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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. And that was another thing. I am sure the actress who played his wife is a lovely person, but wow, did she lack charisma onscreen. I thought they were an odd match. Also, I thought the actress was attractive, but they seemed to purposely dress and style her rather dumpily. Maybe as a contrast to Olivia? And she did have a million kids. Still. I'd have sued. I did find the collective fandom outrage when Stabler briefly hooked up with Greylek hilarious, since I had no horse in the Stabler/Olivia race.
  2. I'm circling back watching older episodes, and I liked Kat from the second she was introduced, not knowing they were bringing her on as a regular. I liked her deep voice and her looks, plus her grit. I remember thinking it would be nice to see her pop up again a la Sister Peg (RIP). Now that she's on the squad, she's a tad preachy (who isn't, on this show?), but I'm glad they've brought on another POC, those have been lacking on this show as of late.
  3. I feel marooned on an island in my immense dislike of Stabler and preferring Amaro over him. I'd rather not see him back, ever, unless it's to say a proper goodbye to Olivia and then ride back off into the sunset. Dude was an asshole who steamrolled over people, and I hated seeing his dozens of kids on the show screwing up year after year. I know many find Stabler attractive, but again, he never did anything for me. Amaro, Cassidy, and Carisi, on the other hand...
  4. Yep. Kristin had the platform and the executive producer title, so she held all of the cards in this particular contest. The storyline stretched across several episodes, with Kristin telling several friends over and over. Kelly was able to tell her side only to one of Kristin's biased friends. Kristin could and should have said a few words at the beginning of the season without even mentioning why she and Kelly were no longer friends. "We're no longer friends and I am very hurt by that, but I wish her the best." Or SOMETHING short, simple, and discreet. But oh no, we had to have a storyline for the show out of this! And now it's coming back to bite her in the ass. Having said that, it WAS a cheap shot for Kelly to post that photo knowing what would happen. But again, she was dragged on the show so much that I can't really blame her for not being able to rise above it all.
  5. Kelly posted a photo on Insta of a man's arm that looks a lot like Jay. I think it looks like his arm, because I noticed similar bead bracelets on him before on VC episodes (specifically the season 1 episode of Kristin's launch day where she's freaking out about the shipping prices being wrong). I remember because I thought it was cute that he wore something that looked like one of his kids made for him. Anyway, if it's not him, Kelly really is the shitstirrer Kristin said she was, and I hate when Kristin is right. Not that she isn't allowed to post what she wants - but come on. She knows what she is doing. Having said THAT, after Kristin spent all season dragging Kelly every chance she got - I would not lift one finger to help Kristin out.
  6. I mean, she talked a big game back in season one about settling in Nashville, how UJ can't fail because that was where she was going to be based, etc. So that sure sounded like she was going to stay in Nashville. However, perhaps all bets are off now.
  7. I read an article that the house may be just too damn big, especially since they customized it so much and added on rooms. Plus the huge price at the beginning, which has been lowered several times. Makes sense.
  8. Thanks for this. Since it's an E! news article, you can bet Kristin's people are the source. And if it had been cheating, you'd best believe that would be in the article. So maybe it is something else. However, if I was Kelly, I'd immediately issue some kind of statement, just in case.
  9. Yes indeed, unless she was blowing smoke, which is possible. They were going back and forth about ownership of the company or something, and he said something about owning half, one of them said something about putting that in their prenup, to which Kristin replied: "The prenup that we DON'T have." The TMZ article I linked above does not mention a prenup.
  10. Oh boy! TMZ reporting that Kristin is accusing Jay of marital misconduct.
  11. I would agree. I clearly remember an episode where Kristin said "the prenup that we DON'T have," so there's that. As much as Kristin mentioned that she was home constantly while Jay was playing (and I tend to think that's true based on how much she complained about it), and the 10 years they had together, I have no real problem with her getting a significant portion of his wealth. As much as I hate the phrase, she did hold it down while he pursued his career, and she has 3 of his kids. That's worth something, and we're about to find out just how much. I do find it odd that they picked up and moved so recently and are now divorcing. I'm sure Jay will stay in that huge house, as he seems to get the most enjoyment out of it. It's all really too bad. Maybe they held on to their old house for exactly this reason.
