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Everything posted by charliesan

  1. In theory I generally like Heather, but in reality she annoys me sometimes. She seems like a great friend, great mother and a great businesswoman, but when she gets preachy and bossy she irks me. I think this season they have made a point to address this behaviour, but in past seasons you could see she could be very overbearing. She's like a young version of Dorothy from Golden Girls, sans the charm, hilariousness & Sophia.
  2. I feel so bad because I loved Katie Cassidy on Melrose Place, to me, everything about that show sucked except for her, so I had great expectations when she was cast in Arrow. I agree with the poster that says KC is good for certain roles, I think she's good when she's playing the bitchy/fun characters, so I would hope LL leans towards that as opposed to looking miserable all the time, actually, I thought that was what she was going to go for with this character, but of well.
  3. I actually semi-like Kyle but I want to play! "Dog bites may break my daughter's bones, but being free from looney Kim excites me"
  4. I always thought of Brandi as being the Tamra version of BH, but after this season I see her more of a NJ Danielle. I'm haven't seen every season of OC but I think Tamra has been at least smart enough to not isolate the power players in Vicki and Heather; even when Tamra and Vicki are not friends, at least Vicki seems to be willing to film with Tamra and Heather has always had Tamra's back. That doesn't apply to Brandi anymore. I highly doubt Lisa V. or Kyle will ever willingly film with her and like it or not they're top dogs of the franchise. Brandi, like Danielle, messed with the family of their respective shows and isolated the rest. Even if Yolanda stays (which I doubt too considering her health), Yolanda doesn't really mingle that much with the rest of the ladies save her annual dinners at her home. And Kim... Is Kim, but she'll always have the advantage that she's Kyle's sister. You could say that next year they'll add a friend of Brandi's, which they've done before when everyone hates a particular housewife, but we've seen Brandi's friends in the past and non of them seem to have the lifestyle that the rest of them have. I'm very biased because I want this skank gone, but I do believe that either her or Kim won't be part of the next season, and if Kim decides she wants to "forgive Kyle" and talk to her again, odds are she'll be picked over Brandi.
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