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Everything posted by charliesan

  1. Exactly, that's one of the thirstiest storylines. Even if she was as hot as hell why would ANY husband of the cast would openly flirt with her with their wives present and with cameras all around? Is she married anyways? So Gizelle is now going against Mia's marriage after Candiace is paying her no attention, I wonder how long it will take for Mia to wise up as I don't think Mia is... Particularly bright.
  2. My guess is that Matt Rogers was there and he was clearly on Candiace's and Wendy's side, and I think Andy 'likes' Matt, but he seemed annoyed with Candiace when she asked him why Askale was not invited back. My problem with Candiace is that while she does say that, I do think she wants genuine friendships with at least a few of the ladies (Wendy, Robyn and Karen, although I think her and Wendy are actually friends on and off the show), she might know they're out for themselves but she wants actual relationships, which I guess was the point of the show but not anymore. She's such a flop, she needs to be a friend of next season and I'm being generous since I know she needs the check to take her of her roommate. Since Charrisse allegedly doesn't need the money, I don't feel bad for saying she needs to leave the show. She always seems tired, always complaining, and barely has any energy except with it comes to Karen, and Karen quickly always dismisses her. Although, is she as rich as she pretends to be? I know it means nothing in real life but in these shows the richest are always displaying their wealth while Charrisse keeps showing up in her one black dress/sweatshirt and her one Moschino bathing suite.
  3. Anyway, this "exclusive" club sounds like a nightmare, first the DJ wouldn't play a song, they couldn't get their coats, they didn't serve them drinks till Diana paid 200 dollars. Why WOULDN'T they want to leave with Kathy?
  4. I get that, maybe I only see it like that but if I were Kathy I’d feel like I couldn’t say no, otherwise I’d look like I was running away, I’d appreciate a heads up before I arrived.
  5. So Kathy didn’t know Lisa was coming to Kyle’s? That is some snake move right there.
  6. Kathy made a HUGE mistake by leaving with Rinna, if anything, Lisa is cunning enough to know she was about to witness a complete shit show, only problem is, outside of the FF5, no one believes Lisa. I'm surprised that everyone's making a huge deal about Kathy, does anyone believe she's this sweet, quirky lady all of the time? I mean, look at her family... Plus, hasn't EVERYONE lost it at one point or another (or several times, like Rinna and Erika). Was Kathy's outburst worse than Erika's?
  7. Well, I guess I’m horrible AND stupid because at first I didn’t really get the uproar, I was like “yeah, “homeless and toothless” why do they look upset?” And let’s be honest, Dorit was pissed because, in a way, they made fun of her ‘gaaaahla’. Now I want to know if Peekay paid full price for his surgery or did he grifted his way into it by promising their house party would be televised, hell, maybe that’s why Dorit is angry, they made a mockery out of her event and now “Sharon Stone” won’t be inviting her to any more charities.
  8. When I go to a friend's house I usually bring something to eat and drink for me and my friend, however, there have been many times where I arrive empty-handed and I either ask for snacks or I just open their fridge and help myself, and my friends do the same at my house, so I didn't feel any type of way when I saw that. I'm sure if Crystal went to Kathy's house Kathy would have "the lady" or her butler ready to accommodate Crystal. The FF5 never disappoint in their predictability, they saw how chummy Kathy was with Garcelle and that translated into another common enemy. I'm sure Kathy behaved horribly in Aspen but Lisa's social media campaign against her was disgusting and pure and utter trash, Dorit and Erika all of a sudden snapping at her because Kathy said "homeless and toothless" was way out of proportion considering ALL OF THEM couldn't get the name right.
  9. Agree, Garcelle is probably the best out of all of them, although I did love Sutton's "Lisa Rinna book" quip. I don't think Garcelle needs anyone to back her up, but if Sutton wasn't there I don't think she would enjoy it as much, even as the fan favorite. Now Sutton, even though I really enjoy her I'd prefer it if she was a "Friend of", obviously as Garcelle's friend just because it's getting tiresome how everyone is going after her. If she only filmed with Garcelle the FF5 would be forced to go after each other and while it would make an impact at first, I don't think people would be interested in watching a Dorit vs Erika or Rinna vs Kyle, hell, not even Rinna vs Erika. Would it make good television if I saw trash fighting against garbage? I don't think so. If the ratings fell that is the only way the FF5 would be dismantled.
