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Everything posted by rubyred

  1. Lol. I actually voted in that thing. I can see what they're doing there, but please, not Cadence. Just too on-the-nose for me. I was surprised there wasn't some Jolene-esque name in there (Juliette's mama's name was Jolene, right?)
  2. I'm beginning to think the more interesting "social experiment" is the reactions (and projections) that the audience puts on the couples of whom we really know very little. We're hearing sounds bites (and assuming subtext), interpreting nonverbal communication, and assigning our own judgements based on our experiences, not theirs. The thing I don't get about Ryan D(ouchebag's) treatment of Jessica is that he's so rhapsodic about his grandparent's relationship and yet...would Grandpa D have dumped wife out of a kayak like that? He talks like they were an idyllic couple so what was their relationship like that he would use that as a model in treating his wife of one day? (That is rhetorical, of course. His actions have been subverting his words, IMO, since he was getting interviewed by the casting directors, er, "experts.") I'm hoping Sean's (unseen) outburst was partially caused by the emotional intensity of the whole situation. He and Davina are in hyperdrive over-share mode, and while I think that intensity and attraction makes them the better candidate for lasting, part of me thinks that it's going to burn them out sooner. And then I wonder why I'm watching because tbh I question marriage in general. (Or, what marriage means in today's society). But here I am on my sofa!
  3. So. Was that episode cobbled together by four different writers using Google Sheets? Because it's impossible to believe that the same person who came up with the Deacon/Rayna scenes also labored over the Teddy the Scumbag scenes. I mean I know there's a writer's room but there's usually one lead writer on an episode who smooths it out. Loved the Deacon/Rayna push and pull, and that they didn't rush it in the episode but drew it out to the end. Of course, Juliet/Avery was lovely and added some needed levity. Hmm. Is that really it? Scarlett regressed to jittery chipmunk. Engaging assholes on Twitter and expecting to change their mind? Are you serious? Keep that girl away from reddit. And she's been doing so well with the Deacon scenes. Luke/Sadie/Pete: do not care. But it's nice of them to give Luke some decent songs now. And I can see that Laura Benanti is very talented but I feel like she's playing Sadie as very....toothy. I used to have more empathy for Will, but his neverending self-loathing and internalized homophobia is a major buzzkill. They should have moved forward on this story over a season ago. I think they're skerred. I cannot believe they are doubling down on this Teddy bullshit. Ain't nobody got time for that!
  4. I don't think Ryan D really "got" what he was doing in agreeing to this show until Jessica was about to walk down the aisle. He knew all the right things to say to the "experts" to get cast, but when that Wedding March started playing I think he freaked the fuck out. He glanced at Jessica long enough to pronounce her adequately attractive, but then barely looked her in the eyes. To me it seemed like from the first moment Jessica was trying sooo hard to be the woman she thinks he wants, with all the laughter etc. Meanwhile he's just thinking, "how can I get through this wedding, how can I get through this reception without total flop sweat?". Oh, and "I wonder if my buddies think she's hot." IMO she slept with him because she thought he'd like her more. I mean I think this was subconscious. But I think a dynamic is setting up where she's trying to please him, and he was never 100% committed to anything but getting on TV. (Obviously she was too, but I'm just talking about their relationship within the show). I think when he knocked over those towel swans she got a clue. He's an immature dickbag who covers discomfort with "humor." Good luck with that, Jessica.
  5. I understand what you're saying, but that wasn't what I was referring to. Back in the day when Peter had to choose a second, he chose Cary, of all people. Mostly to stick it to L/G (Will), and Cary was bitter and more than eager to do so. Peter got some sideeye for that so he asked Geneva flat out if he had a "race problem" (paraphrasing) and she said, "Duh." And he was like "...." And then she listed all the women and PoC with more seniority that he passed over because he wanted a buddy as his second. And not to put too fine a point on it, Alicia herself brought up Peter's hiring record just weeks ago with that "racism without being racist" folderol when her numbers were down. I could not care less who Alicia installs as Deputy. Of course she wants a friend by her side. But having a second with political capital is not in and of itself a bad thing, particularly when you're a novice politician whose main contacts include former clients and shady dudes whose money you pretend doesn't disgust you even as you passively accept their support for your campaign. TL; DR: Wasn't making a case for Affirmative Action, just referring to show history. Geneva is corrupt? I know she had an affair but I don't know if I'd call that "corrupt."
