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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. Assholery must run in the family, because I wasn't impressed with Brother Kalani. Three kids in their 20s and 30s, all of whom are still living off their parents, apparently, and their voices are so filled with disdain, you could cut through it with a knife. Hey, Family Kalani, when was the last time you looked at the merchandise you're trying to move? Asuelu may not be a prize, but none of you are either. I thought the bike ride would have been cute, had all three of them done it. Having Asuelu do it by himself while they watched like indulgent parents was so patronizing, I wanted to scream. Nick in particular has this sanctimonious, clipped tone to his voice that adds a new layer to all their interactions.
  2. Olga has the patience of a saint, and far beyond what I'd expect of someone her age. Clearly she had to grow up fast, and learned how to take care of herself. I felt awful for her when she started crying in the car. She looked so beaten down, yet she still stood up for herself and the baby. I found myself nodding along with everything she said, and was impressed with how she articulated it. It was sad how she was able to talk Steven down, mostly because it seemed like she'd had to do it a lot before, and not just with Steven. I think Steven likes the idea of Olga and their family, but the real thing just isn't fitting into his high expectations.
  3. Both Ben and Jonah are Jewish. It was first mentioned in season 1 when Dina had a crush on Jonah and said her late grandmother would not have liked him being Jewish. I thought this was a good Amy episode. It was really, really refreshing to see her stand up for Jonah, when he's the one who's been advocating for her all season. It reinforced that she does truly care for him and that it's not all one-sided.
  4. I was curious about what you were talking about, so I found an article that talks about Ashley being abducted and raped. This happened about 13 years ago. Be warned, the article is disturbing. Suffice it to say that she bravely escaped and the kidnapper/rapist was caught and put away. I am in awe of her and I want only the best for her. Anyway, the article says some friend of Ashley's (implied to be Natalie) was shopping the story around and Ashley decided to get ahead of it by talking about it herself.
  5. I felt like I was falling through the looking glass in the aftershow hearing Debbie's totally reasonable comments about the other couples, especially Asuelu and Kalani. "The family needs to back off and support him." Look who's calling the vase Ming!
  6. Olga did say it was hard to be alone and that she missed Steven. She also seemed the type to say whether she wanted him there or not. It would have been really easy to keep him out of the room if she really wanted, and to hide behind the hospital policy in doing so. I'm all for doing what the expectant mother wants, and it was clear she wanted - or at least didn't mind - Steven there. Wanting to be in the room was probably one of the more stand up things Steven's wanted this season. It's not unreasonable, and in the absence of Olga's mother or some other female relative, why not the father?
  7. I love it when 90 Day Fiance provides actual insight into other cultures. The entire escapade of Steven and Olga and the hospital was fascinating! I had no idea that fathers aren't usually in the delivery room. It seemed like epic poor planning not to have asked beforehand, if that's truly what went down - but these are 20 year olds we're talking about. Steven is irresponsible and he has toolish tendencies, but I felt bad for him. Jay and Ashley are insanely ill-suited for each other, but there's something endearing about his fish-out-of-water comments about the weather, the sugar, etc., and how, like Fernanda, he was genuinely touched by her friends' efforts to welcome him. It was also nice of Ashley to be concerned about him making friends. Far too many of the 90DF American spouses seem to give no shits about their partners having zero friends. Fernanda is one of the most beautiful women this show has ever featured. I feel like she is what Anfisa thinks she sees in the mirror. Debbie had a point about the couch - leather probably isn't best for cats and it would have been nice if Colt saw it - but she had such a smug, sanctimonious attitude that she's reached bitch eating crackers stage for me. Larissa was pretty gracious during their day together. As I said before, I hope Kalani and her unmerry band of assholes fuck off entirely after this season, no aftershows, no nothing. I don't want to hear anything they have to say to justify themselves.
  8. Dina FaceTiming with one of the display iPads was hysterical! One of my favorite site gags. She looked great, too. I was wondering how they were going to explain away Amy's lack of maternity leave. It makes sense. I agree with Mateo and Cheyenne about the baby name. Kimmer, or whatever her name is, is too annoying even for this show. The writers have gotten clunkier and less creative with their background characters. Sandra, Justine, and even Carol are funny and inventive. Kimmer just needs to go the way of Sal and FAST. I don't know how they've gone so far off the rails with Amy. She's become entitled and rude to everyone. In a sense she has always been that way, but it's become more pronounced this season. Having said that, she was probably the most sympathetic in this episode than she's been in years. It helped that America was willing to go all out with the sweats and messy hair. She was really rude to Sayid in the beginning, but their subsequent back and forth was funny.
