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Everything posted by charliesan

  1. I love Sutton but I didn’t think she’s be as direct as she was being, I loved being corrected.
  2. Did they just do a close-up of Erika’s pendant or was it me? Was that intentional?
  3. Right? I get little Teddi vibes from her, except her husband is actually a big deal so she has that buffer. Dorit’s child is everything.
  4. Garcelle is such a good friend and Sutton was pretty much on point about everything. I don’t dislike Crystal but honestly she doesn’t amount to much, except for her food.
  5. Quick question: so as of now (because things literally change week-to-week) Erika is not facing any jail time, but rather she's only on the hook for re-paying 25 mill? If she has to pay, it wouldn't be any different since that was supposed to be a loan, but I guess she never intended to pay that.
  6. I was legit scared for LuAnn before she answered the question as Eboni but I thought she did a great job, her impersonation however… Yikes. I don’t hate Leah as much as everyone, but why did they choose her as the last one to speak? The producers for real don’t know how to predict viewer’s favorites, they clearly think she’s the future of this franchise. A lot of you are right, Eboni is cool without Leah. If Sonya cleaning her dog’s ass is one of the “juicy” tidbits we’ll get to see on a very “special” episode then thanks but no thanks. That’s also a very good indication that they clearly didn’t have anything else to show.
  7. Not only that, but they attack Sutton and Garcelle for not falling in line. If they want to support Erika then that's their choice, but don't come for people that do not feel the same way, especially since Sutton and Garcelle are not even being aggressive towards Erika. Sometimes I wish they had a character like Kenya, Ramona or Jennifer Aydin, someone who I know would not back down or wouldn't be scared to be confronted by an entire group.
  8. Daaaamn! Is that true? If so, that would completely shed light why Rinna is going hard for Erika, and more reason as to why she could be deposed. I barely remember Erika tweeting about the affair, but like you guys pointed out, wasn't that years ago? If so, why didn Erika said she just checked his cellphone? Did she go that far into his conversations? Now I know that would require a few hours of scrolling down.
  9. I thought she was clear about that specifically, but the rest of the women (sans Garcelle) focused on the reputation part just so they could come for her. It amazes me how tone-deaf the rest of the women are, at that point it was pretty clear there were at least some cracks in Erika's story yet they continued to rally around her no questions asked.
  10. Seriously, has she ever had an article or report from an official source stating something relatively positive about her and her involvement? At this point I seriously doubt she'll come out without some sort of harsh repercussion, however, if the whole Fucked Up Five (minus Teddi of course) comes back next season, I half hope Sutton and Garcelle both leave so I can for sure quit this franchise for good. Garcelle has said several times that she doesn't see herself doing this show for long and Sutton doesn't need the money nor the exposure. I can understand producers wanted the juicy storyline and everything was coming out during filming, but since then there have been more than enough reports that clearly paint a really nasty picture of Erika, if the producers want this type of person to be their anchor, then no thanks.
  11. At first I didn't think she would do jail time, but given this information I'm not so sure anymore. Erika, girl, please don't do the reunion... I mean I know you know you'll have the collective protecting you, including Andy, but I'm sure Sutton will have a binder better than Monique's and Garcelle is not scared to confront people or be confronted. Seriously, you'd think she was headlining national tours in stadiums or at least a Vegas residency, didn't she just do occasional dates on some clubs? I know this is a horrific situation but I'm glad the entourage got paid. Sonja Morgan should've contacted Erika, instead she only got 500 dollars with Lu.
  12. Agree, at the same time though, if you're not going to speak then don't say anything else about the matter, she could've said "I can't talk about an ongoing lawsuit so please respect my privacy", but I guess she was at a Catch-22 because then I hardly doubt producers would've kept her on this season, at least as a main cast member anyway. I don't have a problem with not addressing the victims because of your reason, but then don't turn around and bitch about living in a "small house", not having a staff and produce sci-fi storylines about your marriage and divorce. I don't know how much she gets payed for doing the show but no way can she afford that house with that salary, and now it's pretty clear that whatever she had going on in her "singing" career was a complete sham, hell, I bet even LuAnn was making more money doing Cabaret. It was a very thin line of what how she wanted to come off, and she failed miserably on every aspect, level, layer imaginable.
