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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I was searching for a good almond sorta- granola cereal but couldn't find it. I used to find it at Wegmans, but no longer. So I bought a box of Kashi (??) almond cereal. When I opened the box and popped a small handful in my mouth...🤮. It tasted like OTT stale cereal. I threw it out & recycled the box. Took forever to get that rancid, oil taste out of my mouth.
  2. Love this recipe! Thanks for sharing. And orange zest is definitely what I'll use 🍊
  3. @Gramto6 They don't care. They sit back and let that DD&D, or whatever Fieri's show is called, haul in the advertising bucks. And their neverending competitions fill almost all the other hours. A few folks have true cooking shows. I've said too many times how much I miss the original, tranquil BC show. Ina covered everything: cooking instructions, tips on herbs, *simple* but elegant flower arrangements, and how to create a serene dining table setting (don't iron the napkin folds 🩷). OK...I feel better. I've vented 😁
  4. You & me both! It's safer to just check the website to see if the recipes are appealing. I watched the show last Sunday. Katie Lee made a no-bake dessert. When she listed the ingredients: graham crackers, frozen whipped topping (Cool Whip), & instant French vanilla pudding (🤢), I went on alert. I couldn't wait to see if GZ would eat this awful concoction. The camera wasn't on him very much & he had his arm hiding his plate. I don't blame him for not wanting to eat it. But once again, he should've been supportive & been seen taking a bite. It's way past time to change the cooks/chefs on this show.
  5. This was known as the Wrap (of Worlds). It had nothing to do with the gala. I put it on my calendar so I wouldn't miss it. And yes, at the start of showing the top skaters in the men's LP, they showed Adam's astounding leap from 19th in the SP standings, to 1st place in the LP...until Kagayama and then Ilia skated. Adam is competition for Ilia as he has the artistry on top of his 4 quads (he's probably right now working on adding two more quads!) I disliked Impossible Dream when it first came out, found it boring. Jason needs to have two interesting programs next season if he plans to continue competing (some of us are spoiled after Sinnerman & the Irish step dancing number 😁).
  6. Can you hit "spam"? That's what I do with emails from sources I've had nothing to do with (this is usually in my own subaccount, the one I use when registering at websites). I only use our joint email address to register with the NY Times & the Washington Post.
  7. I missed the first 45 minutes today. In pairs, I really like the German team. For me, the best program in this wrap was G/P's Wuthering Heights FD. Those screeching violins brought back scary memories of the original Psycho. That music and the dramatic presentation + their lifts kept me glued to their every move. I hit the mute for Jason's LP. Ilia's championship performance was again so much fun to watch. It's also great to see his coach/dad's excited reaction to that LP.
  8. I had this problem 2 hours ago. Lots of posts from people I never heard of. Also from some blogs. What I do when this occasionally happens: Click on 3 dots above post. When it opens, click on "show less". The picture returns and I click on the 3 dots again, then click on "block..." the source. That gets rid of the uninvited posted picture. If anyone has a better system, please share. I had to do this on about 10 pictures. I don't know why...my Facebook is private, only seen by "friends".
  9. I'm submitting my application to the Anybody But Yogesh Club. James was never a favorite of mine, but I'll be cheering him on (& all the others), hoping somebody will provide an early exit to Mr. Charm.
  10. Is this the end of discussing Fixer Upper? I still watch the reruns because I enjoy seeing the transformations that Joanne creates. My favorite house renovation was the one for the Morrisons (big house & big budget may be the episode title). That house was so elegant.
  11. Good. I'm glad to hear that officials somewhere are looking into what I consider price gouging (by the manufacturers). I refuse to purchase items that I believe are overpriced. Shrinkage? Yogurt containers are the most obvious for me. But I know it's going on in a lot of products. I wait for sales on a number of products. I guess it's time to contact my Congressman. I worked for a Congressman back in the 70's so when you've got a big complaint? Let them hear from you. They'll attach your letter to a "bucking" slip and send it to the appropriate federal agency. It will get attention!