  9. For real. I can't stand fathers who feel their daughters are their property, or that they need to be asked permission to marry their daughters. Asking a blessing, sure. But this guy seems insulted that he was not formally asked for a dowry or land. And his pissy attitude at dinner? I'd have left. Between that and his disdain for his own people, Kalani's dad is probably one of most unlikable people I have ever seen on this show. And this is a show that features Anfisa! I'm reminded of a Golden Girls quote. Sophia's grandson is marrying a woman whose family disapproves of Sophia's grandson. She retorts, "When was the last time you looked at the merchandise you're trying to move?"
  10. No matter what kind of day any of us have had, we can all go to bed happy that none of us are stuck with any of the awful people on 90DF as spouses or in-laws. Seeing Philadelphia onscreen was a lot of fun. In a few weeks I'll be running the Philadelphia (Half) Marathon for the second time, so it was nice to ignore Eric and Leida in the foreground and look over their shoulders to see where they were. I can't actually watch their scenes otherwise. It's too uncomfortable a la David Poor and Annie last season. Jonathan is gross in his attitude toward women, but I think he and Fernanda have the best chance, mostly because she herself seems like a decent person and is doing it for the right reasons. And also they can actually communicate in the same language. I feel for Larissa. I live in a hot climate too, and I would spend any amount of money to ensure I had AC all the time. She might be one of those people that becomes insanely grumpy when overheated. She could have been more gracious about the food, though. There are no words for Mother Colt. Asuelu is the purest soul this show has seen since Kirlyam. It was nice that Kalani seemed to feel for him when he got emotional, but she's so patronizing that it's hard to like her. I hope she does fuck off after this season, as she has threatened to do. I don't need or want to hear anything else from her or that family in the Aftershows. Unless it's to tell us what hair products she uses.
  11. I was pleasantly surprised that Dina didn't try to run off with the baby. I thought they were telegraphing it all season with her detachment during the pregnancy turning into affection; it's a common sitcom trope. I did like that she felt some degree of affection, although the "You can put it in its bin" made me howl. And her doctors WERE pretty cute. I liked that Jerusha was steady as a rock for her. Having both pregnancies happen at the same time was a bit too cute, a bit too on the nose overall. Weren't the timelines for conception fairly far apart? Although I guess you can explain it away, since Amy was early and Dina was late. Jonah continues to be the MVP of boyfriends. Offering to pay her hospital bills was pretty major. Amy wasn't as obnoxious this episode. Also her hair looked great. I hated how limp it looked last season. Adam was looking good, by the way. That facial hair does a lot for him.
  12. I think he's pretty cute, especially considering all the other men on the show (his attitude toward women is a whole other kettle of fish). I was marrying someone for a visa, I'd make damn sure I was attracted to them, at the very least. He at least makes the effort to look nice. Much of it is based in his own self-absorption, but still. I can see them having fun working out together like Andrei and Elizabeth last season. I also like that he speaks Spanish. I really don't feel that you can truly love someone without having deep conversations with them, and many of the couples who have been on this show have such a language barrier.
  13. This show is a lesson in self-reflection for me. I really hate all the "well-meaning" friends of the American half of the couple always expressing doubts and how the new spouse has to "win" them over. I keep thinking to myself, don't these people realize how they come off as jealous meddlers? I especially hate the well-worn trope of the less attractive friend bagging on her friend's new fiance. It's not a good look. It also wouldn't kill any of them to show the fiance a good time by taking them out. However, I AM the perpetually single friend IRL, so from here on out I'm going to keep my trap shut when meeting significant others of my friends. They don't need to "win me over," as I'm not the one who has to sleep with them every night. I sure as fuck don't want to resemble anyone on this show in any way. Thanks, show, for the free therapy session. I'm reminded of Roger Ebert's review of the 1986 film "About Last Night." He wrote: "Belushi and Perkins are good, too, making us realize how often the movies pretend that lovers live in a vacuum. When a big new relationship comes into your life, it requires an adjustment of all the other relationships, and a certain amount of discomfort and pain." I feel like we see this every season, over and over. This show has seen a lot of confirmed bachelors and bachelorettes getting married, and their friend groups always seem to want the single friend to be available for them as they were before. That's why I really dislike Kalani's sister's attitude, the cheating lie aside. Sure, she took on the dad role when the baby was born, but the actual father is here now. It's best for everyone if she backs off.
