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Everything posted by Spunkygal

  1. Note to self: don’t ever use Sara Borgese as my stylist!
  2. Wilma wouldn’t be caught dead in that dress. She kept it to a simple white number!
  3. Liam is a silly, inane host on Bake Off The Professionals. I was surprised at how ridiculous he is. He co hosts with someone named Tom who is familiar to British viewers. This duo almost ruins that charming show. They are so intrusive and are just plain crackers, not in an amusing way. Ask @TVbitch if you don’t believe me!
  4. Watched episode 2 with Robots today. That was fun! I am fascinated by anyone who can code and construct these things. Yes, I know that coding is taught now (rightfully so and I’m jealous), but even the lamest entry was wonderful (to me). The right team won (will they continue to dominate?) and the right team went home. Justin, who I have loved since he hosted Cake Wars, Cupcake Wars and Halloween Wars, is so darling and a perfect host. I knew that he is a magician and when he “coughed” up the donut, I thought that was adorable. And Hakeem and Joanne who are judging alongside Andrew are so very enjoyable. I just can’t believe how much I love this show and all the cast. I hope it has a second season and I can’t wait to watch the remaining episodes, but I’m being judicious about it. I download and watch at the gym when I’m on the treadmill or stair master. This show encourages me to go workout…kind of like a bone for a dog!
  5. Andrew who was a finalist in 2016 is a judge on Netflix Baking Impossible and is so charming and knowledgeable. Maybe someone like him?
  6. Yes, thanks for the spoiler tag! I would think that it wouldn’t be necessary to use spoiler tags after the episode has aired on FN on Monday nights. But the mods may have other criteria.
  7. I thought all the entries were awesome but the horse definitely deserved the win. And I’d love to try all the cakes—what interesting and creative flavor combinations! I guess the quality of the artistic work is so good because they don’t have to be as huge and fill up as much space as the real Halloween Wars….but I still miss the original version and Jonathan’s wackiness. And carvers! Two things. If I ever find myself in Vegas, nothing could tempt me to go to Zak’s museum. Nothing he has shown so far looks creepy or scary. Tickets begin at $42. No thanks, I’ll stuff it in the slot machine. Also, there is no one on earth that could make Aarti’s dress look good. She is a beautiful woman and on this show, she has worn clothes that do nothing for her. But the dress on this episode was the worst. Miss America couldn’t save that dress.
  8. That would have been awesome! What a great memory you have!
  9. Another thing I like is that they go into the competition knowing that engineering and construction are what it’s about. It’s not a one-time gimmicky challenge on a FN show or on GBBO biscuit week. I don’t care for gimmicky challenges like that but I don’t mind it on this show since that’s its premise.
  10. Spunkygal

    Tennis Thread

    I’m sorry! But happy Thanksgiving!
  11. Spunkygal

    Tennis Thread

    Do you have any of the Bally Sports channels? I’m getting matches on Bally’s Sports Southwest. It used to be Fox Sports Southwest until Bally’s bought them out or merged or something.
  12. Matt brings out the worst in Noel. They are beyond stupid this season and I hate them. I almost turned it off when Noel threw the wad of dough at lovely Crystelle. This isn’t FN.
  13. This is the first episode ever that Netflix automatically put captions on. Anyone else? I thought I had accidentally hit a button on my remote. It was distracting.
  14. I will PM my pinto bean directions to you tomorrow! Definitely make on the stove top, not in the oven!
  15. Thanks for the forum! I just posted about this show on the “If you like GBBO” thread. I’ve watched only episode 1 and I like it. The winning boat was awesome and beautiful. I knew that would sink like a lead balloon. It was ridiculous. But there were some pretty good boats. I’ve missed seeing Justin so am glad he’s the host, I love Andrew and although the other two judges are unfamiliar to me, I really enjoy them both. I will definitely watch this while on the treadmill. Did they say that the grand prize is $100,000? That’s not too shabby! The set kind of looks like the Sugar Rush set. Speaking of which, can’t wait for the holiday version of that show!
  16. I wish he’d take Giada and her shark smile with him.
  17. I usually don’t care for baking challenges that involve construction but Netflix has released Baking Impossible which I really like. The host is Justin Willman who was host for the original Halloween Wars, Cake Wars, and Cupcake Wars on Food Network. He is a great host. There are three judges and one of them is GBBO 2016 finalist Andrew Smyth (Candice was the winner). In addition to being a talented baker, he is an aerospace engineer. I am impressed by this young man—he was charming and had good comments from baking and engineering perspectives. The other two judges are unfamiliar to me but I like them very much! On episode one, they had to construct edible waterproof boats (had to be 2ft in length) that had to float and sail to a certain point and present a tasting element. I’m an engineering idiot and I could tell which boats weren’t going to float. There were some pretty good creations and the winning team killed it. It was a good way to kill time while on the treadmill. I will definitely watch other episodes.
  18. At least you found your marbles! I’m still looking for mine! 🤣
  19. @Netfoot, I wish I could put a fast forward on the grieving process for you. But we have to go through the stages like we do when a human loved one leaves us. I know my little Honey took a big chunk of my heart with her but it will be sweet when we are reunited someday and she jumps in my arms. Of course I have other beloved dogs who I miss but there was just something about that bossy girl! I have the same climate control guy come out every fall to check the furnace ventilation before it is used and last October when he arrived he asked where she was. 😢 Yes, re-telling the story is tough. And that was 9 months later!
  20. Oh it would be great to see Ray judging Lenny! I hope Ray is back next year. I think last year Ray was a judge when “veteran HW carver guy whose name escapes me but you’d recognize him” competed.
  21. FYI, there is now a forum for Outrageous Pumpkins for all us pumpkin carver fans!
  22. I didn’t realize that this show has a forum now! Yes, at least we get our pumpkin carving fix, but I do wish they had fulfilled the Jack o’lantern aspect and not just etched designs. The carvers all seem very talented. I have a nostalgic fondness for Lenny but love seeing the ladies do well. And (putting on my old lady hat and cane) kids these days just don’t learn or hear the fairy tales that I grew up with! I volunteer in an elementary school library and kids don’t read the actual classics anymore, whether it be novels or fairy tales. Not only did we read the fairy tales, but we had that great philosopher Bullwinkle who taught us Fractured Fairytales! Ah, good times.
  23. It is so tough to move on from a great loss, especially such an unexpected one. He will always be with you and will own a big piece of your heart. It might be fun to go play with the doggies at OASS or it may be too much of a tug on your heart but you won’t know until you do it. Honey has been gone 1 1/2 years and while I still can’t consider another dog, I do enjoy playing with neighbors’ dogs and those rescue dogs at OASS would enjoy the attention. Please let a professional tend to the pain in your jaw. I’d hate for an infection to get out of control. You might even need a toothie pulled.
  24. Yes! He is a delightful, charming, talented man. For anyone who is not familiar with his talent, please check out his social media. His creations are perfection. I’m envious of any lucky bride who could have him provide the wedding cake. I do wonder why FN Canada is brilliant enough to have him on, but FN here hasn’t used him in years.
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