  6. I feel like an idiot but as I was watching Alicia priss around, smirking in willful naivete, I finally realized why she ran in the first place. This is All. About. Peter. Alicia is bound and determined to take Peter's old role and "do it right." She thinks she's a crusader but she's already compromised and won't admit it. But the thing that gets me is that even though IANAL and have no political aspirations, even I know you don't treat major donors like that. And for Alicia, who stood at Peter's side for years as he navigated the political landscape/swamp of Chicago, to play the wide-eyed innocent is downright offensive. Particularly as she is about to do the same damn thing Peter did, hire a white male as Deputy SA over others with seniority -- even though Eli pointed out to her the short-sightedness. Thank god for Eli. And thank god he shut down Marissa's 20-something rose-colored-glasses view of the situation. I like you Marissa but these are shark-infested waters. Listen and learn. The email stuff went on too long but was hilarious nonetheless. Julius! I missed you! Calling David Lee "Blanche" - oh man, that was everything. Haven't they done the illegal downloading plotline at least twice already? It would be so, so delicious if the Good Wife got embroiled in her own sex scandal. Please, let those pigeons come home to roost. (I'm sure she'll wriggle out of it somehow).
  7. I thought the same thing, as soon as that scene ended. Octogenarians duking it out at the Emmys. So many ambivalent feelings about this episode. I think mostly it just felt like the most self-consciously "written." The two-hander between E and Betty, while wonderful, seemed more writerly than natural to me. And I've always been impressed with the dead-on use of dialogue in this show. But the scene was amazing, thank you Lois Smith, so I can't regret that. I can regret that E is apparently "softening", but not because she's no longer a believer, but because a random old lady reminded her of her mother. I also didn't understand why she went to bat to save Todd last week, when she didn't hesitate a nanosecond to put a bullet between the eyes of his compatriot with the bread van. The first two seasons did such a good job of worldbuilding. I understood the world, the stakes, and the characters. But now things are just stretching credulity. This Nina subplot is just...no. It undermines everything they've established about the KGB and her likely punishment. Shoot, I was surprised that dude she betrayed was still alive to run the facility Bakalov is being forced to work in. And I think Annet is great too but come on, don't compromise the narrative this way, guys! I'm worried this is what's going on with Martha, too. I think Alison Wright is a-ma-zing but Phillip shouldn't unilaterally make the call that Martha live and everyone just say, whatever you say, dude. I can't believe Centre wouldn't remove this risk. Centre murdered a woman and took her baby and returned it to Russia, and she hadn't even done anything to betray the USSR. Centre don't play. But weirdly I think the thing that's bothering me the most is that Martha is colluding in setting up Gene to take the fall. I hate that. I always hate the collateral damage but this sticking in my craw. So much for Poor Martha, more like Poor Gene.
  8. Thanks for the heads up that Davina did, indeed, specify white men. That's what I get for "multi-tasking" by playing Words with Friends during this entertainment extravaganza. For some reason I do think Davina and Sean have a chance, if she's able to get out of her own way. His note was sweet, although the keyhole metaphor made me wince. I'm glad I don't have an ultra HDTV because even without it I get distracted by so.much.makeup on the women. But at least Jaclyn's wedding makeup was less brassy than her own version, though applied just as thickly. I suspect that Jessica, although extremely pretty, is not going to live up to Ryan D's expectations of what he thinks he rates on the beauty scale. And Jaclyn is definitely overestimating her own appeal. Ryan R was smart to grow the beard, because it deemphasizes his (lack of) chin. But he's clearly a very nice guy who's probably been friendzoned all his life. If Jaclyn can get over herself she may be able to see that.
  9. I understand what you're saying but I took it a little differently: she seems pretty Western in her attitudes and behavior and I think she didn't want to deal with any deep-rooted cultural attitudes about marriage and her "place" in the marriage that might come up if she married someone of Eastern descent. She never said white men only (that we heard, I think); she just said no Eastern religions. One of the "experts" said she wanted only white men; I don't consider them reliable narrators, to say the least. Ryan D has a pretty strong accent too; he's described as a "business consultant" and I barked a laugh when the narrator said that he and Jessica were at similar places in their careers (receptionist). So my guess is Ryan is a freelance toner replacement engineer for...uh...businesses.
