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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I used to really miss Fargo at the end of Season 1 and Season 2. Now? I'm relieved that weird story is over. I bet there are hundreds of stories (somewhat similar to the movie and season 1) that could be used. Just watch a few 20/20's or other murder reality shows, change a few characters and scenes, put it in a snowy time of year and voila! A really good Fargo is born anew.
  2. Sure you should admit it cause McD's and Wendy's and other places, where we dash in to get something quick to eat, need to have good (and kind) people working there. I love stopping at Wendy's in Hazelton, PA (the last Hazelton exit heading north on I-81) cause the food is quite good and the workers are always pleasant and efficient. Love the 2 Panera's we stopped at for lunch going both ways on the Ohio Turnpike during Xmas week. These aren't easy jobs, dealing with all kinds of customers (tired, rushed, cranky, rude, etc) and I'm always amazed at how good the employees are to us :>)
  3. My sister was shopping in Food Lion (this was about 20 years ago) and had her purse in the baby seat section. While she was looking at stuff on the shelves, someone came along, reached into her OPEN purse and took her wallet. I still see women shopping with purses sitting in that little seat, purses usually open. I only had the nerve to warn one woman (for some reason I felt like a busybody--but she thanked me for the warning).
  4. I was trying to get the msg out to the moms who are picking up their kids at the end of the day, are tired, and just leave everything in the car because they think they're just going to run in, get their kids and run out. We've had two incidents 15 minutes apart in Alexandria, VA so it looks like some folks have found a new source for their criminal activities. I don't know if it's happening around the country already but it's something I hadn't heard of until yesterday. Otherwise...I haven't left stuff in the car in many years, probably since I was a kid and we were warned not to leave Xmas shopping stuff in the car, to stow it all in the trunk. That was a long time ago :>)
  5. I don't know where to put this warning so I'll put it here and ask that you pass the word to moms picking up kids at daycare. My neighbor's daughter-in-law was picking up her toddler at daycare yesterday after work. When she came out to the car, the window had been bashed in and her workbag (holding her purse, ID's, lots of cash that day) and cellphone were gone. Also - she still had a birthday check from my neighbor for the grandchild so now my neighbor has had to shut down her account (at least they have a second account but the first one is the one that drafts payments for bills - a real PITA now). So it seems these lowlifes are watching all the time, looking for opportunities. The police told her DIL that at a daycare down the street. 15 minutes before, another mom had her stuff stolen (but she'd left the car unlocked so no bashed window).
  6. Awww...just watched the PBS show on Jacques Pepin last night. His early days in France (especially Paris restaurants) reminded me of Eric Ripert's experiences many years later. I'd forgotten that Pepin had a stroke. It must have been a TIA because he was out of the hospital almost the next day and was speaking very well. Also saw the show on James Beard which was really interesting. My book club is reading 10 Restaurants That Changed America by Paul Freedman in which he claims that Chez Panisse was the first restaurant to use local farmers. Last night I was informed that Four Seasons (whose creation was developed partly by Beard), which opened in 1959, did just that almost right from the start and that was a decade before Alice Waters' decision to go local. It's hard to find stuff that is interesting (to me) on TV these days and I was just glued to the TV during these two programs.
  7. Ain't that the truth! I rarely watch FN these days. Who the heck could I watch now that BC is a rarity and the non-gimmicky cooks/chefs are gone?
  8. Today's episode was ok but I wasn't really interested in the food she was making (although Anna Pump's tomato tart looked good). However, what a waste of Jose Andres. He demonstrated how to separate the yolk from the egg white using a bottle. She could've shown that herself. Why waste this wonderful chef/restaurateur's time showing something so basic? He could've shown us how to make his fabulous Romesco sauce. Jeffrey learning how to make pizza from the pizza truck guy was next but I skipped that.
  9. Pistachio gelato is quite good too - mild but with good flavor.
  10. Sheesh--now that's there's only one episode left I'm beginning to enjoy this season. Episode 9 was g.o.o.d. (especially Nikki & Mr. Wrench, an attractive & dynamic duo, taking on the subhumans). While reading the posts wishing to see Gloria's incompetent boss publicly villified, I had a sad thought. We may be denied that wish as he'll probably be killed in a big shoot-out that most likely will happen in the grand finale. It would be nice to have a number of our questions answered (but I wouldn't put it past them to keep us hangin').
  11. @chessiegal: I had great pizza in Carpentras and Gap, France. Those pizzas reminded me of the wonderful pizza I grew up eating in New York (which is almost impossible to find nowadays). So, you never know! Dinner tonight was turkey meatloaf (or should that be turkeyloaf? no--cause that sounds gross). I'd never had it before and liked it. Mr. P914 didn't (he said I could have the leftovers & he'd eat other leftovers). I used part of Ina's turkey meatloaf recipe and part of Dave Lieberman's Bubbie's Meatloaf recipe.
  12. Thanks, shapeshifter. How could I forget about the eyes of a corpse (back in the day people would put coins on the eyes after closing them). I still wonder about the creak overhead in Ennis's house and I doubt that was Maurice.
