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Everything posted by pdlinda

  1. As an aside, ALL communication between an inmate (in my State but I believe in ALL states) is at the discretion of the respondent, NOT the writer, so if he thinks he'll have access to his children by mail, he's sadly mistaken. I'm sure the victim (children's mother) has been told to check with prison admin at whichever yard he's placed (including new yards that he might be transferred to) to make sure his "jacket" (admin record for each inmate) clearly states that he is to have NO CONTACT whatsoever with his children. Phone calls not an issue as person receiving a phone call (collect) has to set up the acct and pay for the calls. It's also important that the victim (mother of his children) keep an eye on his prison status (they have easily accessible websites to get details about how he's doing) because if he has a legal appeal it would be in her interest to monitor status of how that goes. Many strange things happen in the appeals process for convicted defendants and it's best not to find out by surprise that on some legal technicality, his incarcerated status changes. Sad but true...this incorrigible reprobate will always be lingering in the back of her mind regardless of how much she wishes she could forget about him entirely!
  2. I wondered about that because he was convicted of a sex offense so, at least in my State, he would have had to provide a DNA sample.
  3. ...and the baby's 1st birthday celebration!!
  4. I was more thinking about the producers ginning up "conflict" between Matt and Caryn leading to uncertainty whether the wedding would ever take place. There was also mention earlier from a poster that some story lines might be developed regarding the folks who rent out the big house as an Air B&B. Of course, those participants would have to agree to appear on the show. There definitely, 100%, would be no interest, as you point out, in traditional pre-wedding events/purchases, as you mentioned. I agree with you on that.
  5. IMO, absolutely YES. It will create story lines that the producers think will draw in viewers. Tori also mentioned THEM leaving the show (when I see it I'll believe it because I don't think ZiT could maintain their lifestyle without the check from TLC). Also, the dynamics between the upcoming wedding of Matt and Caryn and ZiT's response to it (including whether their kids will take part in the ceremony) is also ample grist for the producers proverbial mill. They'll milk the dissention between and among the parties for all it's worth! Amy and Chris, on the other hand, are fading into oblivion insofar as their drawing in viewers.
  6. I always thought that Amy's teeny heart-shaped diamond ring was chosen so it would be in proportion to her physical stature. I think that the size of Karen's ring is also in proportion to her physical stature. There is really nothing "outstandingly beautiful" about either ring. Just my opinion.
  7. One place was worse than the other...
  8. I honestly don't think that Guy can help himself☺️
  9. I'm glad I'm not alone in objecting to how he addressed the ladies! I couldn't believe his cavalier tone when using the term "girls." It's 2023...WAKE UP!!!!
  10. She's certainly keeping that tradition alive with Jackson (and to a certain extent, Josiah)....NOT LILAH😏
  11. I see your point about Tori's philosophical progression from enjoying the notion of her children being average sized (or at least one of them)and living a contented affluent life on the farm to the reality of having 3 dwarf children with the farm being out of their realistic expectations. I also see your point about Tori being somewhat mean and vindictive with her principle targets being Matt and Caryn. Her attitude toward Matt and Caryn has spilled onto Zach's relationship with them. None of this is healthy for their children. Also, you mention Tori's possible siblings? Never heard her speak of any bros/sisters. I know we've seen Tori's mother. However, I don't recall ever seeing or having Tori mention her father.
  12. I;ve been blissfully divorced for 30 yrs and sometimes I think I watch HH to reinforce the blessed state I'm in of living alone (children married with kids)!😊
  13. Is a new season starting tomorrow evening? For some reason, I am fascinated by the show (different cases Dr. Lee is faced with treating) AND I find Dr. Lee extremely personable and expert in her profession. I really miss seeing some new episodes.
  14. I follow Tori on Instagram and she posts videos including Lilah BUT, although the little vignettes about different activities are cute, I have not ever heard Lilah speak words except "UH-HUH." Tori is continually hawking a # of products mostly regarding beauty and personal care items she prefers. I presume she is compensated well for these endorsements; however, in the greater scheme of things, the $$$ is nowhere near what the family earns from the show. It seems the family is content to go about their daily rounds as if everything is "honky dory" regardless of the fact that their 3 yr old daughter is apparently STILL unable to communicate normally.
