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Everything posted by Free

  1. Pretty much, from process of elimination and getting rid of the too obvious red herrings. Probably because Rainer is so obnoxious, especially this season.
  2. Seems so, there was no reason to make them this insufferable though. It seems like they're trying to prop Paige up by crapping all over both boys in order to make her more sympathetic with all her problems but they failed to make her likable at all.
  3. I don't think there was much of a plan, they probably saw that they didn't have enough material to last a whole season, so they brought in new villains as replacements.
  4. He's truly unlikable, especially when he forcefully interferes with other people's lives and more often than not for the better.
  5. Initially, it probably wasn't, there's no way any of this was part of any original idea at the start, maybe they became obsessed with the EQ over time.
  6. It's not, S1 was so drastically different from everything else, there was never much of a plan outside of the initial premise of establishing the characters and breaking the initial curse.
  7. It was honestly foolish for a high school drama club to do this given the limitations and censorship that comes with it.
  8. Oh, I was just saying that story wise, it feels like it's heading towards a revolt of some kind if they go there based on their actions so far.
  9. Possibly, the zombie storylines should be wrapped up by the end of the season at the very least. There's not much else they can do with the Filmore-Graves plot tbh and what they've already done.
  10. It's like they tacked on an old Regina fulfilment fan fiction on to the final episodes when they had to rush wrap everything. From this season alone, she went from running a bar as Roni to the ruler of the realms at the end without any build up whatsoever. She's apparently even more than that at the end of the series according to the spoilers for some reason.
  11. Yeah and those are the scenes that are kinda awkward, when they act that way.
  12. It makes even less sense than OuaT's usual screw ups, the multiverse doesn't need to have any ruler whatsoever, not to mention it comes out of nowhere with no build up whatsoever just to force a bad wish fulfillment fantasy fan fiction.
  13. Even the subplots in 7a were abandoned in 7b before the announcement happened.
  14. Exactly, a complete waste of time, this last episode was awkwardly rushing to wrap this up so they can get to the Wishverse stuff for the 2 part finale.
  15. None of it mattered, these were all pointless subplots that went nowhere, even from 7a to 7b alone, there are so many discrepancies that don't add up. The Candy Killer only targeted random nobodies and it had no effect on Gothel whatsoever, in fact his revenge was more focused on Drizella and Zelena, both of whom left almost immediately and had nothing to do with the final showdown with Gothel
  16. It is a bad fan fic, the only difference is that Adam and Eddy are behind it. Of course it is...imagine going back in time in S1 and being told that this would be the series ending.
  17. Normally there wouldn't be and had the show not ended, it probably wouldn't have happened. It's a contrived way of ending all these current subplots and moving on with the final Wishverse/Storybrooke episodes and having a cameofest of the original characters back one final time as a rushed wrap up.
  18. That looks like one of its worst rejection data points in half hours yet in terms of viewership. Not many people cared about it to begin with let alone the climax. It might get a small bump for its series finale but they definitely tanked the show too much at this point for anything truly meaningful.
  19. It's still a confusing mess that piles on even more plot holes, though it does highlight how many characters and storylines have been completely pointless since they went completely nowhere.
  20. Lana in the interviews has been going on and on about Regina's happy ending and this is Adam and Eddy, so it unfortunately fits if it's true, especially coming from this show.
  21. Or an easy paycheck for a show on its way out with limited screen time. The fact that it's being focused on her happy ending says it all.
  22. Which explains why the writing and the choices for adult Henry are awkward and it was already heading that way with Henry and the Author stuff.
  23. The timeline itself has gotten even more confusing since the last few times he's used that excuse.
  24. All of her storylines as well as Drizella's ended up being completely useless, it went nowhere.
  25. And that's probably the biggest issue, especially since the latter seasons have had more to juggle with compared to before when it was just Liv and a few zombies out there.
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