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Everything posted by pdlinda

  1. For the first time I actually think that Tori has engineered her social medial presence to the point where she can make enough $$$ to support the family. I also think that after 20 yrs of doing the show, Zach might have an investment portfolio adequate to supplement whatever $$$ Tori is able to generate. They also have a new podcast that is certainly "monitized." I also think that down the road they understand that Matt will leave all the kids a substantial amt of $$$ that will be divided. There really was no point to them continuing to do the show as the animosity between ZiT and the family is draining a lot of emotional energy from them and is detrimental to the children (in their eyes). I guess they'll see how they are able to manage, but I do give Tori credit for building a social media network that is very successful. That Zach agreed to do the podcast with her shows me that he's ready, willing and able to contribute to continuing their "brand" development so they may be financially independent. How the show continues with only the older people participating is problematic because I can't see how they can generate enough story lines to interest an audience large enough for the advertisers to continue sponsoring the show.
  2. I'm assuming they have a cleaning service coming in every week.
  3. I did criminal defense work for over 30 years (now blessedly RETIRED) and the word "sociopath" has Remy's picture next to it! Oh, how many defendants(inmates) I visited in jail/prison/court over the years who match his description?? Too many to count. I was FURIOUS watching this episode because it was so obvious to me how this CREEP swindled, cajoled, influenced and enticed so many people in his life (mostly women) to achieve his "grandiose" vision of himself! Of utmost importance in the overall scheme of things, was the fact that he SHOUTED in Andrea's last interview with him that "no, even though he signed the plea agreement, he WAS NOT GUILTY OF THE CRIME!" In MY STATE, that would be ANOTHER CRIME! When a defendant signs a plea agreement, he/she must swear in court that the admission of guilt is being made, "intelligently, knowingly and voluntarily." Then, the Judge asks the defendant to make a "factual basis" for the crime he's admitting to committing. That means he reads a prepared statement of exactly how,when and where he committed the crime and the details of the crime. On the basis of that "avowal" (sworn statement) the Judge accepts the plea agreement and sentencing is set. That Remy, on national TV ADMITTED to lying would definitely have the prosecutor in my County charging him with another crime to which he would, undoubtedly sign another plea agreement (there's really no dispute) and add YEARS to the 8 yrs he already agreed to serve. Let's hope that happens! Also, I believe he was brought up by parents who saw him as the "moon, sun, and stars"...in other words that he was a "superstar" who could do "no wrong." The fact that the parents SQUANDERED over $100,000 on the first IDIOT LAWYER was heartbreaking and then having to expend many thousands of dollars MORE on the second team of lawyers who offered the State the plea deal they accepted, was indicative of how little responsibility their son obviously took about the crime he pled guilty to offending. I can only imagine that mom and dad are continuing to finance his "commissary" in prison that I can only assume he's using to "grease the palms" of many of his fellow felons who are ready to extort him for every penny they can in order to keep him "safe." The other people I feel sorry for are, of course, his children (I assume he sold his house to provide the caregivers with funds to raise them) and the paramour whose life has essentially also been ruined by her continuing anguish over their affair. Finally, it is INCOMPREHENSIBLE to me that individuals arrested in serious felony cases or ANY CRIMINAL CASES), don't IMMEDIATELY request a lawyer! If the person cannot afford a lawyer, that what local Public Defender's Offices are there to provide to him/her. P.S. I would say categorically, unequivocally and unconditionally that prison IS HELL! That you have to go to the bathroom in public says a lot but even more than that, it is an atmosphere where there is constant noise, fighting, threatening, a lot of coercion and constant stress. It's NOT like he described it at all! And, yes, there's a LOT of contraband in prison; however, there is heavy surveillance pressure among the staff/inmates and if you get caught, straight to solitary (at least in my state).
  4. I wonder how much $$$ they stand to make for this next venture into "media promotion." My thought used to be that they would milk the show $$$ for all its worth in the knowledge that their bottom line would sink to extinction without that cash. It's been clear that they don't want to continue appearing on the show. Now I think differently. I actually think that Tori (the mastermind) has actually catapulted her social media presence to a point where she could actually generate enough cash to actually support the family irrespective of having the show to prime their "cash pump." I noticed on Instagram that she was promoting ANOTHER TRIP to DISNEYLAND. My sense is that entire trip will be comped, so that's another feature of her media success. As for Zach, I'm sure he's receiving "media training" by some professionals who are donating their services as part of (perhaps) credits on their website. After all, Zach has been before the camera for more than 20 yrs so he basically will need specific training on how to relate to an audience without any cameras. Tori is very enterprising. I will give her that, AND the kids are very entertaining to watch, especially Lilah and SiSi....
  5. Anyone hear what he did for a living? When he said it his voice was garbled. She said she was a teacher and had a second job.
