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Everything posted by BetyBee

  1. Henry's a really good looking kid. And both of them as babies, are adorably pudgy babies.
  2. I can't tell if it's am or pm based on what Jill's blessing is wearing!
  3. I remember when some friends had a bonded pair. They had to put one down and worried how the other would react. The vet said that the remaining cat often does fine as a solo kitty. And theirs did. I think it helped, @Mindthinkr that your remaining cat was aware of the other one's struggles. The fact that you're still there probably helps her adjust to the new reality! I know you must miss him a lot. It is so difficult to lose a dear animal friend. Hugs!
  4. I just sobbed my way through Brandon & Michaela's "Our Infertility Journey" video. It really is such a shame that they are not yet parents. They have tried everything and it sounds like adoption may be next for them. They had one pregnancy that ended in miscarriage. They are a very close couple and they work to keep positive. I'm no fan of the Bates, but it has to be so hard for them to see all of these many pregnancies and happy outcomes. I really hope their dream of having children happens one of these days!
  5. Did you feel the sky tumb-o-ling down?
  6. Back to the popcorn discussion, my Mom always used to tell us about their neighbors across the alley, who put water on their popcorn during the depression. As a kid and most of my life, I was puzzled by this. I was in my 60s when I realized it was to make the salt cling to the kernels, because they couldn't afford butter. Doh! As for high school class reunions, I think by the 50th (mine was last year), people are not as interested in impressing their former classmates. 10% of my HUGE high school class have passed away. It's more like a survivors group as the years go by. I really like some of my former classmates and have stayed in touch. But I didn't attend that one. I did not enjoy high school and my class was so big (1500) that I only knew a small percentage of my classmates. However, grade school get togethers usually take place the same weekend.Those are fun! I am glad to note that I am not alone in disliking highway driving these days. We usually take the train when we go into the city. We don't do much night driving any more, but we do try to stay active, so we are enjoying retirement. My book club and my ladies group keep me fairly busy. I also enjoy my couch! 😉
  7. I stopped coloring my hair several years ago. It's very freeing not having to watch my roots anymore! Anyway, I took my daughter to get her hair cut in a 2 person salon. As I read a magazine and waited for her, the other stylist informed me that my hair made me look 10 years older (I'd never met him before) and that I should color it stat! He was so rude. My stylist told me that my hair was beautiful and I shouldn't take his comments to heart. It was really hurtful and I never asked for his opinion!
  8. I recently gave up Words With Friends and Royal Match, 2 places where I wasted too much time! I didn't even like Royal Match, but I had downloaded it for my grandkids and kept going with it. I listen to a lot of podcasts and read books, of course. I had played WWF for many years and I'm surprised that I don't miss it at all! Yesterday I cleaned the MBR closet and got rid of a ton of clothes. I also have a bag of books to donate, mostly book club books I'll never re-read. We also hung up a few pictures I got from my Mom's estate. I ordered floating shelves for some of them. Those will come tomorrow. I'm going to put them in one of the guest rooms. My guests are typically family and they may want to pick up the pics for a closer look, so I decided not to hang them. There are a few collages, especially of my Mom and my Grandma. I have to attack the other closets next!
  9. We watched Columbo Cries Wolf last night. I enjoyed it, especially the twist. It was really different from every other Columbo I've seen. I haven't been too thrilled with the later seasons, but it kind of felt like they were finding their groove with this one.
  10. @Salacious Kitty- I'm so sorry for your loss! Everyone in this group was so helpful and kind to me when my Mom passed in December. Please feel free to DM if you're feeling overwhelmed. I hope that you have pleasant memories to comfort you as you grieve. It's really good that the funeral is planned and that MIL already downsized. Hugs to you and your family. ♥️
