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Everything posted by crgirl412

  1. While waiting to watch the 2 am showing, I am watching "Russia's Toughest Prisons" on National Geographic. It's keeping me in the mood! Oh, heck! I meant to put this in the Dead Hand thread!!
  2. Meri is very oppositional. Most people like her are- she is a big Cluster B in the world of psychiatry. https://www.mentalhelp.net/articles/dsm-5-the-ten-personality-disorders-cluster-b/ It doesn't surprise me at all that she disagrees with everyone. She is always the squeaky wheel who everyone has to cater to in some fashion. If I were the other wives, I would be sick to death of her and be so done with her.
  3. How long has Jim been gone?? Anazella is in love already and Melinda is still considering marrying Abe??
  4. Seeing the wives get along and go on vacation without all the drama like SW, is so nice!! I really like them!!!
  5. I watch a lot of reality tv and know it goes a lot of the time. I find it interesting that Trevor is a "personal trainer" and has never felt for anyone (even his ex-wife??) like he does for Anazella. Hhhmmmm..........
  6. I didn't believe the other wives when they all said that they love Meri and want her to be there.
  7. What happened in Milan? I couldn't take Siggy anymore so I quit watching.
  8. I did watch this last season but cannot recall for the life of me: 1. Why Vartan and Co. kidnapped Megan. She escaped yet they all work and play together again? 2. How and why was Kyle part of it? Is he just that brainwashed?
  9. I think I need to watch it again. I saw Erika tell Tedi across the table don't ever say that about her, don't do that, but I didn't think it was that bad at all. She was far less aggressive than at least 20 other Housewives.
  10. YES! I read this and thought, "hello????" Philip is way more than a little ahead of her!!! He talked about defecting back in S1E1 (I think it was then) and keeps talking about it while she's telling them that he likes it here too much so of course they become suspicious of him.
  11. I'm so confused. I watched the first episode- Welcome to the Rock and the second episode- Baby Makes 12. I didn't see that stuff on either of them. I guess I could've missed it.......
  12. I'm curious.... if the husband dies and a wife/wives remarry, are they still sisterwives? Even if the man has other wives? I don't think so but I'm not sure. If the husband and some wives all live in the same house, then he dies, does the new husband, if he doesn't have any other wives, just move in to keep the all of the children together? How hard that would be for all of the kids!
  13. Meri is unbelievable!! She loves nothing more than to have all of the wives tiptoe around her and her "wall." She forgets that she is the one who had an emotional affair thereby betraying the entire family and instead of being sorry and begging for her sister wives' forgiveness, somehow she is in control and everyone is apologizing to her. Yes, it was sad that she could only give birth to 1 child but she was a Mom to many children. As time went on, she is the one who withdrew from the family, she is the one who instigated her divorce from Kody and suggested that he and Robyn marry for custody issues, she is the one who didn't go find where the baby was being born I think it would be best for everyone for her to move to Parowan or anywhere and let the family have some peace. She won't though, she loves all of the drama she creates and having everyone cater to her.
  14. The above meme could be on EVERY Housewives and Housewives-like forum in the world. It would be so nice if that [just sit there and eat their food] ever happened.
  15. I named this thread after only one episode but now think I should've waited until seeing the second episode!!
  16. Hopefully, she is just having a rough time while pregnant and she'll be ok. In this type of polygamy and the Browns and Dargers, I believe it's choice they made to live plural marriage. Some hold to a religious conviction (very few) and they do it for that reason or it's a cultural thing. The FLDS and those like them are a mess and I believe fit the requirements to be called a cult. http://andynaselli.com/sociological-characteristics-of-cults
  17. I binge re-watched in November when I got a Kindle and of course, Prime as Christmas present to myself. :) Binge re-watching is the way to go, so do it, if able! I feel as though I am much more in the loop! I guess the writers are using a lot of symbolism and many other literary devices to help us understand Philip and Elizabeth.
  18. I wonder if the two longstanding friendships she's had (Terri in FL and Kyle in CA) only lasted because they live in different states.
  19. I need to re-watch some episodes before the new season starts! I'm forgetting things!
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