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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. Ran across this clip on YT when I was searching for Time Trax stuff (I love cheesy 90s scifi). Kassie was in this one, of course but the episode also had John de Lancie in it. (The episode title was Beautiful Songbird.)
  2. I always thought a half hour daily format that was on at a time like Wheel of Fortune is (between the news and prime time in my area) would have been a perfect evolution for soaps. People are off work, in the mood for a little tv and you'd get a wide range of viewers, including some young ones. I don't see a current online spot for OLTL or AMC. Disney doesn't have that great of a digital presence, like CBS does. And the PP venture showed a lot of people won't pay directly. But otoh, people are a lot more familiar with accessing digital shows now, so who knows? I would pay for access to a vintage soap service, where they had all 3 (AMC, OLTL, GH - maybe Loving too?) starting from some point in the 90s. :-) Like Youtube, only better quality.
  3. I'm just so p.o.'ed with Sheila saying Quinn was all about Eric's money. Even the most rabid Quinn haters would have to admit that she's never been about the Beverly Hills lifestyle (well, unless it's for Wyatt). And honestly, FU to Eric. He knows how Ridge is. He knows that Quinn was insecure and how Ridge operates. Maybe he should remember how Quinn stood at his bedside, doing everything in her power to get him well, to keep the control of his company his, how they suffered the humiliation of a wedding where none of their families showed up, where she was attacked nonstop as a psychopath and a gold digger without retaliating. You can see what all that earned her. Not even a fair hearing without the smug, first gen psychopathic ex gloating in the same room. Sheila being in that discussion just makes me even more #TeamQuinn. (And I was prepared to be on-board for Quinn getting her comeuppance.) If Eric and Sheila hook up, I'm taking a really long break. And now that I have that out of my system, can I say how class-ist it is for Eric to order Quinn out of "their" home, which obviously when the chips are down, isn't. Maybe that is what really irked me when I watched today's episode. Yeah, JMc was bringing it but between the writing and Sheila, all it did was make me hate him. And yet, if he had been hurting and hadn't gone on the attack, I probably would have been on his side. Sigh...
  4. Ah, then I'm surprised she hasn't saved anyone's life yet but I guess there's time. :-) I should clarify that I thought RJ was gross, giving her a cheesy bikini and wanting to photograph her in it. Her response gave me hope for the character.
  5. This thing with Ridge and Quinn, with Sheila added to the mix, is hard to watch. Not liking it at all. Honestly, Sheila hasn't added all that much to the show yet other than nostalgia. I guess she freed Katie from having to expose Quidge, so there's that but she has no job, no money, she's not a designer - what are they going to do with her now? (ETA: what did Sheila do when she was on before?) I also thought the bikini gift scene was unappealing. (RJ, to clarify. He thinks he's a player. Ick. OTOH, I can believe he's Ridge's son there.) 2nd ETA: Eric's reaction was great and heartbreaking at the same time, given what the audience knows. This is exactly why Brooke, Katie, Ivy, and even Charlie folded - none of them wanted to do this to Eric.
  6. So, so happy Killjoys is back. Premiering on a holiday weekend seemed weird to me though. I didn't get a chance to watch until late last night. (Who needs sleep anyway?) I'm not a shipper by nature but I could change my mind about Dutch and Johnny if they do go there. Either way, they belong together and I hope Johnny is back on board soon.
  7. My main objection is to Sheila, though what I know of the character is mostly from Y&R - a little bit of real Sheila, a lot of Lauren/Sheila and a smidgen of Phyllis/Sheila. But I love Deacon. Yes, he can be a horrible, sleazy, grifting conman and drunk but SK does liven up the place. And I hope the show is on long enough for Hope to have at least one adventure with her father, where she flirts with the dark side.
  8. Lol. It must be. Though let's be fair, sometimes that breakneck speed works in our favor. Exhibit A - the recent Lizzie drama.
  9. I don't think it's completely gone. I remember this Thomas doing something design-y with models in and out when he first came on. And weren't there models when Ridge was doing the collection where Caroline was helping him draw? There also seems to be the occasional model wandering in or out every few months or so. With all the budget cutting in soaps, the extras (or lack thereof) have become very noticeable, though B&B is actually better than the others most of the time.
  10. Ah, I completely forgot about the double date and I actually watched that day. I guess I didn't see the other instances as being about Sally herself, just Liam being Liam. They really need to give him an evil twin story. SC has to be bored out of his mind. And yes, here's hoping TPTB never hook up Sally and Liam.
  11. I almost posted something last week about that. Well, I was going to ask if B&B was marketed overseas as a telenovela, because I'd noticed the 3/4 month chunks. I say 3/4 because I wasn't paying really close attention to the exact number but it can be quite noticeable. Liam as a Sally supporter seems weird to me. Have they even met? I must have missed that.
  12. Maybe Sally's mom or Sasha's? Though in the latter case, hopefully she's a lot younger than Viv. If it was written well, I wouldn't object to Ridge getting back together with either Caroline or Katie but there would need to be some serious prep for that to work. But yeah, Ridge needs a long, long break.
