set it up that way though -- it just randomly says something about "uphill both ways" without mentioning any kind of scenario that involves walking or "ways." ETA: I'm sorry -- they may actually say the word "walking," but it's still really dumb and doesn't make sense they way they do it. They don't talk about where he's supposed to be walking.
  9. Right! That uphill thing is supposed to be part of waking to school or to a bus or something, not all by itself out of nowhere! Regarding the Progressive one (i don’t think I’ve seen it), I don’t really understand why the idea of a little kid sitting with her dad in a bed is inappropriate. Do you mean inappropriate because they’re actors and not actually family?
  10. There’s a Pediasure ad that is driving me bonkers, partly because it’s on so much, but also because it makes no sense. There’s a voiceover of a mom saying something like “There’s nothing better than hearing your kid say…” [cut to some footage of the mom helping her kid ride a bike] “…Mommy, I did it.” In this bike part, it’s the mom’s mouth we see saying those words. Why would she be saying that? Yes, it’s her voiceover but we should be seeing, if not hearing, the kid’s mouth saying it.
  11. I am by no means at all an anti-police kind of person. But maybe I am anti-weirdo-powertrip kind of person. I was outside of a store doing a curbside pickup in the same way that I always have at this store. And, per the store's instructions, you park outside the entrance -- which is indeed a fire zone. Which is why, way back when I started doing this pickup, I confirmed this with the store (I'd originally thought that I was just not seeing dedicated pickup parking spots like other stores have). Anyway... I was doing that today, hazards on, and calling the number for curbside pickups. There was a guy in a large truck about 20 feet in front of me, apparently doing the same. A cop pulled up next to me and asked what I'm doing, I told him curbside pickup, and he said, "You're in a fire zone and there is no curbside pickup." Huh? Whatever, OK, fine. I told him that this is what the store tells customers to do. Well, then he said to me, "Do you want me to give you a ticket? You're talking back." Just then, the employee inside answered and I said, "Never mind, I'm gonna come in instead." The officer asked again if I wanted a ticket, but it's not like I could move until he did. After he moved up to the truck in front of me, I parked and went in to get my things. I asked the employee where curbside parking was and guess what I was told? Ugh. OH! The guy in the truck? He was allowed to stay where he was. Oh well. EDITED TO ADD: Suppose he was correct that there was no curbside pickup (he's not) -- then why would the employees of the store continuously cooperate by bringing out the orders?
  12. I am over it (mostly); I'll add it back when my (hopefully not time-sensitive) need for it makes me remember what it was. ETA! I figured it out -- and only because of yet another dumb phone thing I do all the time: accidentally take a screenshot by clumsily fumbling around with the phone in my hand (usually because I am trying to do too many things at once). I looked in my deleted photos and, sure enough, there was a picture of the home screen. Turns out it was just the Settings icon that got bumped off into oblivion, but obviously not deleted. Now I can put this mess back in the "correct" configuration! Thank you for your support, haha!
  13. Tank tops/camis with the built-in one are my favorites. I realize that these (especially the inexpensive ones) don't always work too well for the bustier among us and for that I am sorry because they do make life easier.
  14. I’ve given up. I’ll figure it out when I need it, I guess. But I’ll amend my peeve to a phone that is way too sensitive. Last phone was not like this, I swear! Meanwhile, it is simultaneously insensitive and, other times, it makes me swipe/tap a bazillion times. Fucker.
  15. Some Olay commercial just said that the product “goes 10 surface levels deep.” Never mind the clunky wording, but can levels 2 through 10 be called “surface”?
  16. Neither of these suggestions is working, but thank you! Maybe this will be one of those times that something comes to mind suddenly in the middle of the night! Or, oh my god, what if I didn’t actually delete anything but instead somehow accidentally just rearranged them? Just enough to make myself crazy!
  17. I am going crazy! I must have accidentally deleted an app from my phone's home screen and I have no idea which one -- I only know it's gone because the other apps have moved. It's not an "if you can't remember what it is, it's probably not important" situation; if I have it at all, then I use it (and I have a weird need to have no more than one screen's worth of apps). But what was it? Come on! I don't know if I am more annoyed that I can't remember or that now all my other ones are now not where they belong.
  18. Ahahhahahhahhahaa! YES, we do tend to be super-fast to come up with relvant movie quotes. My BF and I have a regular list of go-tos that suit various occasions.
  19. I recently saw something somewhere that referred to Gen X's "sexy whatever attitude"!
  20. Seems dumb, regardless. Use her existing name, if anything, to mock her!
  21. I really don't understand why Jenna's brother called her "Jennatalia" if her name wasn't already Jenna.
  22. Oh my goodness, the one with the ventriloquist is on now and I forgot how funny it is.
  23. Strangely, I feel that I understand this so much. And then I change my mind and decide to like the baby because I don’t want the baby’s feelings to be hurt. Then I wish for a Xanax or something because what the hell is the matter with me (it’s the Domino’s “mushrooms!” girl all over again!).
  24. Because, in typical and storied fashion, Gen X is forgotten altogether, hahahaaa!
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