  10. The production quality is still a little ragged around the edges, but I do appreciate that these women aren't censoring themselves with PC American-speak (cue Lydia's "mongrel" comment, which was foul but definitely something Lydia would be clueless enough to say). Speaking of Lydia, what was going on with her dog? Is that normal behavior for the breed or was it just shy about the cameras? I loved how Gina didn't bother with a costume, just pulled a black corset out from her closet. Can someone explain Pettifleur's math to me: I came from nothing and worked hard = I deserve that my boyfriend buy me a 450k car. I am not seeing the connection there. If you're so fabulous why don't you celebrate your success by buying it for yourself? Oh and by the way, Pettifleur, nice crack about Rick looking like Gamble's grandfather, when your own partner appears to have one foot in the grave. Is there an Aussie on the board who can explain Gamble's accent? She doesn't sound like any of the other women. Is it some kind of Valley-speak, or is the accent that different in Sydney? Janet and Chyka should stop wearing their night time makeup during the day. Harsh.
  11. This is a little OT but one of my favorite things in the previews for next week is when Eileen says "Sue me, Kim, for giving a damn" -- her body language is so relaxed. No finger-pointing, aggressive stance, in your face for our Eileen. I dig it so much, but I don't know why she would ever come back. I mean yeah, the paycheck, but she got a nice chunk this time, probably paid off the mortgage and took care of Jesse's college fund. (Not interested in speculating about her finances or her marriage, tbh.) She's raised her profile beyond soaps without showing her ass and made a nice little nest egg -- probably the most any of the HWs can hope for.
  12. I interpreted that extra clip as Eileen trying to figure out LisaR's about-face the next day. She wasn't present at Kim's appearance at LisaR's door the following morning, right? Anyway, that's just spec, we'll find out next week. Although I did like "Sue me, Kim, for giving a damn."
  13. Personally I wish Phillip and Elizabeth had never fallen in love. I don't need to see her tension about the Kimmie assignment; it's perfectly clear to me that Phillip is ambivalent at the very least about using someone so young. Adding Elizabeth's incipient judgement to the scenario feels like they're stacking the deck to me. Besides she's not feeling compunction about Kimmie being young; she just doesn't want Phillip to fuck anyone else. I think she's compartmentalized Martha because his physical relationship with her happened before it "happened" for her and Phillip. Martha is clearly a mark that Phillip feels barely veiled indifference for. Kimmie has been humanized by Phillip's concern for her. It's interesting that people think nothing happens on this show. I always find it teeming with activity - but it's of the character-building variety, not derring-do. If The Americans were all James Bondian activity their cover would have been blown years ago. They are working a longer, much more subtle game. I loves me a character study.
  14. I think Nashville thinks it's being all down-home and authentic when they're really taking advantage of the rabble-rousing good ole boy stereotype when it has these punch out scenes. Lazy storytelling, although I'm sure they congratulate themselves for showing, not telling! But having Rayna slap Deacon within the same episode as Sadie's Very Special Storyline -- poor optics. But not the first time -- like when she and Sadie peeled out to outrun paparazzi mere weeks after Rayna's near-fatal car accident. The writer's room is strangely forgetful of their own dramatic beats.
  15. I feel like it's a problem on many shows, not just this one, when an actor is popular the show then jumps through narrative hoops to keep them on the show. I liked Nina as much as anyone, but scrambling for ways to keep her on the show has felt tacked on and inauthentic to me. Not just because getting info from some random Belgian chick is the "price" for her freedom, but because it beggars belief that the girl would fall for it. Nina's out eating steak, and Belgium doesn't notice? Sorry to be gross, but they're using the same toilet/bucket. Even though I do think Elizabeth's recruitment of Paige is going to be an unmitigated disaster, I did sort of enjoy that she showed sheltered Paige a more gritty reality about civil protests. It's not all picketing with your pastor, it's also about hoping to create a better society for everyone, and particularly those who live in the area that Paige was so uncomfortable in. I didn't put that well but I'm sure you guys got what I'm trying to say. I used to wonder if Phillip and Irina's son was Hans...unbeknownst to him. But that would be too soapy. And anyway Irina looked far too young to have a grown son. Kudos to Phillip for sliding out of the Kimmie situation by invoking Jesus. He's lucky she's young enough to buy that line of crap. I really don't think this show is going to go that far (actual sex) with Kimmie and Phillip, it would destroy any goodwill he's building up by trying to protect Paige. But I love watching him manipulate Kimmie, he is note-perfect.
