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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I missed it! How could I forget? That, and our daughter called so I was completely distracted. I'll try to catch a repeat.
  2. Made French toast this morning for brunch along with bacon, chicken sausage, and raspberries & blueberries on the side. This evening I made Pork Medallions and Baked Pilaf. We celebrated Valentine's Day on Friday--movie (Spotlight!!) and delicious food at a favorite restaurant so today it was home-cooked meals.
  3. @De:Lurker: make sure you don't get any lemon juice near that paper cut! Oooowweee, I hate paper cuts. Put vaseline or Polysporin on it and then a bandaid if you can.
  4. Welcome, Sbeetle! I loathe indoor pools, always have and always will. But she did a good job on the pool. Wish she'd just torn down the walls and made it an outdoor pool. Gosh, I never heard that about the drains when I was a kid. No one ever warned us. I'm sure I stepped on drains and wasn't stuck to them. Is she planning to sell this house?
  5. OK...I saw in Food Network's magazine that Sunday, February 14th there will be an Ina special at 1:00 PM: Ina in Paris a deux (or however it's spelled). Does anyone have any information about this?
  6. Last night I made Ina's Herbed Roasted Fish, using tilapia. Also didn't have fresh thyme (it's frozen in its containers on the deck) so I used Penzeys. And Spanish Roasted Potato Salad with the dressing on the side. I gussy up the dressing with some extra mayo and Trader Joe's aioli as it's a bit too lemony tart. Love those potatoes!
  7. OMG...just last night I told Mr. P914 that I'm sick & tired of the campaigns and wish the election were Tuesday and over with. It goes on way too long in this country. And it seems the day after a candidate wins it all, the talking heads start to jabber about who the next president will be. It's media driven (they love this stuff just like meteorologists love big storms) and I'm sick of it.
  8. If I could have a baked potato that was cooked in foil in a charcoal pit--yeah, I'd eat that every darn day! I love baked potatoes cooked that way.
  9. I still like the show even though she's now rehabbing a mid 50's house (her grandparents' home). Thank goodness she didn't put red formica in and got something more modern--marble or granite?? I would have "modernized" the cabinets to a 50's contemporary style--not the old fashioned knotty pine that her g'parents used back then. But she's too much into the nostalgia to be completely objective--which I completely understand! If she's going to sell the house, maybe somebody will appreciate the old touches (the green wall phone--my MIL has one in her house in MI--it's a hoot having to dial--brings me back to my childhood).
  10. Spaghetti & meatballs along with a tossed, Greek-ish salad. It's funny that the sauce was from 3 jars: Wegman's new marinara (surprisingly good!); Mario's from Rochester (my last jar as Wegman's isn't selling it outside of upstate NY anymore); and Trader Joe's Arrabbiatta Sauce (which we love) + a little bit of brown sugar and seasonings = a very good sauce. Fast and good.
  11. I don't understand how Anna Pogorilaya remained in 3rd place after her horrible LP. Those weren't just falls--they were splats, on her belly, real program disrupters. Meanwhile, Angelina K's LP was, IMO, quite good. Did she underrotate? Was she slow?
  12. Thanks for the link. That was interesting! And I'd forgotten that she showed up in other episodes, especially the Indian wedding one.
  13. I loved this movie. And I've been recommending it to friends, saying that it's an old fashioned movie without the hokiness that was always ruining those old movies.
  14. I'd consider that 3 jobs--if you want each one done well.
  15. Don't have a quote but wasn't it Sue Ellen Mishkin who wore just a bra under her blazer to Elaine's office (to make the point that she heard about Elaine's comments about her going braless)? I thought of Sue Ellen when I saw the photo of Susan Sarandon at the SAG awards...wearing a black "bra" under a white blazer.
  16. I've gotten the "mean girl" vibe ever since she lost to Ashley ('13 or '14?) and she wouldn't stand up when Ashley came over for the post-comp ritual hug and made Ashley bend completely over to hug her (someone over at Golden Skates posted a picture of this). That was nasty...plus her making fun of the way the Japanese don't pronounce "r". Mean girl, indeed.
  17. Tonight's supper was Shakshuka with Feta from the New York Times except I didn't use feta...I used Mexican Blend (figured the feta might be too salty/tangy) and it was good! I added a few extra seasonings (like Mural of Flavor, Turkish Seasoning & garlic powder) and threw in some leftover roasted potatoes. Someone in the comments section underneath the recipe called it Jewish Huevos Rancheros. It took 10 minutes for the eggs to poach perfectly :>)
  18. Well, I'm not like Lady MacBeth! My body certainly has its opportunity to build a resistance to germs but these days, with nasty respiratory infections circling round the fort, I ain't taking chances. One thing I do is whenever I come home, I wash my hands. It just feels good.
  19. You really have to be aware while out and about. Yesterday I was at a pizza/buffet place for lunch. After I got my salad and some pizza, I used Purell on my hands. Felt very smart doing this. Last night for some reason I was thinking about lunch and realized that when I went up for seconds on the pizza, I used the spatula to get up a couple slices, came back and started eating it (mostly with a fork--I don't know why--but still!) without cleaning my hands. I don't want to be seen constantly using the Purell...but what's a person who doesn't want to get sick to do? Heh heh...I remember watching Giada on a trip to Venice, I think to Harry's Bar maybe. The bartender made her their signature drink and handed it to her and his hand was up by the rim of the glass (don't you hate that?). Giada very smoothly turned the glass in her hand so when she drank out of it, she didn't have that area that he touched the glass anywhere near her mouth.
  20. Did you ever see that episode of Seinfeld when he goes to Popi's restaurant, meets Popi in the men's room and Popi leaves w/o washing his hands? Every time I see that rerun I cringe (especially when they show Popi making a pizza crust 'specially for Jerry and they do a close up on his hands!).
  21. That's terrible! So, did you hear from the company? Did you ever go back to the store?
  22. Thanks for the recipe, DeLurker. I take it that burrito tortillas are the same as flour tortillas? Gosh, this sounds good! IMO, brie needs something to counter all that tasty but quite mild flavor and fruit is the answer.
  23. It's melting fast...you can hear it dripping all over the place today (at least on the VA side of DC). Right now we're better off staying off the roads anyway with all the blind spots caused by the mountains of plowed snow.
  24. How did she make them? What kind of cheese was used & what way were the blueberries used...preserves?
  25. I'm sitting here, ready to post a peeve about our being snow-bound in our section of the 'hood--still--and then read all these posts about apartment/condo neighbors. It brought back unpleasant memories of the many years I lived in apartments. Thumping bass notes, bedroom noises (that I could hear in my dining room!), cars starting up and motors revved at 4:00 AM every day, snoring that I heard through the floors, barking dogs that never stopped, someone cooking chitlins (don't ask), big feet clomping overhead & dropping hangars on hardwood floors at 3AM, etc, etc., etc. Guess I'll cool my jets re: the no-show of the snow removal equipment. Why are people so inconsiderate of their neighbors? Why are apt and condo buildings built like crap? Would it kill them to put some soundproof materials in the walls/floors?
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