  14. Larissa has terrible taste - Colt looked ten times better with facial hair. No way is he ready to be married with that albatross called Mom around his neck. My own mother told me that the marriage vow "forsake all others" doesn't just mean forsaking other lovers. It means forsaking everyone else, including family, for your new spouse. Ashley and Jay seemed to be shading previous 90 Day couples, snarking about how some people get with unattractive people just to get their visas. I do like that they're evenly matched in terms of looks. The couples with a huge disparity in looks (Azan and Nicole) are often uncomfortable to watch. Blond guy with the Russian girl is a mess, but there was still something touching about wanting to be the father he never had. It remains to be seen if that will actually come to fruition, but his heart seems to be in the right place for now. Kalani is a wet blanket and her family is totally insufferable (except her mom. She can stay). As a minority, there's nothing I dislike more than minorities' disdain for their own kind. It's early in the season, but Asuelu is kind of endearing in a bumbling kind of way. I liked how he felt like a Prime Minister in that AirBnB. They seem like a retread of Family Chantel - nice enough guy, but a poisonous and obnoxious extended family. Of course, Asuelu may prove to be a jerk, but so far, he's the most genuinely likeable person this show has seen in a good long while. I liked how genuinely touched Fernanda was at Jonathan's friends' welcome. Then they had to ruin it by bringing up the ex. WTF? God, every single family member and friend on this show needs to take a flying leap.
  15. I agree. I hope Kalani and Asuelu make it to their Diamond Anniversary for her dad's comment alone. I'm a minority too, and her dad's attitude disgusted me. I'm hoping it WAS spliced, but sadly I've seen that type of attitude before. The sister may have been right to be upset, but she (and the entire family) really grate. Her attitude was so self-righteous. As I said in the main episode thread, if you have doubts about your loved one's SO, say your piece once and then drop it. It's not your life or your decision, and having a bad attitude about it only hurts the person you're concerned for.
  16. I grow tired of the well-worn storyline drama of The Disapproving Friends and Family. Undoubtedly it's mostly producer-driven, but it's annoying after 6 seasons. I understand as a friend, wanting to say your piece and voice your concerns. But then you drop it! What's done is done. Unless there's serious abuse going on (which...okay, some of the couples who have been on this show qualify), stay in your lane. You're not the one who has to sleep and live with this person. Just suck it up, be civil to their face and talk shit behind their backs like a normal person. Anything else makes you look like jealous meddlers a la Family Elizabeth last season. I want all the couples to succeed just to spite the annoying ass friends. Having said that, all of the Disapproving Friends and Families are probably egged on by producers, so we're never going to hear the end of them. Colt's friends were hysterical. They can stay. "Maybe he has 12 inch penis. You just don't know." I think Colt is attractive enough in the face; the photo of them on his nightstand wasn't a total mismatch looks-wise. He's not quite on Larissa's level, but if he would shed a few pounds and buy a few new clothes, he would look pretty good. The glasses do a lot for him.
  17. I love hitting pause every year on the Halloween episodes to see what everyone's wearing. Dina looked hot as always, and I remember her mentioning last season about needing money from Glenn to tailor her clothes to fit the pregnancy and then un-tailor them afterward, so I felt like her costume modifications this year were a subtle nod to that. Love how easily she's taking to pregnancy. Amy was exceptionally annoying this episode. And hers was by far the least interesting costume. But Jonah cheating for her was endearing. Jonah having a typically obscure and pretentious costume is always funny, although I think Brexit was his best one. Mateo's costume was amazing! Justine as a red pepper! I loved Janet as a flower too. I wish they'd give her more to do. That's the first time I've heard Elias speak. I loved Garrett's complaining about the same songs playing over and over. When I worked in a movie theater concessions stand, there was a loop of about 10 different advertisements playing loudly over and over, all day. It drove us all nuts. Brett with the Monster Mash on the boom box!
  18. This episode has cemented my status as a full-on stan for Jen. She is clearly the rock star of the family professionally. I love that it’s her career they’re moving for. It was a once in a lifetime chance, and it came from her hard work. And she is clearly beloved by her coworkers, and that says a lot. Sometimes her logical and detail-heavy mind doesn’t always translate well to kids, but I think once they get older they’ll appreciate it. It’s also endearing to me that she is not a natural with little kids. It must be hard for her to see the kids naturally gravitate toward Bill, but that doesn’t stop her trying, and I do think when the kids get older they'll appreciate her mind. I can just see her helping then with school projects. The kids are unruly but they are good-hearted at their cores and I think they’ll be just fine. I love the solid foundation of total stability she and Bill have created for the kids. Kids crave a routine and a stable household, and it’s clear Will and Zoey are thriving. Zoey is a real treat to listen to. And finally, I love Jen’s wardrobe. She has great taste.