  15. If I recall correctly, Jaime stated MANY years ago that the nursing profession was entirely too laborious (pun on her former specialty😊) and resuming her nursing career would NEVER interest her. I see her more as trying to milk the "influencer" sphere on social media with the many self-induced "dramas" in her life that might be able to be monetized. As it stands now, I'm not clear on how they pay their monthly bills (must be HIGH) as who knows how much actual cash they have? As far as I can tell, their only "income" is this Couples Couch gig that I highly DOUBT pays much. Even when Jaime had her prize spot on the "after party" MAFS show, I'm not seeing "big bucks" there either. Doug, as we all know, produces ZERO income so it's all up to Jaime.
  16. May I remark that I presume doug's parents are retirees. I'm a retiree. Before 2020, I was very comfortable financially. Perhaps doug's parents are in my PRIOR FINANCIAL CATEGORY. I certainly can't speak for them; however, I will tell you that I used to be able to assist my kids financially; HOWEVER, NO MORE! With the hit I've taken in my investments and the prices of goods/services, my kids/grandchildren understand I'm not financially where I was just a few short years ago, AND , I just heard this morning that our economy is further GOING SOUTH IN THE NEAR FUTURE. On that basis, perhaps doug will be able to pick up a job or two to tend to his needs if or when the curtain descends on their marriage.
  17. The thing that nauseates me is how weak and compliant doug is to all Jaime's shenanigans. She's so domineering in the relationship that doug recedes into the emotional background and she "runs the show." It's hard to see such a "wimp" in action (doug). I think I saw they bought a very expensive house in FL so I guess HER financial decisions have "paid off." However, the fact that doug has no conceivable means of earning a living (should she ever leave him which, regardless of what she says now, is always possible), is concerning. I harken back to Valerie Bertinelli's situation with her ex, Tom, who was in a similar situation to Doug, and she paid him $2 million to conclude the divorce ASAP, I don't believe that jaime is in Valerie's financial bracket so I don't see that happening; however I see doug's compliance with her as weakness and very detrimental to a healthy marriage...especially since jaime is now insistent on bringing another child into the world. I agree with others that say they add NOTHING to the Couple's Couch offshoot except overt DYSFUNCTION.
  18. I would say that there are more than enough "classical" episodes in the "can" for us to keep in touch on these boards for decades to come!! At least I HOPE SO!!
  19. That's IT???? That's the entire SEASON? The season was 2 months long? If that's true, the sad and sorry episodes they aired (with very few exceptions) must have been the best of all the filming they did so we can only imagine what the "reject reels" must have looked like! In any event, The reduction of viewable episodes may be a harbinger of the show's demise on TLC. Dr. Now surely deserves a well-earned retirement and his son, Jonathan, certainly can choose future projects with presumably no further financial "pressure" to produce another "money-maker." LOL😆
  20. I also noticed the squinting eyes and "vacant" look from time to time. Importantly, Patrick OWNED his own home in a very advantageous real estate market. I wondered how he was able to purchase a home as, unless I'm forgetting something, he had no source of employment? The wife didn't strike me as being able to financially survive without Patrick's financial reserves so I attributed her state of enabling "compliance" to that fact. In the end, I think the family had a reasonably "stable" situation; HOWEVER, I wouldn't waste another ounce of effort or resources filming any more of them. Frankly, the entire episode was a snooze fest with very little incentive for the viewer to really care about Patrick's weight-loss success.
  21. Yes, as soon as I saw the wife, I recalled the episode.
  22. It looks like a sports arena!!!
  23. I think that when a 600 lb food addict gets into her/his addiction each and every day, the fat, salt, sugar and carbs hit his/her system like a flavor "bomb." I doubt they can even differentiate between and among the numerous foods they're eating!! It all kicks in similarly to fill their emotional "void" and permit them to lapse into a "food coma" so to speak. I note that when Dr. Now asks them about their "food habit" and what they actually eat, there's often a pause. I think it's like a jumble in their head because one food blends into the other on a constant basis.
  24. I found the fiance to be 100% truthful (if a little "discombobulated" at the police interrogations) and REGRET that he didn't utter the words: "I want a lawyer" as soon as he was arrested. I understand that most people think that if they're innocent they can simply rely on the police to hear "their side of the story." However, after working on the defense side of the criminal justice system for MANY years, the first thing ANYONE should do after being read his/her miranda rights is to request a lawyer! So much of this disturbing saga could hopefully have been avoided if he had an attorney to represent him.
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