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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. "Discountess". Absolutely lo o ove the moniker, Knuckles! :-)
  2. Bethenny is rarely armed with true wit or witticisms. Mostly, she gropes and then trots out her trying too hard trite comments. Rapier wit? No. Usually, she is just mean with a cruel twist and a slice of spite for good measure. Self-reflect? Hardly. Bethenny's self criticisms are NOT INTROSPECTIVE(for example: Her surprised reaction to her therapist's labeling her behaviors as arrogance rather than confidence.)...they are superficial acknowledgements of some generally small foibles of which she is secretly proud and to which she constantly returns. Bethenny's ALMOST faster than the speed of sound talking usually consists of sizable parts babble with sprinkles of cogent wording,... Also, Bethenny's conversational dominance is not particularly due to a large percentage of quick witted thinking. It's due to suffocating everyone with her spiel until she aligns her thoughts. Actually, she possesses a similarity to Ramona in that instead of a physical tic and twitch, Bethenny expresses/exhibits relentless talking patterns akin to some type of mania while often "signifying nothing" (much). .
  3. I am not comprehending the idea that the Ho'wives hugged it out and, now, all is well in the land. IS THIS PROGRAM NOW AN ACTUAL SOAP OPERA? These women haven't forgiven. It's just that Bethenny sashayed into the maelstrom of madness and took over this conclave of the embarrassingly weak-minded and weak-willed (except for Heather Thomson). With skeevy gleefulness, Andy's rancid soul feeds upon the self abasement of these women, so he used Bethenny and her will-bending powers to do his job. And, it worked! It worked especially well on LuAnn, Dorinda, and Ramona who smiled while being beguiled into illuminating their lies, rampant hypocrisy, and slimy begrimed characters. Ramona was knackered and maybe a bit peckish from the strain of handling the pet on her chest affectionately known by the name, "her new boobs". Apparently, it was their feeding time, leaving Ramona exhausted and sleepy, thereby, curtailing any ability to mitigate her deviously dirty machinations. Her pet "boobs" must be part Teflon because EVERYthing just slides right off of her responsibility. Oddly, Dorinda is both a dithering ditz and a dastardly demon. She IS a definite nutter with her scowling visage and blistering tones always at the ready to be lobbed at Heather and Kristen--ONLY. She bewilderingly adheres to her pathetically nasty revealed character even when Almighty Sage Bethenny and the Bravo Bitches Consortium highlight her bewildering rage, misplaced, yet relentless attacks, and erroneous conclusions by showing reel after reel of her slurring and spitting break-dancing crumbs as she lumbers her way across the boulevards. LuAnn is plainly a practiced liar and monumental hypocrite evidenced by, well, everydamnthing. Is she the author of the urtext of miffed and indignant behaviors? Or, does she have a ghostwriter? Amazingly, Bethenny's power of ensorcellment was so powerful that ABSOLUTELY none of her tiresome monopolizing, unflattering fakeness, and vicious meanness in the first half of the season was shown, remarked upon, or even acknowledged. Rather, she directed the entire BOREunion. Remarkable powers, indeed, Sage Bethenny. Is Sexy J Sonja barmy? She believes that she is frolicking through the Mists of Avalon so... The relevant question here is-- Is Carole a distinct body, a person? Or, is she a construct created by the great powers of Sinister Andy and hypocritically would be despot Sage Bethenny?? Kristen, Kristen, Kristen. Sorry about your narcissistic cheating-ass pissant of a so-called husband. Do what you need to do and fare thee well. Heather, if this is your goodbye HOLLA, you must be respiring in relief to no longer have to slavishly, although not bufoonishly, perform at the whim of a pathetically soulless marionette of evil. So, HOLLA and fare thee well to you too!
  4. Puh-lease, attention ALL Ho'wives! For gosh sakes, cease the apparently accursed marriage vow renewals! A hex appears to be placed upon them (probably by Andy) so, for all that is Ho'wives sacred--STOP!
  5. Ryebread, although you and I tend vehemently to be on opposite sides of the spectrum in regards to Heather, THIS is absolutely freaking HILARIOUS! LOL!!
  6. Bethenny is a sage 'doncha' know. Her whispers contain wisdom that can shift mountains, her sighs unveil all truths, and her tears, well, just one heartwrenching tender drop brings sparkling clarity to those polluted by chaos and bedevilment. Wow! That was some fantasy! Reality, however, shows a grating and tiresome would be tyrant with ravenous cravings for fame and hearty delusions of grandeur.
  7. Why is Gretchen still skulking about...? How do Gretchen and Slade earn an income?
  8. And, oftentimes, when there is shit, there is a shitfest.The hypocrisy and blame "any and all game" aimed at Heather proved to be such a one.
  9. Ok, (sigh of relief ) I thought that it was my phone. In another thread, I attempted to QUOTE and it reduplicated.
  10. Since Yolanda has decided--no more refurbishment, I'm sure that David, upon this revelation, will be "exiting stage left" while contemplating his "next performance".
  11. Bella Roche, on 12 Aug 2015 - 11:34 AM, said: RHOC and WWHL promote excessive drinking the way the Kardashians promote interracial relationships. I do not understand what the Kardashians and some of their interracial relationships have to do with this conversation. Am I missing something?
  12. That hairstyle is "on trend". It's everywhere. It was the style worn by Eileen as we usually saw her on the RHBH, Brandi had the style on the RHBH reunion, it's sported by Natalie Morales on "The Today Show",...
  13. Kim is like a character in Amy Winehouse's song: ..."They say (she) need(s) to go to rehab, (she) say(s) no, no, no... (she) won't go, go, go." ◆...and look what happened to poor Amy.◆
  14. Oh, I so agree with ALL of this! I would like to "parse" your comments and discuss them but, alas, I am exhausted. (lol!)
  15. It WAS funny. Although, both Bethenny and Carole come out with the least harsh[est] "character" based mocking (jokes).
  16. ^^^Wow, MidnightCheese! Fantastic! Whew, that was so GOOD! I may need a cigarette. ETA: Not the pink ones.(yikes!) .
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