  13. Maybe Caroline will take Ridge back to NY with her for some quality time with his grandson. TK has been on screen for quite a while now. He must be due for some vacation soon. ETA: I don't mind Thomas and Sally using FC to generate a little buzz for themselves. (In theory, anyway.) Guerrilla marketing is a much different thing than stealing designs.
  14. So Deacon is too intense a character for this show but Sheila Carter is fine? I know a lot of fans like her but honestly, it's going to be a long year if there are many more scenes like the ones with her and Charlie.
  15. I see Quinn acting like a moth to the flame whenever Ridge is around, which is both immature and probably an infatuation - so in that sense her comment works for me. But mileage varies, as they say. I will say that after doing so well with crazy Quinn, even late blossoming Quinn during Eric's illness, this insipid, deer in the headlights Quinn doesn't appeal to me.
  16. All any actor can do is deliver what's on the page, which I think she's done. And I think that's the point of the start of the thread, it seems like they are using the actor's interviews to proclaim changes in direction that we haven't seen yet on our screens. I vaguely remember at the start of this mess where Quinn intimated that she found Ridge fascinating in a way because of his age. There was just a line or two, which I'm too lazy to go searching for. It was never mentioned again, so maybe they backed off that but it's plausible. Quinn loves Eric because of his fairy godfather ways, because he makes her feel safe and loved. But Ridge is her contemporary. She bared her soul to him and he didn't back off, so of course she responded to that. (The immature infatuation part? The fascination with fire part?) I still prefer Quinn with Deacon. She gave him a bit of a spine and he mellowed her out. I miss that.
  17. Agreed. FC is probably better off but I miss her. Love a character with so much potential.
  18. Dang, my allergies are acting up again just reading your recap, @CountryGirl. Seriously though, I'm glad that the writers let Maya express that fear and desperation. And Rick's. Zende being the voice of reason threw me a little, he was such a jerk with the surrogacy, Sasha and well, everything up til now. It looked good on him.
  19. I thought today was pretty good even if this whole storyline seemed out of nowhere and the resolution rushed through. I suppose there is still potential down the road for more Nicole surrogacy-inspired drama if Maya gets contract-negotiation cancer or 5 years from now when a SORAS'ed Lizzie is going through teenage angst... just glad it's done for now. Katie and Wyatt - that was weird. I get that it's happening and why but I'm just not seeing any romantic chemistry with them. If I had a choice I'd rather have Hope back for him. Or Sasha. Even Darlita would be better.
  20. I haven't seen today's episode yet but I think yesterday Nicole was sent to Eric's house to pick up some business papers and then everyone followed her over there once they realized Julius was there Iago-ing. Though I'm fuzzy on how Julius knew Nicole was there.
  21. I agree. I think that until now, Quinn hasn't paid because the people she's wronged care about Wyatt more than they've wanted justice for themselves. If Wyatt wasn't there or her adversary didn't care about Wyatt, I don't think there would be any hand-waving. I'm torn, because I like the character of Quinn, despite her past and if they tear her down too much more I can't see her coming back from it. The thing with Ridge has left a bad taste, because I wanted to believe that her marriage to Eric really did give her the emotional balance she'd never had. But without having paid for anything, it's a rotten foundation to build on. Honestly, Mac and Rachel was my favorite soap couple of all time and I really thought Quinn and Eric had a chance to get close to that but my hopes are fading fast. ETA: I hate to say it but the only thing I can see making Quinn actually get it, is if something happened to Wyatt. That could be great drama, if Wyatt was hurt in a trap Quinn laid for Sheila. It doesn't seem like the kind of story these writers would do though.
  22. I couldn't concentrate on the Watie scenes - DB's hair is almost as distracting as RE's wig, though at least he can act. HT/DB are doing their best with the awkward setup but I'm not into it, especially after that brief flash of chemistry with Deacon/Katie. And it's so obviously temporary, there's no point in getting invested. (I'm persuadable but not hopeful.) Let's see, what else? Scott Clifton is in shape again. Quinn and Ridge surely have a date with a bottle of tequila in the near future. Oh, and it really is game on with Quinn and Sheila, isn't it? I did see a bit of the old Quinn peeking out today, with Ridge's question about Deacon and the encounter with Sheila. That was interesting.
  23. I have to wonder if there are BTS or even personal issues going on with Reign. She's so much worse than when she started that I worry a little when I see her on screen. This should be Emmy material for her and she looks like someone/something is forcing her to show up to work. (ETA: I don't follow actors real life situations unless it's something so publicized it's impossible not to - like LG's accident.)
  24. I was looking at a few YT clips and you can tell the actress is low key but it wasn't nearly as bad back when she was first on. I'd forgotten how painful the whole Wyatt woos Nicole for the "secret" was but RE was so much better. Smiling definitely helps. ETA: add a +1 for Nicole and CoCo being friends. I just wish they were hanging out, dating college guys and having fun with fashion.
  25. I'm not looking forward to Katie and Wyatt, if that's what is in store for them. I suppose dating your former stepmother is better than having an affair with your current one (a la Ridge/Quinn) but still... this show and its quasi-incestuous pairings. Let's see, Katie is also Wyatt's stepmother's sister and his little brother's mother. Pity any offspring that might come out of that coupling.
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