  13. Why did Eboni all of a sudden say she and Ramona are alike? What did I miss? Why is she catering to her? Why is she also being so passive towards Sonja? If there was a time for Eboni to school them, this was it. Woke Libertarian Leah wants to send her daughter to private school? There's nothing wrong with that, but the person Leah portrays herself to be wouldn't roll like that. She's fake.
  14. Agree @lamujerdecente On the other hand, if Erika loses (and it's very likely that she will end up with nothing), I'm sure that within a month people will forget about her, and even if she returns to the Housewives, with no money or power I can't see either Kyle and/or Dorit being so protective of her, due to this culture that you're talking about.
  15. I totally get Candiace can get frustrated, mean and defensive receiving all of this vitriol and while I love Karen I can see how Candiace could feel betrayed by her. I don't necessarily like Candiace but I feel bad for the absolute hate she receives from fans, so, in my humble opinion, she should leave the show and really concentrate on her singing/acting career because she's actually pretty good in my opinion. Sure, the show provides her with a steady paycheck and I don't see her getting fired at least for the upcoming seasons (I think Robyn is in more danger than her at least) but maybe it's time to realize that the show is not giving her any favors except for the check.
  16. I thought this was a horrible idea, it was like "let's dedicate an entire episode for our worst people here". Clearly they both failed, but I thought no matter what they wanted Olivia gone. Don't get me wrong please, I did NOT like her designs but I'm sure had she been any other designer the critique would've been "but she does have a vision". However, I was a little surprised because usually they keep these type of people for drama purposes, so I'm guessing she was just as terrible to production as she was onscreen. Ally, bless her heart. I thought Andrea P. came in way too hot but ultimately she was right, Ally's designs were cute and they'd probably sell (not by me though) but there wasn't anything special and if her "pushing the boundaries" thing was adding polka-dots, then it's a no from me dog. But at least she's cute.
  17. Same, it's like Ramona, LuAnn and Sonja are part of my tv family, we've been together for 13 years, they're my insane, larger than life aunties. I doubt Ramona will ever go full Ramona against Eboni and LuAnn will probably remain quiet for the rest of the season, I bet they're both scared of coming off as racists while Sonja will continue to side with Leah/Eboni.
  18. I would think/hope Dorinda realizes the mistakes she made and reels it in, after all she was let go. Had this season worked I don't think she'd ever be considered by the fans. In this order, the people I want to see come back: Ramona, LuAnn, Dorinda, Tinsley, Bershan, Sonja, Kristin, Alex, Aviva, Jules, Heather, Harry Dubin, Jill, Bethenny's driver, Bethenny, Tom, Eboni, Carole and Leah.
  19. Seems Andy is working overtime to make Eboni and Leah happen, most of his guests on WWHL are all saying how great they are, but the ratings don't lie. I haven't stopped watching because I've followed the show since season 1, but I just watch on the weekend whenever I have nothing else to do, and if the next season contains either Eboni or Leah, I'm out. (But of course, I'll continue to be loyal to this crowd ;) I was rooting for Eboni also, the first few episodes I understood she wanted to talk about racism and I understood she felt triggered by LuAnn, but I'm sorry, enough is enough. I know almost nothing about her and it's been 9 episodes already, she had her chance. Plus, her Elections' party and the night in Harlem were total snoozefests. By having either Dorinda or Tinsley back I'm guessing that will push Eboni out and we'll be back having an all white cast, but at this point and with this particular cast I'm sorry to admit that I don't care. Bershan is great so far and I hope she comes back next season, but I'd put her as a friend. Me thinks Leah is trying to push Ramona out, but I'm glad the viewers see that she's just antagonizing her for no real reason, Ramona knows her game and she's doing what she couldn't do in seasons past: the audience is with her.
  20. It's allegedly her assistant. Either she stopped paying her team or they're punking her because I cannot believe she thought she would look good by being photographed with that t-shirt, showing she doesn't know how to pump gas and making her assistant (how can she afford an assistant now?) do it for her. I think even Teresa appeared to be more demure and humble and that in itself is a mindfuck.