  10. Sutton used to exasperate me with wanting to be friends with these women but now I’m kinda living for it, watching Lisa lose it over and over and Erika openly insulting her yet Sutton’s like “I’m going to call you”, at this point I think she’s just trolling them and secretely enjoying how much they hate her. Also, I always thought she was about to cry in every scene but are her eyes naturally watery? At her lunch with Kyle I noticed it too and they were having a good time. At this point Lisa Rinna should draw a villain mustache by now and call it Pencillina, she’s just such a fake flop in all of her scenes. Diana? Dorit? Crystal? They all need to leave, nothing would change if they weren’t there, although I do feel bad for Crystal dealing with an eating disorder, this is not the place for her. Garcelle is the future of this franchise and they need to cast around her, although not Sheree. I think I read she told Garcelle that Sutton was preventing her of getting close with the other women, but she knows Lisa lied about Harry being upset with Garcelle about the sauce (so stupid) and she was just there when Erika called Garcelle a liar… Sheree, why would Garcelle want to be closer with this group?
  11. Well he's not doing a good job then, and I mean just in terms of looking good. He's an attractive guy but he has disastrous taste, then again I don't know Mama's kinks and style so what do I know? That scene when Asher was playing the piano and singing while Diana looks on has to be one of the fakest, cringiest and floppest moments on any HW franchise, even Melissa from NJ singing Amazing Grace while Joe "was "eavesdropping" seemed more natural and genuine, hell, compared to Diana and Asher, Joe and Melissa were the documentary version of 'A Star is Born.'
  12. Also, I don't mean to be mean and correct me if I'm wrong but, I seem to remember in Lisa's first season she said she didn't visit her parents that often, I even think it was her daughters' first trip to see Lois and both of them were already teens. It seemed to me that she since Lois was pretty much well liked by the fans that Lisa started to be more involved with her family AFTER she made it on the show. I bet she loved Lois and her dad a lot but her "grief" seems more like a storyline and an excuse rather than something she's legitimately feeling. Say what you want about Teresa but her relationship with her parents seemed 100% more genuine and you can clearly see there was a lot of love involved. Long story short: I don't buy it Rinna.
  13. Plus I thought he was hot! More of him please! Not that I'm with Marlo, because I'M NOT! But wasn't it how almost everyone in ATL came about? Kenya, Porsha, Sanya and for that matter, Kandi too, didn't really know anyone before entering the show, the only group of actual friends started on the first season. Although to be fair, all of them were probably asked to be on the show as opposed to buying their way into the show (Kenya as Miss USA, Porsha with her family connections, Sanya being an Olympian and well, Kandi was, is and will be a legitimate star with or without the show.) To be honest I don't think Marlo is going anywhere, the ratings have been up in the last few episodes and that is without Nene, Porsha or Cynthia; the only way she's out is if no one wants to film with her and so far it's only Kenya, I think Kandi knows that if the show flops there'a huge chance they'll bring Phaedra back (like OC did with Tamra) and I think Kandi would rather Marlo and her nephews live with her than deal with Phaedra ever again.
  14. I'm starting to legit think that Sutton is doing that on purpose, at least this season she figured it out. On reality television when they say "kill them with kindness" it usually means "I'll act passive-aggressively to you until you openly insult me so then I'll have permission to be a bitch too", and besides, if that is your plan then don't be telling anybody, act on it instead. Erika, Lisa, Kyle and Diana not only have gone against Sutton, they're becoming unhinged because Sutton may cry and apologize but, what's worse, she's then saying Kyle's a good friend, that she loves Lisa and that she's 95% responsible for her feud with Diana. The women must be furious because they've openly attacked her yet she's smiling to their faces the next day like nothing happened. I mean, objectively she WAS a bitch about Dorit's home invasion and the majority of people looked past it, no questions asked (I still think Sutton didn't or still doesn't believe it was real, hence her reaction - see? I myself am making excuses for her).
  15. Actually, I think she's even more to blame than Kyle regarding the Garcelle situation, she was actually there and did nothing. But alas, if Kyle gets hate then I'm all for it, not going to complain about that.