  19. Dina's defense of Amy was really cute. I love them. They're the real OTP of the show. "Rejected American Girl doll" made me howl. Poor Kelly! Hopefully she's leaving because the actress wanted to move on. I love the Carol/Sandra feud because the actresses are really close IRL. I do hope that they make Sandra spunky only once in a while. It's funnier when used sparingly. Also I'm glad they dropped that Jerry recovering from a coma storyline. But this new storyline is stupid even for a sitcom. Someone give Lauren Ash an Emmy for her impressions alone. Jonah and Amy were obnoxious this episode. Elias is Glenn's brother in law?! Was that ever revealed before this?
  20. Yeah, that's been hard to watch since the beginning. I'm sure they love her and hopefully there's more bonding than what we see onscreen, but the fact remains that Bill is more of a natural with kids. Kids gravitate towards some adults more because of that. I'm kind of the same as Jen. Awkward, never know quite what to say, and do better with older kids. I really hope that as time goes on, Will and Zoey appreciate her for who she is. I can see them starting to value her intelligence and stability later on. I bet she would give great advice about choosing colleges, for instance, or helping with school projects. But maybe that's a reason she lets them run around a lot - she wants them to like her. I'm sure it hurts and that if we, as viewers, have picked it up, undoubtedly Jen knows it too. It's probably too hard a subject to discuss on television. I remember a few years back, Katherine Heigl spoke about her adopted daughter bonding more with Katherine's husband, and that she (Katherine) had to fight for the daughter to accept her as mother. She eventually did accept her, but it was a hard transition. I thought it was such an incredibly brave thing to discuss.
  21. Lauren Ash/Dina is a total knockout. Those khaki uniform pants do her no favors (nor anyone else). Garrett looked totally sprung. Hell, I was sprung, and I'm a straight girl. I wish they'd resurrect them already. And Dina really knows how to pose. I can't remember the last time she and Mateo were in a storyline together. The actors are close IRL, so I hope we see more of this pairing. Anyone else notice the Britney Spears song in the background during the shower? Someone tried to go with a baby theme with the "...Baby One More Time" song. Mateo (and Justine, if you watch closely enough) was so into that stripper. Who can blame him?
  22. The opening scene seemed out of a different show. However, Glenn was precious as usual. I guess Amy and Jonah were suspended? It wasn't overly clear. Noam was supremely unfunny. I hope they ditch him and fast. It is clearer than ever that one of the writers worked on The Office, because the reveal at the end that Jonah and Amy were indeed together without anyone knowing is right out of the Jim and Pam playbook. Overall a good start to the season. I'd love to see the outtakes of the staff's sex questions for Amy and Jonah, as I bet the cast ad-libbed a lot of them. That was probably the best part of the episode. I was surprised at what the censors let past.
  23. CDAN and Blind Gossip's blind items are notoriously unreliable. For every one they get right (which is mostly a lot of guesswork anyway), there are a dozen more that are flat out wrong. Jana's "secret life" sounds like pure speculation with a bit of truth (her perpetual singledom) tossed in for veracity. Exactly how would they know about Jana's secret bf if supposedly only 2-3 people know in the first place? Nah son. It's also not much of a stretch that Josh would still be cheating. Leopards and spots and all that.
  24. I think it's great that she and Audrey are dedicating themselves to fitness. And putting it on social media keeps them accountable. No snark, I'm happy for them. And I do like the idea of Mariah's brows. I love that thick brows are back in style. But her skin tone doesn't match them. Having said that, they are sorry excuses for millennials. They've got the need to photograph every moment of the lives down pat, but the photos are so unflattering, my God. They are attractive enough people, but have never been properly introduced to a good Instagram filter or a flattering angle. I thought her "first day of school" photo was kind of funny in an ironic way.
  25. I think this is also a big problem. Like I said earlier in the thread, I would never drink with any of my employees, or go on vacation with them (not that I'm currently the boss of anyone, ha). I think a line needs to be drawn. It's clear the girls see Kristin as a friend and as such, don't really respect her as an authority. Do we really think Kristin would fire any of them as long as they're friends and, even more, a cast member on their reality show?
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