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Everything posted by Free

  1. That and it doesn't help that she's lost a new boyfriend each season. I thought it would be, they still have 1 final season left and only the zombie cult and Chase Graves' storylines would be over. If anything else would be resolved, it wouldn't be until the series finale next season.
  2. Agreed, I had to keep looking up the production order because of it.
  3. It depends, but keep in mind that the episodes are technically airing out of order too so that could throw some things off.
  4. Same here and they already set that up earlier with the Trust Me code in the previous episode.
  5. Yeah, it was a double episode tonight.
  6. Life Unexpected lasted only 2 seasons on the CW, I don't consider Under the Dome considering what happens.
  7. I'm not sure if it was official, but it was expected hence why it was pretty obvious that Rumple's character would end up sacrificing himself in the end regardless of whether the series would continue or not.
  8. This could've been a much more charming comedy ala Jane the Virgin/Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, but I feel like the dysfunctional family antics brings it down. That seems to be what happens in the next episode according to the promo.
  9. Exactly, there was too much dragging along and it only just got things going recently.
  10. Yeah, it took too long trying to get things going and a lot of characters to juggle around, compared to before, after finally gathering them around.
  11. In The Sixth Sense, it worked because there was ample build up to said twist, it makes sense especially on rewatch and you could go back and find context clues throughout the film. So it depends on the twist, it has to be well done.
  12. Twists only work when they're done well as Shyamalan saw with The Sixth Sense compared to his other works.
  13. Yep, I knew they were trying to prop her up. Yeah, this show focused on the wrong characters and it doesn't help that certain storylines are much more interesting than others like Jordan's issues were much more interesting than Paige's ott stalker drama, which I couldn't even take seriously for a moment.
  14. It's not a draw, maybe a few years ago when the show was bigger and even then the Wonderland spinoff and Dead of Summer both failed. This is also coming off of a weakened series that saw no real finale bump in the demo.
  15. It's both, barely anyone is watching and there's not much to talk about.
  16. There was never going to be an apology, ever, the writing was on the wall ever since they got denigrated as cheerleaders for Regina without a backbone of their own. As for the Evil Regals, I think a lot of them complained about the Roni stuff this season, so, they ended up pissing everyone off.
  17. Free


    Izombie worked better as a smaller story, trying to go beyond that made things more complicated and messier than it needed to be (ex. Filmore Graves plot, etc.).
  18. That I'm not so sure about, Adam and Eddy got lucky with OuaT after riding Lost's coattails, because ever since ABC allowed them free reign, it's only gotten worse given how they tanked this show and how the Wonderland spinoff and Dead of Summer series got cancelled after 1 season. OuaT had a passionate fanbase because of the main characters, we've all seen their failed attempt at trying to recapture that.
  19. It felt very creepy especially with the added context of the kidnapping and basically forcing her into this 50's housewife brain persona.
  20. Free


    It's a very niche show, especially coming from Rob Thomas, it wasn't going to last long, it's only made it this far being a CW veteran show that just barely got a final season.
  21. Yikes at that track record and with OuaT, they tanked that all the way into the ground.
  22. It is, the ending felt like a last minute wish fulfilment fan fiction that Adam and Eddy tacked on when they knew ABC was ending their show.
  23. That's pretty much how it's been for the past few seasons though with a random villain suddenly becoming the big bad in each arc/season, not to mention it was a rushed wrap up since this wasn't a planned final season anyway, they only brought up Rumple as a villain at the last minute after wasting so much time on Tremaine/Drizella/Gothel/Coven/Candy Killer/Facilier all season long.
  24. Yeah, it's the timing of the episode that feels off, it would've been better to have this air before the 2 parter and have that lead up to the finale tbh.
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