  13. There have been discussions since episode 1 re: the way Ennis Stussy was murdered. Glued mouth? Yes. But glued nose? Glued eyes? which is it? His eyes (and those of the next two Stussy victims) were wide open, right? Were they glued open? (how else could they be open when they're dead). Was glue in their nostrils? I hope I'm not the only one confused about this but in the aftermath of each of these killings, I couldn't understand the cops thanks to their unique accents or they were talking too fast. Whatever.
  14. I love this show. The first episode I saw was that cabin on a lake that they painted red with some white and blue trim. I think it was a former politician's cabin and now her daughter owns it. It reminded me of a family friend's old cabin on Long Lake.
  15. Tonight we had chicken burgers, macaroni salad, and asparagus with homemade "Russian Dressing" and chopped eggs on top. Mr. P914 said it was the best meal of his vacation trip (he just got back at noon) to the Black Hills in SD that he took with our daughter and her family (me? I preferred to stay home in the AC and read book club selections!).
  16. I agree and posted that just now. I knew FN was getting worse but this is it for me. Sunday morning is not good for Ina. It would be good for Guy's Grudge Match, right? Oh - I just got a like for my post over there on FN. Maybe we need to start emailing Ina, asking her to move to PBS. Great idea, ariel.
  17. Ina needs to be on Saturday morning. Can't believe Ginormous (oy) Food, Guy's Grudge Match (geez) and Pioneer Woman beat Barefoot Contessa, a classy show where one learns how to make delicious food and also how to arrange a simple but elegant vase of flowers and set a pretty table. FN is lucky to still have her on their increasingly juvenile network. She belongs on PBS.
  18. Interesting to read about the use of "supper" and "dinner". I grew up in NYS and we used the words interchangably. It wasn't until I moved to NC that I learned using either word told folks something about your life (were you from farm people? or from city folks?). That was quite bewildering to me then and I still am having difficulty deciding which word to use because of that experience in NC. Supper (heh!) tonight is just for me and was reheated pork fried rice leftover from Chinese delivery (I added some pineapple to make it interesting). Geez it's hot here. And this is just the start of summer. I wanna move to Vermont or NH. Get me outta here!!!!
  19. If anyone makes that pasta & cauliflower dish, let me know what you think. When she spooned the ricotta on top of the first layer of pasta/cauliflower, I thought "gee, I wonder if that ricotta needs a little seasoning first before adding to the casserole". I always add something to ricotta before adding ricotta to a dish. Thanks.
  20. I watched Ina's show this morning - lotsa pasta! Even some tips from Mario Battali. It was pretty good. Has anyone made that pasta dish with the shells & cauliflower? Everything looked good and I like the way she explains how to do things (easy for new cooks to learn). Then there was a repeat of an older show in which Antonia & a grown up Tess came for dinner (I think I've seen this before). Michael made an elegant floral/fruit display down the outdoor table. Frank was a guest and so was that LA guy. I just appreciate any new show that Ina appears in.
  21. All I can say at this point is--nothing bad better happen to that kitten. This season has really been, for the most part (IMO of course) really disappointing. Crappy dialogue in OTT rural Minnie-soooo-tahhh accents + scatological scenes for the hell-of-it + surreal metaphysical scenes + never-ending monologues that go off the deep end. I'm not a Twin Peaks fan so I guess this season wasn't written with folks like me in mind. I sure hope next season (if there IS one) will return to interesting stories like Seasons I and II.
  22. The first half was good, especially Nikki and Mr. Wrench escaping from the bus and their adventures in the woods. I have some questions. What was hanging from the tree--a mannequin of sorts for target practice for the hunters OR a very weird dead body (of one of the hunters)? Then, the unfortunate people who slowed down to look at the bus (big mistake as we know from the past!), were chased quite a ways down the road before they were killed. But, when Gloria arrived at the scene of the killing of that couple, why was it so close to the bus wreck? She could walk easily from one crime scene on that highway to the other (and we could see the couple's van from the side of the bus).
  23. Does anyone have the solution for the annoying calls from "Private Caller"? We've been getting this call for maybe 4 months now, at different times of the day and evening, sometimes several times a day. There is no number listed when I back up to look at phone calls & their numbers. We have something that cuts off most phone calls (the unwanted ones) after the first ring but this one rings 4 times then goes to voicemail (when of course it hangs up). We've also written letters to the appropriate agencies stating we do not want these crappy calls. But "Private Caller" is something new. There must be a way of stopping it. P.S. I believe there are some members of Congress who want to enact legislation that will allow robo calls. So this crap is going to get worse unless we contact our reps in the House & Senate and make sure they know we've had it with this harassment.
  24. JTMacc99: this sounds good (and familiar). I think my mom used to make something similar. She'd use a mandolin so the slices were paper thin but if it were summertime and the cukes were out of someone's garden (i.e., no wax on a very thin peel) she'd leave the peel on but score with the tines of a fork. Looked pretty. I like your recipe with the garlic and paprika, and will make it when I can buy fresh out of the garden 'cukes :>)
  25. I missed the show ;>( and hope they'll show it some time this week. It really is great to have her back amidst all the other TV cooks/chefs. IMO her show is such a comfortable retreat from the babble of daily life (and from the other shows--if you know who/what I mean). Love her roasted shrimp, & her herb roasted pork tenderloin (don't know if that was the recipe for the show but it's a favorite around here). I really do miss having BC on Mon-Fridays at 5:00.
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