  16. I don't get it, does no one live in LA but Angel? Why do they all live in tiny apartments? Why are Jackie and Malaysia friends? Why are Jen and Malaysia friends? Weren't they all mortal enemies a few seasons' back? And now they're all alleged great friends. Aside from that, I'm enjoying these women but I don't think they're all all stars, Duffey and Angel were there for just a couple of seasons, right? While not a fan I'd consider Draya and the Govans much more important for the show. And of course, I will always love OG but I think she justifiably burned that bridge.
  17. I just HOPE that Garcelle gets drunk and cusses Portia out, I bet they'll think it'll be the comedy of the year. Of course Garcelle would never do that, and this is where I'd like to see a crossover so we can get Teresa and/or Ramona, they'd do that in a heartbeat. And Kyle's treatment of Sutton? That's also disgusting and pure trash. At that point I would forget all about Liana Delvy and get all my energy into trying not to punch Vyle. We always talk about Kim's addictions and I'm certain Kathy will get her time in Aspen, but seriously, Kyle has major issues as well, she's a mean girl with no backbone and that is also a disease.
  18. Garcelle truly is the future of Beverly Hills, she's beautiful (top 5 most beautiful housewives IMO) she stirs the pot against the bullies, she's funny, shady and up front. She shut Rinna up in 1.3 seconds without breaking a sweat and it was a pleasure to see. Diana definitely thought NO ONE would ever DARE talk back to her, let alone "scream" at her because she's rich, but Sutton's also rich so she doesn't need her approval or clout. I saw a while back that Anthony Kiedis (RHCP) dedicated a song to Diana. This is a reminder that celebrities really don't know shit. I don't see Dorit and Crystal lasting another season, so I'm hoping next year they bring another friend of Garcelle's (I know Sheree is coming but let's bring another one!) or Sutton's. Am I crazy for thinking Kyle actually likes Sutton? Like, in the same way she cares for Kim, not that I'm comparing Kim to Sutton but I think Kyle likes to be the caretaker of people she deems "weak" or "fragile" while at the same time she throws them under the bus. It's messed up but the again her mom was Big Kathy.
  19. I love Sutton but I can see how she's been wrong in the past, however, I do believe Sutton genuinely felt she and Crystal were legitimate friends, hell, apparently they're still friendly at least, so I can see how that would affect her more had it been Erika or Lisa. While she did get flustered and dramatic, I think if I was passive-aggressively accused of being racist by someone I thought was my friend AND on national television, I think I'd react strongly too, probably way worse than Sutton.
  20. I don't want to be an obnoxious stan, but the actors have so much chemistry together, considering they're both teens and probably not much acting experience, that I want them to end up together in the long run. Since it's now out that there will be two more seasons I'm expecting a break-up in the future, but like David and Patrick in SC I'm hoping they're end-game. Sure, I wouldn't mind Nick getting interested in a girl or Charlie finding someone who shares more interests with him and that probably mirrors real life, but hey, I want what I want. I don't know, I was so pleasantly surprised by this series and it has so much heart that I want an over-the-top happy ending with those guys. I'm guessing this could be the case with the majority of its viewers but Charlie reminds me so much of myself at that age (and I'm a late bloomer so I'll admit very much into my twenties) that it really did trigger me in a lot of good ways.
  21. I mean, maybe Dorit wasn't involved, but I can't say the same for PK.
  22. Sutton was wrong, but you can't tell me the woman that read the LA Times' article 4 times didn't already know everything about Dorit's robbery, I think she, along with many people, believed Dorit and PK staged the whole thing.
  23. The thing is I don't think anyone is intimidated by her, but as long as she is the star of the show people will use her for a storyline (Marge, Melissa) or will back her up no matter what (Dolores, Jen). One of the very few things I agree with Teresa is that Joe and Melissa used her to get on the show and clearly they wanted to take her down along with Kathy, and even though the Manzos joined them they couldn't do it. Once the show is over I'm certain no one, including Joe and Melissa, will keep in touch with her. I know Luis gets a lot of crap for his past but, what about Teresa's? Love can be beautiful even if two assholes make the couple, I'd say they are pretty evenly matched in their awfulness.
  24. I mean, yes, Teresa is pretty terrible, but what would the women be talking about if it wasn't for her? Only Jennifer had something going on but the rest lead pretty average lives, or at least that's what they're presenting. The recording was fun and seeing the guys get drunk and party is cool, but would I'd like to see 15 episodes of that? Probably not.
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