  21. I could've seen Bravo hiring her again but the ratings have been bad, I think even similar to NYC and NYC has two less housewives and I imagined it's much cheaper than BH. I think Bravo was banking on Erika to bring in more viewers but it's just not happening as of now, I think it'll get better but not by much, so I think this will be Erika's last season. (And I'm not even mentioning that I think Erika most definitely will do some jail time). Frankly I'm watching just to see Sutton question her over and over again, while Sutton's not an aggressive person like, say, Kelly or Kenya, I'm sure she will be enough to make Erika crazy. That's all I'm waiting for. I think Erika and her team were working overtime to shift the attention to the divorce, the infidelity, the thirst traps on IG, and wasn't there a report that she "might've been dating" Armie Hammer? Sorry Erika, NOTHING you do will prevent you from being exposed. Edited because I knew I read it somewhere. https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2021/01/armie-hammer-posting-nude-pics-of-erka-jayne-having-loud-outdoor/
  22. I can buy that both Sutton and her ex-husband are worth $2 million each, but I can also buy that at least one of them comes from family money, so that's why Sutton can live so lavishly. From what I've seen her store still managed to survive the pandemic despite being closed (that's what I understood from the episode) and she's still managing monthly payments to Kyle, so clearly she has been able to support her lifestyle. I can see professional athletes being able to lose 5 pounds, or maybe someone who is overweight can achieve that feat during a couple of days, but someone as thin as Crystal? Sorry, not buying it. At least from my experience, for someone who is naturally thin it's harder to lose weight, unless, like some of you mentioned before, she took laxatives or did something extreme. I honestly felt like she was baiting Sutton but as soon as the entire group starting joking about it then it was all "oh but you guys, I had an eating disorder". Kyle & Dorit. I think Kyle likes to have control and with LVP gone she thought she was going to be revered like LVP was, but unfortunately for Kyle, Dorit has a backbone. While I don't think the "Fuckup Up Five" get together and plan out who is going to be the target for each season I do think they have an understanding about not going after each other, I don't believe for one second they have a strong bond like the NYC Ladies (Ramona, Sonja and LuAnn). They're just co-workers and Kyle thinks she's the CEO, so she expects to go unopposed so any menial disagreement will send her to the edge. I don't think Kyle sees Dorit as a threat of becoming the fan favorite but she does expect Dorit to be under her thumb. Dorit's speech about how "Erika is reserved and when she's ready she will talk" was bullshit, then why didn't they give Denise such grace? Especially since last season it was all about an alleged hook-up and this is about (as of now) a divorce that apparently came out of nowhere.
  23. I don't mind Eboni talking about race issues considering it was during BLM and the elections, I think it's natural that she wants to talk about that especially with these women. Do I think she's lecturing? Maybe a little, but I don't fault her for speaking about it. Having said all that, and this is not just targeting her, I want her to have fun! I enjoyed her interactions with her friends and I'd like her to interact more with the other women, not just Leah. But I guess that will happen as the season progresses. I didn't like the narrative that Leah and Eboni are pushing regarding Sonja, I don't think LuAnn and Ramona dump on her, I think Sonja gives as good as she gets and I'd even say that she usually starts the mess, she just can't finish it. Was it me or was LuAnn annoyed that Leah's sister was there? I think I heard a hint of annoyance at Lu's "oh, your sister's coming" or whatever she said. And Leah? You're not Carrie Bradshaw, Carole came closer and even she failed miserably.
  24. I like Eboni too, and it was about damn time more women of color got this platform. My only problem, which isn't Eboni's fault, is how she was introduced. It seems to me that Leah and her just became acquainted (meaning, they became "friends" when filming started) and the only other person Eboni knew was LuAnn because they're part of the same circles. The reason why Dolores in NJ and Dorinda in NY worked was because they were actual friends with the cast so they had organic relationships. Again, this is not Eboni's fault but I just don't see any connection between her and the group, I just don't believe Eboni would hang out with them if it wasn't for the show. I'm very much looking forward to Bershan, does anyone know when she'll pop up? I have a good feeling about her.
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