  12. Terry is such a nice guy. Figure skating is so lucky to have him. During the NCAA's maybe 1.5 weeks ago, there was some delay or cancellation because I came across a documentary re: Jim Valvano. Terry was shown talking about being a player on that 1983 championship team. I lived in Raleigh back then and fondly remember Terry on TV, as a spokesman for the local animal shelter. I don't know how he can stand being around Tara & Johnny. And now he'll have to contend with Fallon? Sheesh 🙄.
  13. I just read that Johnny and Tara, along with Terry, will be hosting the closing ceremonies at the Olympics in August, with Mike Tirico and Jimmy Fallon. The article also mentioned that there will be other hosts. This was at Google News, from a Delaware news source.
  14. I just couldn't understand all the hoopla. Was 2017 at night? I seem to recall that we sat on the deck, staring up at the moon one night. I don't remember a lot of buzz over that. This past Monday afternoon was nice as we met new neighbors and had a chance to catch up with others. I know some folks who drove up to Niagara Falls for this. But I liked seeing the photos on TV (something I couldn't do with my phone camera).
  15. @PRgal I'm certainly no expert, but I use Facebook Lite (all I want is to post & see family/friends photos). This may not be what you're needing, but it cut down a lot of stuff Facebook was "offering".
  16. I miss pulled pork, & pig pickin's in eastern NC. Until I moved to Raleigh, barbecue was a verb, meaning cooking outside on a grill. It was a bit confusing at first. One of these days I'll work up the courage 😁 to make pulled pork in my Crockpot. Or, go to a BBQ restaurant up here that does eastern NC style.
  17. I think we are our own moderators right now. I hope everything will calm down. We've had such a nice, kind & caring group. Let's stay here and keep it a welcoming, accepting place where folks can feel free venting about whatever's bugging them.
  18. We're getting a kick out of the CFP ads. A woman is on the examining table and the doctor asks, "So, which one of these legs are we operating on?" The patients says it's her rotator cuff & asks him if he's an orthopedist. He said, "I'm a Sagittarius". 😁
  19. Whenever my sister and I left lights on, my dad would yell, "Turn off the lights. I don't have stock in Central Hudson!" Many years later, my sister & BIL bought one stock in CH and gave it to him for his 65th birthday. That was so funny for us and we loved his sweet smile when he opened this nutty gift ❤️.
  20. Wow! We just saw the almost total eclipse. The sun looked like the crescent moon on the old outhouse doors 😊. A lot of our neighbors were out (borrowing our one pair of special glasses that we got at the Air & Space Museum on 3/30). We met our newest neighbor, Victoria in her first outing (she's 6 weeks old). A fortuitous day in the 'hood 🩷...almost-total eclipse & a new resident! I love these ^^^^ photos!! Thank you for taking and sharing them ❤️
  21. Wow! We just saw the almost total eclipse. The sun looked like the crescent moon on the old outhouse doors 😊. A lot of our neighbors were out (borrowing our one pair of special glasses that we got at the Air & Space Museum on 3/30). We met our newest neighbor, Victoria in her first outing (she's 6 weeks old). A fortuitous day in the 'hood 🩷...almost-total eclipse & a new resident!
  22. Hey, BlueSkies: I just scrolled up to the top of the page to make sure this was the Pet Peeve section. It is, and you have the absolute right to kvetch about whatever you like. We all do. And I, for one, am tired of the mini lectures popping up here (& elsewhere) in response to folks who are posting their pet peeves or concerns about crime in their areas, or other disagreeable things. I've noticed that the numbers of folk posting has decreased quite a bit. Can we please allow people to vent without correcting them with one's own beliefs/experiences refuting them?
  23. Hello, peacheslatour. My name is annzeepark and I'm an iced tea-aholic 😁.
  24. I'm 1/3 of the way into The Spy Coast by Tess Gerritsen. It takes place in Maine, featuring friends who are retired from the CIA. They're trying to figure out who is trying to kill Maggie, the main character (the ghosts of her past have returned).
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