  11. Thank you so much! We downloaded Tubi and have plenty more Columbos to watch!
  12. We finished The Conspirators the other night and I do believe that's the last of the Amazon Prime Columbo episodes. Apparently they don't have the reboot from the late 80s. I've really enjoyed watching Columbo, usually while we eat dinner. I may look for those later episodes at the library. I may have to change my avatar! 😢
  13. @shapeshifter- I'm an eczema sufferer too. You have my sympathy! I relocate spiders or if it's a pretty big one, I ask my husband to! I do think sometimes I'm just delaying their death. I mean they must have come inside for a reason. I just talked to a dear old co-worker/friend (well, she's not old, but I got old enough to retire). Anyway, she informed me that a drama queen co-worker resigned and I'm curious as to why because drama girl had a pretty meteoric rise at our company. Friend said it's a long story and she'll call me on Saturday. Something to look forward to! I didn't really dislike the young woman, but she was pretty hard to take sometimes. To be honest, I hope it was a dramatic departure. I think she has a lot of emotional issues 😢
  14. Happy Anniversary, @ChiCricket! 55 years is quite an accomplishment! 🥰
  15. My elderly neighbor had the fire department put a box with a key to her unit in it. Only police and fire dept had access. I think it was free. She was falling and injuring herself a lot and then would be away for months for rehab. I always checked on her lights being on in the morning (I get up early) and that they were off at night. We talked on the phone or in person. However, soon after she had that key thing installed, she had another injury (pelvic, I think). I collected her mail for a while and stayed in touch with her daughter. She's in assisted living now and her condo has been vacant for months. I've sent her cards, but no response. Her daughter didn't respond when I asked how her mother was doing. I think that my poor neighbor, who was determined to stay in her home, did not get her wish. 😢
  16. My oldest sis kept those kinds of things in a bin (actually 2 bins!) marked "Archive". We couldn't quite let those things go and we might want to look at them from time to time. My hilarious younger sis joked that oldest sister's kids will be furious when she passes, because there will be so much cr*p to go through!
  17. I'm going to my late Mom's (passed in December) house to meet with my siblings and to see if there are any mementos any of us want before the rest gets donated or thrown out and the house goes on the market. It's not a house I grew up in, so I have no attachment to the actual house. It's sad though. Mom lived there for 40 years. 😢
  18. Last night's viewing was "Identity Crisis" with Patrick McGoohan. Very good in some ways, but the two scenes that did not hold up to the test of time were when Patrick McGoohan gave his giant panda to a young teen-aged girl and when Columbo (unkempt and wearing a rumpled raincoat) struck up a conversation with two little girls at a picnic table. The dialogue in both scenes was positively creepy and I'm sure that wasn't the intention! 😳
  19. We've been watching on Prime and are really enjoying Columbo. I pair it (like fine wine!) with the Scottish guys who have a podcast called The Columbo Podcast. They're charming and informative. Last night we watched the Forgotten Lady with Janet Leigh. I told my husband to watch for a small role for Jamie Lee Curtis, because I had read here that she had a role, but I guess that's in another episode with Janet Leigh. We are really enjoying this mostly well written show. I never thought about Peter Falk, but now he's my avatar! It's so fun to see old actors and young ones that I know from other shows and movies. I think the discourse here is very informative too!
  20. I really like ginger tea. It settles my stomach. However, I got distracted today and put EmergenC in my hot water when I meant to put in a ginger tea bag. Boy, did it bubble up! It didn't taste too bad either. Senior moment, I guess!
  21. I'm another Counting On refugee. I've been lurking here. Seems like a nice bunch here! I'm retired and have kids and grandkids. I spent the last weekend visiting my grands in WI. Today was a trip to the dermatologist. I suffer from eczema from time to time and am currently in a stress related flare up. The doc is great. He listens, which I appreciate. We treated ourselves to lunch at Portillo's (popular Chicago area restaurant - I hear there's a few in AZ now). The stress is from losing my Mom in December and some disagreements about her estate. I think it will all work out and boy, do I hope the eczema subsides! I don't look too cute right now!
  22. I only watched for a couple of minutes. Deanna and Amy are doing that child no favors with encouraging his imaginings as real, imo. What Dax experienced didn't feel like an actual near death experience to me. It was more like a fantastical story that a small child might tell. He's grown past it, but I think Deanna & Amy keep bringing it up. It's weird! I think Deanna is still heartbroken at losing her Mom so suddenly. I wish she would seek counseling, rather than messing with Dax's reality!
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