  6. She may be BOOK SMART; HOWEVER, SHE HAS NO COMMON SENSE!! NONE!! That SLIMY FAMILY didn't surface a few minutes ago! Their slime filled buckets of dysfunction were infecting Wendi during her entire life! She's a PRODUCT of these scheming sleaze balls that have been "operating" in shady ways for YEARS! Wonder how much daddy Harvey was involved?? That Dan involved himself with that family at all was a pitiful shame for all concerned. Too bad he didn't sense the dire straits he was leading himself into with Wendi before they had children.
  7. I keep getting notifications of posts to T of C board and I don't understand why as I have it on "auto record" for my DVR and it's not on any lineup that I can see.
  8. I, also, wasn't going to watch as I knew about the case, but decided to and I'm glad I did. It was one of the few "update" episodes that actually had A LOT of new info. It is hard for me to believe how utterly STUPID that family was (is)! How in the world did Charlie think he could get away with his scheming behavior? So STUPID! How did Donna think that she would be allowed to abscond to Vietnam with with her husband without the FBI intervening? They KNEW (or should have known) that the FBI was doing surveillance on them. They KNEW (or should have known) that the hitmen procured by Charlie's GF were convicted felons who were known to law enforcement. It's simply too BIZARRE! That Donna talked so freely on the jail phone line was another "joke." One of the FIRST thinks defense attorneys advise their clients upon visiting them in jail is: "Don't forget that EVERY WORD you say on the phone is recorded and can be used against you by the prosecution if you implicate yourself in any way with this crime." Also, Wendi is a trained attorney. Her inability to "problem solve" her custody situation with Dan without resorting to violence is problematic until and unless you factor in her coming from that HIGHLY DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY!! Danny's parents were the highlight of the episode. They were very effective in sponsoring that "grandparents law" to make sure others in their situation get to see their grandchildren. When I saw the original episode, I was so heartbroken that not only did Wendi refuse the children contact with Dan's parents but actually changed the children's last name to ADELSON. Let's hope that somehow, someway the children resume assuming Dan's last name. As for Wendi, I would definitely support delving as far as necessary into any role she may have had in the horrible murder of Danny. Such a TRAGEDY!!
  9. I just head Gerragos (Scott's original defense lawyer) on Fox News and he said the issue the Innocence Project is basing their appeal on is that one of the original jurors lied on the questionnaire all jurors fill out before they are picked or rejected. That, to me, seems a little "flimsier" then the original alternative theories I heard earlier in the week that I posted upthread.
  10. I heard that there are two alternative theories about the murder that the Court didn't permit Geragos to pursue at the original trial for the defense: (1) Burglaries in the neighborhood prior to the murder, and (2) the unborn baby's body was found far from Lacey's body and there was a theory that gypsy's were seen in the neighborhood at the time of the murders and they have rituals involving taking babies out of the womb. (SORRY FOR GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION) and placing them in a separate spot from the murder victim. My thought: It's CALIFORNIA!! They must have a large contingent of "bright eyed and bushy tailed" law students at whichever university the Innocence Project is established and it's a great case to give the students (or recent graduates) practice in litigating a case with a wide following. If I were Scott, I'd appreciate having the opportunity to get out of prison for a number of days when this "appeal" is going to be heard. It does break up the monotony of everyday prison life. It's true the inmate has to be ready to depart the prison facility at 3 am to be driven to the court, but I'm sure Scott welcomes the change of pace. Who knows...there might be some "legal technicality" that a CA judge might think worthy of warranting a new trial; however, for Lacey's family (her mother, in particular) this must be devastating news.
  11. From my personal experience, the moving company packing for 3 corporate moves I had ALL WORE DISPOSABLE GLOVES and SHOE COVERINGS. They did a great job and were very clean and professional. (The packing service was quite expensive--paid for by the employer--so I presume the packers were paid quite well.)
  12. This seems to be a pattern. Multiple true crime shows apparently running out of "new" cases to air irrespective of what their competitors are airing. I find this quite condescending and disrespectful to their viewers.
  13. Yes, I watched 2 of the old episodes yesterday and enjoyed each. I LOVE the show and miss it being on TLC with new episodes. I recall that there were a # of NEW episodes during the summer months (when most shows are on hiatus) so maybe their production schedule is different than for most TLC shows. Does anyone know if the show was renewed and will return?
  14. Primary AND EXCLUSIVE!! No one could possibly compete with Carlito for Tim's affection...😄
  15. From the info you've provided, I'm taking the KEY factor in their economic profile to be this: Jer and Audrey have a smattering of "enterprises" that keep them "busy" and, IF THEY RUN INTO A FINANCIAL SHORTFALL (especially with a 4th child on the way in this economy where MOST OF US are aghast at our grocery bills each and every day), Mom and dad "AUDREY" will cover it without blinking an eye.😆
  16. Can someone please enlighten me regarding how Audrey and Jeremy make a living? Do they still have that website about how to have a successful marriage that is monitized? I know they bought a huge, expensive farm so do they grow anything that they sell? Do they have any animals that produce income for the family?