  16. Thanks HunterHunted, I didn't realize I was trying to figure out who Janet reminded me of until you mentioned Kylie Minogue. Although Janet has done something to her eyes since last season, because in repose she looks like a totally different person. I couldn't stand Gamble initially because her intro was so pretentious and ridiculous, but mostly because her flat affect and voice made it so hard to me to understand what she was saying. Her voice! It's awful! But by the end of the show it seemed like she might end up being one of the more "normal" ones. I wonder what it was about Gina that made her glom on to her immediately. Recognition of the natural HBIC? Gina is unique to the world. I don't know if it's possible to explain or describe Gina, she is unique to herself. I mean, anyone who can look calmly at Jackie and tell her her angels are demons...and appear to mean it, whoo. I wish Lydia weren't so dumb. IMO she's the most naturally beautiful among them. But every time she says "to be frank" I side-eye. IMO Jackie is the yappy little dog that won't shut up. But it did seem like she has fit in with these women, which didn't seem likely last year. She's definitely learned how to talk in soundbites in her THs. This show is definitely a relief after all the sturm und drang of the BH franchise. I don't know what the rumors about Gamble are but I could not care less.
  17. Music's back, yay. I thought Scarlett was traumatized by arena touring. Why is it different as Tres Equis? Jeff, never change. I liked that he realized he wouldn't be welcome at HY65; but then to say that Rayna got him fired? Um, no, you did x, y and z, Jeff. If you hadn't, Rayna wouldn't have had the ammunition to present to Mario Van Peebles. You got your own ass fired, Rayna was just the messenger. But I am not surprised, because Jeff has a problem.with.women. I don't care how hot his scenes with Layla are, this relationship will never end well, because Jeff doesn't have it in him. The slap almost ruined the scene for me. Good thing CB and CE are such pros. I think they're trying to make Luke happen by bringing on Colt, as his manpain has made him a newly sensitive dad blah blah blah. Woo-hoo, more beer and trucks songs! Gunnar is so much more fun to watch in the light scenes. As soon as he gets romantic feels everything goes to hell. The post-its, his dudebro scenes with Avery and Will -- Gunnar at his best. Moping after Scarlett/Zoe/Micah - Gunnar at his worst. Juliette better get her ass back in the studio because it looks like they're only going to have an EP to release for Sadie-- posthumously.
  18. Any word on the ratings? I bet they got a bump, which is problematic IMO because Bravo may consider ratings more important than that they're producing a dysfunctional shitshow. I believe that Kim should not be on the show, not just for sobriety and/or storyline reasons, but because she's a liability in casting future wives. Who's going to sign up for that mess? It's interesting how perceptions are different; when I read that someone thinks Eileen is on a high horse I think, wow, that person wouldn't like me much either. I am much more of an observer, but, like Eileen, my silence does not constitute co-signing on the crazy, which is what the cast has done for years by not addressing on camera The Problem with Kim. Eileen stands up for herself, but she's not telling anyone to hold her gold, and I appreciate that. It doesn't always have to be a screaming fight. And even if she doesn't come back next year personally I think she's earned every dollar of that 750k. I also agree that Kyle should disengage, but that's not as easy as making the judgement. This show will last for a few years; family is forever. Kyle has been trained to react a certain way, and she handles it poorly or well depending on your point of view. Changing those behaviors isn't something that can be done overnight, particularly if you're in a decades-long dysfunctional sibling dynamic. Glad to hear they've not spoken much in the last few months, I bet that's just a huge relief for Kyle, even as it's painful for her.
  19. ElectricBoogaloo, I think you're right. The crux of the matter wasn't so much that Claire had had an abortion, it was when (or at least that's how the Underwoods were able to spin it. The abortion admission was not insignificant, but Claire ran with it and got a lot of credibility with women voters for her "honesty.") I don't remember if she let people assume it or if she stated flat out that the pregnancy was a result of the rape; the real story was that she got the abortion well after she and Francis were married. It was election time and she was getting hammered in the press for being childless. Ya know, because those of us without kids are somehow less than the ideal woman.
  20. Good question. I think all he can contribute is that he saw Connor's car at Annalise's the night he went there to confront Michaela about stealing the trophy. He thought they were there but he never saw anyone so that's not proof just conjecture,; and he later saw their (alibi) bonfire pics, which would seem to confirm their own recountings of the night. After that he was distracted by Bonnie's booty call. Just not sure what thread that prosecutor can pull that will unravel the alibis of the Keating 4.