  12. They had a good run. I'm starting to think divorce doesn't make a marriage unsuccessful - that is to say, I don't think their time was necessarily wasted, especially if you got 3 kids out of it and were genuinely happy for at least most of the time. However, they are both anti-vaxxers who chose to selfishly stay on vacation instead of going the fuck home, and they're filthy rich, so I don't have a TON of pity for them. They seem like total opposites both on paper and in reality. Jay will probably end up with a southern girl type who has "Live. Laugh. Love." on her wall and is content to be a farm housewife. That's the type I'd picture for him. I've never forgotten that he wanted Kristin to be a SAHM. It was all probably okay when HE was the one in the spotlight and away from home for months at a time, but now he probably can't stand being the one at home.
  13. If I've learned anything about following celeb culture (and life in general) for years, it's that you never, ever know what really goes on behind closed doors. And that the reality show curse is real!
  14. Good stuff, thanks. I've seen their 1997 breakup several times already. It was AMAZING! Did either of them submit those scenes for their Emmy reels? I thought it was totally raw and realistic. It was a legit reason for a breakup, a classic example of irreconcilable differences. I liked that Robin had a real problem with mob life, even if she did return to him later. It made for good soap and it kept Robin's morality as an important part of her core. My headcanon is that Jason is with Sam now (whatever, I haven't watched in years), because she doesn't care about his job, but if Robin was willing and even vaguely accepting, he'd go back to her. And yet he's been with Sam for, what, 15 years? I wish SBu's 2000 exit (or whenever it was) had been in pursuit of Robin, and that they'd returned triumphantly together back to the canvas. I won't ever be convinced that Liz wasn't a placeholder for Robin, if they couldn't have the real thing. I can also see now why Robin and Sonny were so close. Mo emoted back then, too! All of them had amazing friendship chemistry. I almost don't want to watch Robin's final 1999 scenes.
  15. Can someone well-versed in KMc's GH history tell me where she was in 1997? As I'm watching JnR clips for the first time, it's certainly noticeable that she was offscreen a lot. Was Kim at school? I am about to reach the point where she returns for her longer stint until 1999. In retrospect, it's rather amazing that they didn't pair Jason up with anyone else while she was gone (and if they did, I don't even want to know, especially if it was Cujo). I liked that they had enough respect for JnR. Of course, that didn't last long, but I appreciated it for 1997 at least. I now see why people swear up and down that Jason has not loved anyone truly except for Robin. In fact, during that short period of time, I'd say he gave Patrick a run for his money in the amount of love they both had for Robin. Patrick certainly always had other options on the backburner (thanks, writers), but Jason, during that time at least, never seemed to consider anyone but Robin. It may be that SBu does longing better than JT did. Unless Jason dallied around with Carly in 1997, but since the kind soul who uploaded JnR conveniently left her out of most clips, I don't know if she was a real option.
  16. What nonsense. I did see a clip a few weeks ago where Anna wondered whether Robin really was her kid. The treachery! I did, however, like that Robert INSISTED he'd know if it was Anna he slept with or not. I have seen very early Robert and Anna - they were gorgeous and sincere together. Their very existence was a retcon in and of itself, wasn't it? I'll send over a grenade from the Barge if they go one further and say that Robin was Alex's. Alex's existence in the first place was a huge misstep, but she could (and should) have gone the way of the dodo along with AMC.
  17. What on EARTH? Since when would Anna have slept with Faison? Does this mean she supposedly hid the kid from him while she was with Robert on their first go-round when they married? Wow, what a travesty, seriously. I hate it when the writers try to give Robert or Anna another kid that is not Robin. I prefer her to be their only child. I am going to swim back to the Barge as fast as I can.
  18. Might I also add that I caught some of Robert and Anna's investigation scenes with Emma out of context (at a boarding school or something), and, having watched some classic Scorpio family scenes recently, I felt giddy because the whole dynamic seemed like an homage of TinyRobin with her cop parents? Except that I don't really understand the newfound hostility between Robert and Anna nowadays, and am not sure I want to. And the Emma actress is lovely, but, ahem, a bit wooden, shall we say.