  17. I'm not a pet owner but Tim seemed "obsessed" with his dog. I understand a dog owner loving their dog; however, I recently read an article discussing how many pet owners in Tim's age group forego having children due to their pet essentially fulfilling that role. I'll leave my comment at that...
  18. I was VERY IMPRESSED with all 3 houses! Was pleasantly surprised at how unusually unique and stylish each house was decorated...even the 2nd one that needed a lot of reno.
  19. I can't speak for the East Coast; however, I will say unequivocally that we have sustained a massive wave of people relocating to AZ from CA and other West Coast states in the last few years. The result of that migration has driven up housing costs (and all related industries) markedly. Our gas prices have recently settled at around $3.50/gal; however, over the last year they hovered around $5.00 gal. Utilities are also very high.
  20. I agree that her robust financial situation was hard for me to understand. She seemed to have a background in govt and higher education. She presently is on a fellowship that I presume is at our local university, ASU. From what I read her stipend would be about $20K a year...NOT MUCH! I have no idea how someone with that background/present professional status is in a situation essentially qualifying as a "millionaire." I fully admit, however, that she obviously has other financial resources that are separate and apart from her professional remuneration. Lastly, having lived in Phoenix for 32 yrs. I will share that it is one of the most EXPENSIVE places in the U.S. to live!
  21. I follow Tori on Instagram. She posts each and every day. In most of the videos If it weren't for the fact that we KNOW that her children are dwarfs and Jackson's leg deformities, she portrays their lives EXACTLY as she would if they were "normal sized." That would include Lilah's speech delays that Tori seems completely oblivious about trying to recognize and/or correct. Her commentary, the various activities they engage in (like yesterday it was Lilah WALKING ACROSS a thin wooden plank atop their running stream from one side to another). I admit that I had 'My heart in my mouth" at the sight but Lilah was sure-footed and made the walk easily. Even baby SiSi was joining in on the fun. The children (and Tori) are ALWAYS wearing beautiful, new clothing (including shoes) from vendors that Tori sponsors (so I assume they are all comped). That would include interior design sponsors, menu supply sponsors and toy sponsors. The house seems clean and organized and the number of "sponsors" that Tori has signed up seems to be increasing by the day. In short, even though there may be health problems with more down the road, from the vantage point of how well the family is functioning at this point seems quite good and they seem happy and mostly unimpeded by their dwarfism.
  22. Maybe the other two, as well. Thinking about it, maybe the principals in each case are easier to interview because they already have experience appearing "on camera" and maybe the locations for the various cases are easier to film due to their appearances on the other shows? The reason I'm referring to these aspects of this OBVIOUS redundancy is because I ALSO notice that all 3 shows have come to rely heavily on: cases where they solve cold cases through the field of FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY and the use of "bloggers" covering the cases who are well versed in appearing on camera and offering interesting features they have uncovered. In other words, the producers of the 3 shows have a lot of their "work" already provided by these interested individuals. My preference would be for the staffs of these vintage true-crime shows to roll up their sleeves a little more and ferret out some great new crime stories to interest the audience that awaits their episodes each week!
  23. What in ALL TARNATION qualifies THIS CASE for coverage on ALL 3 true crime shows most of us watch each week? I'm noticing that this season all we're getting are REPEATS, variations of which each show highlights...examples being: MURDAUGH, L.I. SERIAL KILLER, AZ RUNAWAY GIRL WITH SUSPICIOUS FATHER AND NO BODY, case on tonight about Minnesota murder of Heidi. I'm thinking that the budgets for these shows may be dwindling. I know the kids don't watch cable/networks. Only stream. Maybe these shows are not available streaming???
  24. AS A SIDE NOTE: The County Atty who charged the case, was Allister Adel, the first woman County Atty we've ever elected in Maricopa County (where I live). Unfortunately, a short time after she took office in 2020, she fell and hit her head suffering a brain bleed. Soon afterward, there were reports of her having alcohol and anxiety problems. She soon took a leave of absence from her post. This was at the height of the COVID pandemic. Unfortunately, she passed away in 2022 at the age of 45. Rachel Mitchell was selected to replace Allister Adel.as our County Attorney (D.A.) She later ran for election on her own and won. Some may recall Rachel Mitchell testifying at the contentious confirmation hearing for Justice Kavanaugh as an impartial witness. She assessed Justice Kavanaugh's fitness to serve on the bench and gave him high marks.
  25. YES!! It was on 20/20 or 48 hours. I COULDN'T BELIEVE the true-crime shows are covering the same cases!! So STUPID! Andrea was up to her usual "fashion faux pas." The outfit that particularly caught my eye was some frilly pink-and-white number the hemline of which was half way up her thigh. Looked like a chiffon-type fabric one would wear to a garden party. She chose it to do one of her interviews with the detective and/or missing girl's family. LOL
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