  21. It seems like the Kings have fallen prey to their own success by overindulging favored actors. Dylan Baker is great as Colin Sweeney but his shenanigans have come up far too often. But the Kings couldn't resist putting him in a bad wig with a bad English accent because omg so hilare, you guys. They've also ruined Elsbeth by overexposing her that way. Oh and here's another knee-slapper -- let's have the venerable Ed Asner sneer about "fags." rotflmao you guys! Oh, and I know -- it's just so funny when octogenarians talk about fucking! Let's do it! IMO it was stunt casting, of the tacky variety. I can't agree that Alicia has become Peter, though. Peter is very pragmatic about how the sausage gets made. Alicia still likes to think she's a crusader for good; Peter tries to be a good governor, but within the system as it exists. I don't think Peter is as self-deluded as Alicia is. Alicia should have dropped out of this race months ago, when Castro dropped out. Doubling down on it as a major storyline is ruining the show.
  22. Yay for this thread, otherwise I wouldn't understand why the little French girl thinks that what Michael is doing is an alternative to Illaria's "thinning the herd" plan. I feel so helpless watching this show. It is batshit on so many levels. Between the culty incest stuff, that grody mucous on the infected and impromptu "births", it is so damn gross!! And yet I can't stop trying to follow it and figure out where it's going. I do find though that I miss the quiet terror of Arctic Biosystems. There must have been a budget infusion for them to afford all the extras in this season (although I guess this episode just took care of that.) Other things to ponder: Why can't I warm up to Peter? Everything he does seems like some pissy sibling rivalry play. I shouldn't enjoy seeing him in a pit with rats. And yet.... Why can't I warm up to Sarah? Like, ever. She's often right, but there's something about this actress that makes me want to slap her. Plus, accusing Alan of not wanting the baby after he just admitted he was drugged and btw only found out about the baby a day or so ago? Bitch, please. I hated that she ever fucked Alan, let alone became immortal and also pregnant. I've never understood Amy's plan. Her endgame, sure, but how she's getting there? No idea. Plus she smirks, which I hate. Ugh, that mass-murder scene with the little boy, oh god that was awful.
  23. Rayna would have to have a lobotomy to even consider working with Jeff, and all braindead activity has been reserved for Teddy. Aside from his long list of misdeeds, malicious acts and misdemeanors, the whole town knows she left Edgehill to get away from his ilk, how would it look if she brought that into her "dream", HWY65? And frankly this character isn't important enough to the show to go through the narrative gymnastics to even attempt a redemption. And no, I don't consider fucking a vulnerable underage girl-woman a redemption arc. I even think this whole "managing Layla" thing is dumb, like he's going to be satisfied with her piddling 10 or 15% of a new artist's earnings, which often run in the negative dollars. Oliver Hudson has done his job. Time to move on with different music execs. I liked the one Ming Na played. Obviously she's not available now but how about it show, a female music exec could be interesting. Ultimately though I think the thing with Bucky will settle down. I'm more worried that the actor can handle it. I think that was the most lines he's ever had and he didn't give me a lot of confidence that he can go toe-to-toe with Rayna.
  24. Thanks for saving me precious moments of my life I won't get back. But I can't help but also call shenanigans on Duhamel's hairline. That is one sharp widow's peak.
  25. I'm satisfied that we know who killed Lila...given that there's no one left on canvas who cared about her, I doubt they'd keep dragging that out in the second season. I tolerated Rebecca because Wes did. Never understood why he felt drawn to her. And never really felt like she understood how lucky she was that 1) Wes stood up for her and 2) the rest of the Keating 5, and Annalise, essentially screwed up their whole lives helping her. But when she realizes Wes has doubts and the first thing she does is find something to nail them with (security guard) -- that was just low. Plus the Rudy thing. She was dead to me then, sneaky snake level behavior. (That's not to say that they weren't all dumbasses to get themselves in this situation, but if they hadn't, well, there wouldn't be a show). They need to tone down Asher's douchebro antics, but I have to admit Matt McGorry cracked me up with his physical comedy, first with the Irish jig and then the bimbo bookshelving. I couldn't believe it when I saw a smile on Bonnie's face. Not happy about Oliver's diagnosis. It felt really retro, like some mid-90s Poignant and Important Homosexual Storyline. But it's true, it's HIV not AIDS, so there's that. Someone upthread mentioned a possible false positive; I didn't realize that that was a possibility. Michaela chose herself! I rewound that scene twice, it was so satisfying. Curious to see what big gun they're going to get to play Nate's lawyer next season. That role has Major Guest Star written all over it.
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