  19. This is why I hoped Kristina and Ethan would eventually happen. The chemistry was there, and they laid the groundwork similar to how Jason and Robin began. Alas, throw it in the pile of missed opportunities. In some alternate universe, Robert and Anna lived through the 90s, and I wonder how they'd have reacted to their daughter dating Jason. The phrase "like a lead balloon" comes to mind.
  20. Great stuff, thanks for posting. On paper and even in its early execution, the idea of Jason Q becoming Jason Morgan was compelling. It was good TV that involved so much of the canvas. And then pairing him with a legacy character who was having her own inner turmoil was truly lightning in a bottle. But then, of course, it became the storyline that swallowed Port Charles whole. And in watching these early scenes, it's almost depressing knowing where this storyline ends up. Robin at least ends up happy, but I have no words for what Jason ends up being.
  21. In self-isolation and working from home, I've been able to watch the Mr. B. and Asian Quarter storylines on YouTube, albeit out of order. Thanks to the kind soul who divided everything up into playlists and edited all the scenes so I wouldn't have to sit through other storylines I don't care about. TinyRobin was so cute that it kills me to see the low caliber of kid actors soaps employ nowadays. Robert sure was a sight for the eyes in those early days. Frisco and Felicia were a stunning couple - in fact, I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful woman on soaps than KW, except maybe Robin Wright on Santa Barbara. The whole thing kind of depresses me after a while, though, because we now know where all these characters ended up, and in some cases it's not pretty. Frisco is a deadbeat and one of his kids is dead, Robert and Anna seem to have this weird dynamic between them that I've seen while casually flipping through channels, and I read what happened to Duke.
  22. Having been stuck in self-isolation along with the rest of you, I've had the opportunity to relive certain GH storylines, some for the first time. I began watching GH around 2001, so I missed a lot of the golden years. The biggest revelation for me has been Jason and Robin. I was very, very much pulled in by Robin and Patrick in 2005, and stayed watching TFGH for longer than I should have because of them. So, naturally, they'll always have a place in my TV heart. But Jason and Robin have been a true revelation. Never have I found that bump on a log SBu attractive until living through early Jason and Robin. It's amazing. I'm currently on their Montauk scenes, and it feels so intimate, that I feel like a Peeping Tom watching them. Truly, it was chemistry shows BEG for. I may even go one further and say that KMc had better chemistry with SBu than with JT, and this is coming from someone who FLOVED Scrubs. I think part of it was the innocence of JnR. By the time Patrick came on the scene, Robin was an older, wiser, more cynical version of herself than she had been with Jason. Perfectly understandable. But the true innocence and discovery of first love (with apologies to Stone) was what gave JnR that additional magic. Having admitted to finding SBu attractive means I've officially been in self-isolation too long (I mean, he EMOTED! Every time he looked at Robin it was like he was seeing her for the first time). What a treat to relive this, the Asian Quarter, Mr B., and other Scorpio storylines on YouTube.
  23. Yeah, I'm done with Kristin and the show. This whole saga was in poor taste and showed poor judgement, which, considering her stance on vaccines, shouldn't have been too surprising coming from her. I loved her on Laguna Beach, but the way she conducts herself on the show and with her business is a big giant no for me. I should have stanned Lauren, who stays in her lane and isn't an idiot. Undoubtedly if they do get the vaccine, they will keep quiet about it because of the backlash and not wanting to lose their anti-vaccine cred. I do enjoy reading everyone's comments on episodes, though, so I'll rely on all of you to keep me posted on the show.
  24. Yeah I figured this as well. It's a damn shame. I do wonder if they had already begun filming. If so, I still think they could have worked with the footage they had, and perhaps had the team go full out in their own gym, all decked out, as a kind of "what could have been" performance. I sure do feel like Varsity took its sweet time canceling the tournament. I was keeping a close eye on it because of this show, and perhaps I'm wrong about the timing, but they dragged their feet longer even than MLB. Perhaps it's for the best. I can't imagine the pressure the team would have been under to repeat their victory with the entire world watching this time.
  25. I loved the live theme song! It sounds even better than the original! I'm really happy that they got Madeline Zima there. She has not spoken fondly of her time on the show, which is too bad. I'm glad to see she participated and all was perfectly civil. She looks great, too. ' I loved Nicholle Tom doing mini-costume changes. Maxwell Sheffield never did much for me back then, but WOWZA does he do it for me now.
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