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Everything posted by itsadryheat

  1. Can alcohol make an historically nice, even keeled person, a raging, angry, nasty, hysterical beast? Ramona made a comment, don’t quote me, that Dorinda has always been nasty, but it didn’t last very long. Now she doesn’t let it go. She had to be a piece of work prior to her “grief” kicking in. Wonder how she was in London with Richard’s crowd. I had a friend who had a mouth on her, but it was only unleashed to her commoner friends, not the lifestyle of the rich and famous peers of her husband. I’m leaning towards Dorinda was always an entitled asshole, but she had a marriage to keep her in check and buffer her from herself. She finds herself alone, lost . . .and mad. Alcohol just makes it worse, not the cause. I think she used John as a life raft while she checked out what other options the landscape had to offer. She ran in privileged circles with Richard – where are those “friends”? I find it hard to have empathy for someone that shows polar opposite personalities, but only acknowledges one. No one likes or feels safe around a verbal predator and watching this season was as enjoyable as a show on Intervention or the ID channel. Bravo dodged a bullet with NY and looks like they are getting close on BH with the cease and desist. Will they be able to revive a devolving franchise?
  2. I once had a job for one month. Interviewed with an owner, ended up working with a/for young 29 year old. Her First words to me were, " I am the oldest of 5 and don't have a good relationship with my mother". Huh? Ok, I'm old enuf to be your mother? So? Long story short, our love story never took off. The two owners met with me and their opening line was " we can't do this to you anymore" and let me go. They beat me to the punch as I was expecting a divorce. Apparently they needed her in the position, I was Plan B, and before I contacted an attorney, they said sayanora. I think Bravo let Tins leave and were gracious about it due to Dorinda's documented and behind the scenes workplace abuse.
  3. Maybe the pushback, from what we see, is Kalani saving face for getting involved with this guy in the first place. Have not seen anything that would help me understand what would be attractive or interesting about Asuelu. At least Tarzan was physically appealing.
  4. click Read More under the image. Didn't copy very well. Its the photo after the food. My lame attempt to be snarky. Mariah inspires me thay way.
  5. Anyone know who the guy next to Mariah's picture is?
  6. Garment design and graphics sell wearables. Don't get the "Billboard" text trend unless there is some meaningful message. Wouldn't spend that dough on something you can make yourself or go to a local screenprint business. Many online companies offer a quantity one imprint option.
  7. Who muzzeled Mariah? parents producers employer
  8. Bullies could care less about how they come across. Intimidation is their drug of choice. The scene where she was in the bedroom, all puffed up in Ramona's face, was the real Dorinda. The look on her face and body language was frightening. Have to give it to Ramona-she did well minimizing her full blown mania. Glad she's gone. Wish we could watch her deal with this public beat down. Bullies can dish it out, but as we have seen, they can't take it.
  9. Doing what? She's too entitled and scary to interact with people.
  10. Interesting. Would think primary might go to the mother. Apparently, she's been like this for awhile.
  11. If Denise was as low class as Lisa, she should be the one wearing that pathetic necklace. So Denise and Rinna have been friends for many years, and this is how Rinna treats her? Maybe this is a hollywood "friendship"? Or maybe they prearranged Rinna's verbal disrespect in advance? If so, horrible storyline for "friends". If I was Denise, and the years long friendship is real, I'd be social distancing myself from Rinna permanently.
  12. David's not looking so "Hot" lately. Rabbit Holing you tube and found this guy who bought 90 Day cameos and snarked about them. David is at the beginning, around 2:40. ( funny, a David cameo) Looks like he aged since we saw him last-dumped a little face weight, pasty complexion. Entertaining message.
  13. His prickly personality combined with the mmmmmm's and creepy facial expressions when looking at Lana scream ID Channel. These senior players are the worst. Add to Abby's two and you have the trifecta of nasty.
  14. I wish Janelle would stop with the diet, health and fitness information. None of it seems to be working for her.
  15. I continue to try to figure out why this guy went on this show. Doesn't need the money, has achieved the Pizza Making Award, is old enough to know better. He does have an odd combination of arrogance and entitlement but his TLC performance borders on delusion and predator/conqueror. Help anyone! I don't want to think about this anymore, lol.
  16. Family Chuck are white trash. Idiot tough guy brother has four kids? They cannot be performing for the camera. Trash, all of them.
  17. Yes their backstory was interesting. What is unfortunate is that they were very attractive in college. Guessing this was normal? Wonder when the expensive creativity started. Those godawful stilettos. The Albanian man boy likes them. Is there a training class on how to walk in them with purchase?
  18. Been a faithful watcher of all things Bravo since its it's birth. I am currently the loan ballon floating slowly away in the sky. Habit watching NY and BH. DVRing WWHL. For the last two months, I haven't even checked to see who the "guests" are. Didn't help when the description from Dish states an Episode Number rather than the guests. Apparently in the US of Covid he may be scrambling for zoom guests. Anyway, I've finallly had my fill of smug, Hampton's tanned Andy, the king of all things pop culture and delete. I check in here occasionally to see if I'm missing anything, just in case.
  19. I thought Peet and Slater gave great performances and wondered about their thoughts portraying Dan and Betty. Thanks for this link. On a shallow note, props to both Peet and Slater challenging this outstanding interviewer on her opening line opining about her "remembering this case when it happened".🤣
  20. Whatched an Oprah interview with Betty where she informs us of Betty's severe case of the June Cleaver syndrome, as a matter of fact, according to Oprah, Betty is the defining example. It appeared to me Oprah was struggling with Betty being happy with her choice to be in a traditional role rather than losing herself in the role of mother/wife/homemaker. Rather than leaving honestly, Dan flipped the switch, gaslighted, acted like he was working on the marriage, gamed her and then with his cohort Linda psychologically totured her. Sad story for everyone. Too bad it ended this way. Awful that Bettey couldn't help herself or accept the help she desperately needed. It was very difficult watching the continued games and her devolve. Everyone lost.
  21. Where did these two beauties come from? They looked very healthy. My first thougth was what did they do to get stuck with Pole? Second thought was how in the world could Pole afford them food, vet, exercise, etc. Not like two little purse puppies. And how convenient the one room home just happens to have two large kennels for them. I'm afraid of what they will look like after months under Pole's care.
  22. Sure looks like they do during this interview. Covid keeping them together?
  23. What a pathetic performance. What healthy available person, male or female, would want to hang around these women. Jeez Dorinda. Historic Dorinda - the cultured, traveled, monied 1%’er. Present Day Dorinda – gutter mouth, rabid, bipolar, nasty biker bar behavior. If not sincerely nuts, how can they continue filming the excess drinking after seeing their behavior? Would be nice to see this format morph into something interesting and positive, with authentic drama. Bet ya a dollar there are interesting women, doing interesting things, that are good for humanity who would appreciate the spotlight on their business/charity/interests without the shit show. Bravo and Andy would give it a thumbs down, but maybe another platform.
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