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Everything posted by BetyBee

  1. @ChiCricket - I hope all goes well today and that Mr. CC behaves himself!
  2. If that's the case, the pastor of the Rod church is one unfortunate man, because I'm sure the Rods don't put anything in the collection plate. In fact, I wouldn't put it past Jill to take money out of the plate!
  3. I let them both go to voicemail. I miss answering machines too! I used to love coming home and checking my messages. My calls go private at 9pm (except for close family). I think I might change it to start at 7pm, now that I'm officially a curmudgeon, lol. I like that I can see who is calling and gauge how long the call is likely to take. With both my niece and my childhood friend, those are long calls which I wasn't up for at that hour, so they got voicemail.
  4. I'm sorry you had a difficult vacation, @Mindthinkr! Thank you for your kind words. I know I'm lucky to have such nice friends in my life, but this week I received 2 evening phone calls. Both of these people know that I'm not at my best for chatting in the evening, but it seems people go with what is convenient for them. Both callers do not work and could easily call in the daytime. I know it's a small thing, but sometimes by evening, I have nothing left to give and I've told them that! Life's been kind of tough lately, with losing my Mom and our cat. Yesterday was Mr. BB's colonoscopy and it went pretty well. I was terrified because he's nearly 70 and that is the age my Mom was when she had her first colonoscopy and she had colon cancer. Rather than looking at the bright side that Mom lived 23 years after that diagnosis, I was (in my head, not out loud) obsessing about a possible bad diagnosis for him. Luckily, he came through it with some likely benign polyps. I've had those myself, so I'm not overly concerned. He was a real trouper about the prep. And I was a real trouper about the drive, which was far away in unfamiliar territory. We high fived each other for a job well done! I realize I don't have much to complain about as I read my book club book, American Dirt. What migrants are migrating FROM and dealing WITH when they get to their destination, is no joke! I'm about 1/2 way through and I'm terrified for these fictional characters! It's very good. Anyway, I realize that my life has been good and I've always been pretty safe. That is truly a blessing not to be taken for granted! I wish all Small Talkers a good weekend!
  5. My husband is having his first colonoscopy tomorrow. He'll be starting to drink the liquid prep (his doc prefers the liquid to the pills) soon. Then the fun will begin. I hope the prep isn't too awful for him! But who am I kidding? It's a nightmare!
  6. He looks older than 6 weeks. George has the expression of an older kid, imo. He's really cute!
  7. @Scarlett45-you have so much on your plate. I'm glad you're still going to take your Morocco trip. I know it's hard to see your dear Mama having health issues. I hope you have many good times ahead with her. Such a loving family you have! Thank you so much for updating us!
  8. The lovebirds would have more fun (and could save on gas and food) if they dump their brood on Kaylee. Let KayJon feed and entertain them! Then they could have Nurie and their dear, dear grandsons (that make Jill's heart burst with love) all to themselves before and after the Plexus trip.
  9. Jill is so brave to face this trip despite her bum knee and severely torn shoulder. She is my hero! /s
  10. Thank you for all of the kind words. I'm happy to have this forum and especially this thread, back. I missed everyone!
  11. While the site was down, my sweet kitty passed away. I removed my profile pic because even though it was a caricature of him, it makes me sad. He was 18 years old and he passed overnight while we were asleep. We miss him so much! This is the first time in 46 years, that we don't have any pets. We probably will again one day, but we're not ready yet. My cousin sent me this James Herriot quote that is about dogs, but it's the same for cats: "It is always said that however many wonderful and happy years a dog lives, you know that one day, the day he dies, your dog will break your heart."
  12. I can just imagine how not fun severely injured, narcissistic Jill was on that ski trip!
  13. There is nothing real about Jill. She boasts about limiting screen time via one of her numerous SM posts. 🙄 For posts that include her (and Dave's) images, she filters the heck out of them, in order to appear slimmer and younger. Jill is obsessed with fooling her "followers" into believing that she is young and beautiful and has her life and her children's lives well in hand. She's a huge phony!
  14. At least her girls can walk in those prairie dresses. Jill can't walk in her skin tight super mahdest mermaid skirt!
  15. "Soul winning" strikes me as rather offensive. I don't want what they have. And yes, I'm familiar with Christian teachings. That's not news to me. I find their beliefs to be unkind and judgmental rather than Christian.
  16. Note to Australian "followers" - Jill prefers that you send a check or money order in the future. Mahmo will then decide how the money gets spent. Surprise! She always opts to spend it on herself!
  17. This may sound super crabby, but why do my retired friends choose to call me at dinner time? Or in the evening at all? We have an evening routine that we like, and phone calls are as irritating to me as they are to my millenial offspring. I don't mind texts. I've taken to turning my phone off in the evening!
  18. What Jill finds especially charming about Sofia, is how much she reminds her of her favorite person - JILL!
  19. 🤣 Soon Abbie will be "loosing" money, due to the foolishness of joining an MLM!
  20. I thought Jill was supposed to be a "clean freak"- what a hot mess firetrap!
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