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Everything posted by Lnmop

  1. FInally! Someone addressed Maggie's lisp. Thanks for speaking for us, Alex. (Although I don't think it's cute.)
  2. I believe I've figured it out. Kyle told Brandi that her tampon string was showing, and offered her one of her own tampons. Brandi thought it was unforgivable that Kyle was having a period at her advanced age! Kyle then (allegedly) took away a sixth champagne glass from Kim (which Brandi didn't witness, however Kim told Brandi), which Brandi deemed unspeakable. Hence, it was all Kyle's fault.
  3. I Think when you stay in the presidential suite, you can ask anybody for anything and they'll be happy to get it for you.
  4. I vote B. Kim can't remember ANYTHING except for how she's retold things in her mind.Kyle is obviously the better aunt as well as mother, friend, person, etc. "it was just a little bite" my ass! Kim owns up to nothing. ETA: Brandi made my ears bleed.
  5. I think that SaRa is gorgeous. Every week, I covet her eyebrows and lips, but I have to agree that the false eyelashes were too much. My daughter is a doctor, with two young children, and she'd never make it to work on time if she put on that much makeup.
  6. This is the premier week of the brand-new host and they have two repeats? Give me a break.
  7. In the manner of McDreamy, McSteamy and McHottie, I refer to him as "McSmashface".
  8. I may have misheard him, but before he ordered the gin and tonic, I thought he said "Are you buying?" Do I need to get my ears checked?
  9. Two things bothered me. First, one woman said her parents had been divorced when she was a child, then went on to refer to her as a "single mom". Sorry, but she was a divorced mom. I don't know if her father paid child support, but single moms generally don't receive that. The second thing was many of these people referred to being "single" for eight months or two years or whatever or they referred to their "ex". That was confusing, because I didn't know if they had been married or if that's how they referred to being in a relationship. I wish they'd make that more clear. All in all, it wasn't bad. I guess I'll watch.
  10. My notes to those involved with last night's episode of the Good Wife: To the Producers King: That was a dreck. Your show has slipped so far that it's below the floor. If you made JM a producer to appease her and this was her idea, fire her from that position. If it was your idea, fire yourselves. This is not the show I loved. To JM: As a producer, how can you let them get away with this? Please tell me it wasn't your idea. And if refusing to work with the rest of the cast was your idea, rethink it. This used to be an ensemble show. Bring that back. If you've become a Prima Donna, get over your own self. To the fake Will Gardner: You wanted us to believe you were Will Gardner. I've seen Will Gardner. You, sir, are no Will Gardner. To Louis Canning: Please just die. I'm tired of seeing you try to take down Alicia. On second thought... To Diane, Cary, Eli, and David: Please take LG back. Alicia has become a liability. Do what they did on The Closer - just replace the title character. To Peter and Kalinda: Enough with the sex flashbacks. We know, that's why Alicia hates you both. Move on. To Lamont Bishop: Damn! You're looking as fine as ever! Don't change a thing. To my fellow TGW (original flavor) viewers: I share your pain. We all deserve better. Let's hope they have it in them. Lnmop
  11. BWAHHHHHHHH! You're joking, right?
  12. The 20 minutes represented the total amount of time they could be exposed to the radiation. Removing the glove reduced that amount of time. (I focused on stuff like that, rather than the acting. 'Nuff said.)
  13. Like Afghanistan? Kim's sobriety wasn't on Kyle's mind because it doesn't exist. I know people who loudly and proudly discuss their sobriety in public, don't use in front of others, but then go home and use. It takes more than words - actions speak much more loudly. HA! As an aside, the reason this thread is so long is that everyone is quoting everybody else's long post rather than just the portion they're responding to. Just a thought.
  14. Dear Brandi, Stop stirring up shit. You're a not-even-has been. You never were anything but trash. Dear Kim, If you've been sober for three years, then I'm the Queen of England. Sobriety requires constant work, and the only thing I've heard you talk about doing is going into rehab. Nothing about meetings, nothing about a sponsor, nothing about working any steps. It doesn't even appear that you've truly admitted you're helpless. I've never seen you make amends to anyone, and the only higher power you seem to believe in is Brandi. Try saying the serenity prayer once in a while. Lord knows you have no serenity. Dear Andy, Please get these two horrible, toxic women off my TV. And sooner rather than later. That.Is.All.
  15. Every time Kim opened her mouth tonight, I yelled at the screen "Serenity Now!!!!!!".
  16. I thought Viktor was referring to Claire's affair with the photographer from a previous season. Another button pushed.
  17. Every time I hear Blythe Danner affect a British accent, I think "Now I know why Gwynyth seems so pretentious".
  18. The symbolism was huge! Frank saw the work involved while Claire watched the process and the beauty. It was only after it was gone that they discussed it and that they hadn't shared it together. And by then, it had been destroyed, with only a photo as a reminder of what had been built.
  19. Wow. Viktor really pushed both Frank's and Claire's buttons. He's a total boor, and he behaved deplorably for a Head of State, let alone a human being. His toasts at the State Dinner, his dancing with and then kissing Claire was a total affront to the attendees and the American people. Through all of that though, all I could do was to watch Frank seethe beneath the surface. Has Frank finally met his match?
  20. Perhaps Kim never outgrew her "child star" phase when everyone catered to her. Kyle needs to wash her hands of her and make her stand on her own two feet. You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved. Kyle needs to learn that the best thing that happens when you stop banging your head against the wall is that it stops hurting.
  21. Something else just occurred to me. When they showed the exterior of Trump Tower, it appeared that all of the Lights in the sign were out with the exception of "O" and half the "W". Was I imagining that?
  22. "Highly functioning" is a term usually applied to alcoholics or those with mental deficiencies. Leeza is neither. For Gerardildo to refer to her as such was petty, insensitive and mean-spirited. He's such a douchebag.
  23. Tyler was an asshole. Not only did he just do a demonstration for Genique on the practice day, he repeatedly broke the rule by standing less than 2' away at the finale. His ego let his recruit down.
  24. GET. MILEY. CYRUS. OFF. MY. SCREEN! ETA: And Kanye too. I thought he might have injured his back rushing the stage at awards shows when he began his bit flat on his back. Bad, BAD choices of musical guests. They should have had Bruno Mars - at least he's hosted the show (and brilliantly, I must say).
  25. It seems to me that JJ is relying more and more on intuition, likability and emotion rather than the law. She refuses to allow people to cite the law from their jurisdictions, dismisses cases without hearing from a litigant, and throws people out of the courtroom for trying to make a point. She's become a grumpy old lady.
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