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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. Oh, Mattipoo, Tyra's 'boy'friend INDEED IS, hilariously, a Gordon Ramsey doppelgangerISH.
  2. If Justin does not remain for me to fantasize and drool, my interest level will be negligible--it's already lacklustre.
  3. Beden Sep 29, 2015 Quote Tamara is an even bigger idiot than I thought if she thinks going to church is magically going to help Ryan and Sarah fix their relationship. They can go to church every single day of the week but they're still two poorly functioning adults who make questionable life choices. Top that off with them not having any money and an inability to feed their children breakfast and you have a recipe for disaster. Church can't fix that. A lot of churches/ministers/pastors/priests offer marriage/couples counseling as part of their services. Of course, that doesn't mean that it always works and, in Ryan and Sarah's case, may be a waste of time. And, frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. My sympathies are with 4 kids who'll be impacted by these idiots for the rest of their lives, even after they've grown and have moved on and it looks like the deck is stacked against them. As for Brooks cancer...this horse has been beat to death. If the man really has cancer then I genuinely wish him well, all good luck and have no answer (aside from $) why he--or anyone--would allow this fiasco to play out on national TV. If it turns out he's faking (and I give him the benefit of the doubt--innocent until proven guilty and all that) then he should rot in hell. Either way, this storyline is a heinous and cynical attempt for controversy and ratings and should never have been allowed for many reasons. -- Thank you, also.
  4. No surprise there. Carleton has been avidly lusting after Brandi since meeting her. --
  5. I realize that A LOT of viewers lust after Nyle(lol!). Objectively, I can see that he is handsome with a 'good' body BUT Justin, damn...! He. Is. DELICIOUS! And, I think that he and Mame` look ever so sexy together. I think that, professionally, they should model as a couple.
  6. Clapping vigorously! Thoroughly agree!
  7. "I always disliked Jake trying to get Laura back - she is trying to move on and he keeps trying to hold her back, all the while moving on in his life. I really hope she doesn't go back to him and keeps Tony as the boyfriend." QUOTE: Trey (May 21, 2015) I agree.
  8. I so agree with your post. If Laura continues to hesitate and dither over her undeserving husband while dismissing her 'boy'friend, I will have to cease and desist viewing the show. ETA In the above: EX-husband
  9. Partnering with the husband? No, please. The new chief as the perpetual obstructionist? Please, no. Laura embarrassingly awaiting Jake's proclamation of love everlasting? Oh, please! Hell no!
  10. I don't enjoy the 'will she or won't she with her ex-husband' aspect of the show. I don't enjoy Laura's extremely obvious fixation on her ex--awaiting his attentions and side-lining her lovely in love lover while her ex-husband behaves dismissively as he enjoys his liaisons. It reeks of the humiliating... and the trite: Husband gets bored,... has affair(s) but wife does not really move her life along. She's just in a holding pattern until The Husband DECIDES what HE wishes to do. I do not care for this old storied female submission. --
  11. Perhaps, Gigi's (unoriginal)message should be relayed to her mother. She needs it. Then, maybe, Yolanda could affect change--one almond at a time. ---
  12. Gigi dyes her hair blonde. And, I still do not 'get' her supposed fabulousness--it seems based more so on her parents' fame than personal talent,...
  13. Mattipoo Aug 02, 2015 Yes I like Jane from C15 too. She was the Ivy Leaguer whom Tyra hated because she was smarter than Tyra. -------- I find the above to be an interesting comment. Despite Tyra's fame and wealth, she is exceedingly jealous of/hostile to women attending a certain type of university especially if they are African-American. Furthermore, Tyra continues to encourage the erroneous belief that she graduated from Harvard with a degree rather than the actuality of basically receiving a certificate of completion for business workshops(for the wealthy). It is truly bizarre that Tyra can be so jealous despite her wealth and fame (of which we are CONSTANTLY reminded). ------
  14. Really. Really. Brandi is seriously calling out REALity gossip sites for bullying her. Ohmygosh, please Shut the He_ _ Up, Brandi!
  15. Well, LisaR has certainly helped to cement the premise of FAKERY on the franchises. New Age Soap Operas, indeed. Was teetering. Now, in freefall with all of the RHs programs.
  16. Too True, motorcitymom65 and breezy424. But, well, you know, people do love vituperatively bringing strong others down to their, well, you know. (for example, castmates) Anyway, Haters Gonna Hate. (The above, urban black slang phraseology appropriated and well utilized by a great many. And, some making mad money off of its usage--ie Taylor Swift) So ALL be filled with The Holla Ghost!! And, EVE-RY-BOD-Y saaay, HOLLA!
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