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Everything posted by crgirl412

  1. That would be good!! I think they would write it so Philip couldn't lift the TV stand but of course Liz walked over and did it. Or maybe Phil, Liz and Paige couldn't do but Henry lifts it easily. If they go back home as heroes they could afford to move to the USSR's Boca Raton, Sochi and their version of Del Boca Vista is an apartment with heat and hot water.
  2. Yes!! The parents were always paranoid so that wouldn't have been a stretch for the show! That would've been gold, Bannon, gold!! HA!! Neither Liz nor George think inappropriate shtupping is wrong! He slept with his cousin and she slept with anyone. We know she didn't use the Today Sponge! I think Lloyd Braun is in the KGB too!! He's way too smooth for only working in Dinkin's campaign!
  3. There are many loose ends so I hope there is a 3rd season. I don't like: Shaun & Terrance. He's evil and looks like he has cachexia for no reason. Kyle & Megan becoming bitter enemies. WTF? Megan and Leslie trusting DeAnn so much. She's shady too. I have to say, though, that I really like that the whole premise is based on Scientology and it being twisted AF.
  4. I agree that she should win but I don't think she will. She's like the Susan Lucci of cable shows.
  5. I like the show SO much last season but not so much this season! I even forget that it's on now- a very bad sign!! May I ask do any of you watch The Arrangement? It's very, very different but similar themes. Good vs Evil, some really messed up "romantic" relationships (I'm thinking of Maddie truly liking Ezra here), a sick AF "Wizard of Oz" type character, and a bunch of good-looking young actors. Last season was better for The Arrangement too but not such a huge leap as The Imposters made.
  6. HAHAHAHA!!!! They would have her head spinning!!! She would be scared of them on some level due to their big personalities but develop a deep respect for Frank after learning about Festivus from him.
  7. Therefore, the American Illegals in the USSR would've had to have been smarter, craftier, and braver- basically better spies. ;)
  8. Thanks! I had to look up retconned!
  9. You reminded me of something I had forgotten to post. I don't remember Elizabeth smoking like a chimney when she was with Gregory- at all!!! Didn't he light up a joint but she declined when she ended their friends with benefits? She didn't smoke in that apartment when he confronted Philip about loving her. When was it???
  10. Too bad we can't jump 10 years ahead when Seinfeld introduced the world to Festivus. That would be right up Elizabeth's alley. She would take all of them on in the Feats of Strength-and be the victor, of course. She would be the most long-winded during the Airing of Grievances but make it all about the wicked USA offending her not personal affronts.
  11. These are switched up in the way I quoted them. Oooops! Anyway, I completely agree with both 10000% It is a damn shame that they decided to play it in this preposterous and ludicrous way!!! What is wrong with the writers/show runners?? I wonder if they seriously regret the waste that last season was as they now "have to" create dumb scenes so we can see Paige getting a clue.
  12. On one hand I would say no due to the very intense background that is done on the FBI employees but then on the other hand, anything can be done if it needs to be for the Cause (Aunt Helen).
  13. That is so true, funny and sad that Philip can be compared to Max!
  14. The way they had Ericka's death happen was gratuitous, IMHO. What the hell is wrong with the old pillow over the face?? You are correct that her fighting Elizabeth was involuntary- the body tries to protect itself at all cost by reflex in this case but even in others. I'm now an inpatient psych nurse and have had patients who the day before made a very lethal suicide attempt and yet still saying they still want to die and have a plan while on the unit so they are placed on Constant Observation. They still worried about their high blood pressure meds, infection setting in if they had used a skin-penetrating method, etc. It is interesting how much the body, mind and spirit fight for life.
  15. I didn't read the other comments prior to writing this one so maybe it's been said. I think Elizabeth saw something of her mother in the painting. She has seen her as an elderly woman in West Germany .
  16. Who is going to put his funeral suit on him? Stan??? His wife will be dead, on the run, in jail or be the one who kills him!
  17. It was like watching the Grinch!! Elizabeth was having EST moments all of a sudden.
  18. That was the worst fucking thing I've ever seen. That was just gratuitous and not ok. The RN in me wanted to go through the screen.
  19. HERE WE GO!!!!!!!! Payback is a bitch as I kept thinking about "I told them you liked it here too much" when P told E that he told what she was doing.
  20. That is such a sad story about the guy on vacation. I like your prediction! Renee killing Paige will be oddly satisfying.
  21. Luann is not a drunk (alcoholic). It seems like celebrities like to medicalize their selfishness and poor behavior by escaping to rehab/checking into a hospital after they screw up. Dorinda is a drunk (alcoholic). She can't seem to ever be able handle her liquor, makes excuses and is always sorry.
  22. I want to see Elizabeth learn and take into every fiber of her being that the system she dedicated her life to simply doesn't work and all of the last 20 years were wasted. I would love to see her have the realization that America's form of government and lifestyle are sustainable and sought after but I know that won't happen
  23. I don't understand what Meghan thinks came between she and Kyle to essentially end their romance even though they got married. The moving of Aaron and Julie put her over the edge that way?
  24. I just got to watch this tonight due to my dumb work schedule!! The more I watch this season and see now that they are going to cram everything into the last 3 episodes, I get more and more annoyed that last year was such a waste and that we are seeing so much of Paige. There are a 100 more things that they could've done but all of this mess is the worst!
  25. I don't like the second season. I think the 1st season really could've been done in movie format, the kind at theaters not on tv (not sure what the end would've been though.)
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