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Everything posted by LadyChatts

  1. I wish it would be at least 90 minutes. Three tribes to focus on, setting up camp, idol hunting, challenges, TC, and the 10 minutes Jeff spends explaining to each tribe why they are what they are and acts like they've never seen the show before (which, maybe for some of them...) Whether it's a good or bad sign I don't know.
  2. http://insidesurvivor.com/premiere-date-announced-survivor-heroes-vs-healers-vs-hustlers-27959 Wed. Sept. 27th, 1 hour premiere and a week later than normal.
  3. It was the TC where Tai got voted off, when he tried to defend himself against Brad in front of the jury. He mentioned how Brad was trying to bully him into giving him one of his idols to gain his trust back. I think Brad's defense was Tai didn't give him any reason to trust him. I'm sure there was more to it than we saw. And though I hate agreeing with Brad, Tai was untrustworthy, but Brad wasn't any better towards him. Hali might have also heard from Aubry as well about Brad's behavior towards Tai when she got voted off.
  4. If it had been a Brad/Troy/Tai final 3, any extra votes Brad got would have been more along the lines of "since we have to vote for someone, you're better than the alternative" votes. Except for Debbie and Sierra, but even Ozzy wouldn't have voted for Brad against Tai. In the last jury speaks video, Hali said she was really turned off by Brad's behavior to Tai. That might have been the final nail in his coffin to anyone looking to vote his way. That's pretty impressive that even on the jury, Cirie was still playing the game and doing her jedi mind tricks. Though I think without it, Brad still would have assumed that Sarah could be beat at the final 3. I still believe Brad was getting a better edit in the beginning, or at least really holding back. When he got control back, the other side of Brad came back out.
  5. The Bye Bye Man got terrible reviews. I saw it, and it was okay. It doesn't take much to scare me, which is why I shouldn't watch horror movies in the first place. But the movie just didn't seem overly original. I did hear that Jonathan was going to be working on an adaption of King Kong, I think for TV.
  6. I won't be surprised if he changes his mind down the road. I don't think we'll ever see Monica again, but I believe Brad will be back.
  7. LadyChatts

    Fix The Show

    I want to see how it works with newbies before completely making up my mind. I have to say that with so many jurors, I like that they don't have to take time up for all 11 of them or whatever the number is to asks questions (or give some long winded bitter Betty speech). I'm also hoping there's a variety in challenges next year. Not half endurance, half puzzles that are nearly the same puzzles they used all season. I still wish they'd look to international versions for inspiration. But is budget a factor? I don't know how expensive better challenges would be to construct. Maybe CBS and TPTB either don't want to make it too complicated, or don't care how fancy they are. I want to see IRC going back to being one person winning, picking two people max to join them (but preferably one). I think about Palau and the car challenge Ian won-the reward he promised to take Katie on, but then said he and Tom had a deal that they'd take each other if a car was involved. Thus began his deteriorating relationship with Katie, and the beginning of the end for Ian's sanity in the game. Yet, I miss those days of people being pissed off back at the beach, or an underdog alliance getting the chance to try and sway people to their side. Now nearly everyone goes on the reward.
  8. I don't know if this was ever proven, but there could be a reason Jane was so harsh to Sash, and it's known as mortgage gate. Allegedly, earlier in the game, Sash offered to help Jane pay off her mortgage if she helped him win. That goes against the Survivor rules, as you can't make financial deals like that in order to get ahead in the game or get a promised jury vote. Jeff barely ever talks to the back row at reunions, and I wish he had kept tradition when it came to Shannon. Didn't need to see or hear from him again, and glad he's faded into Survivor oblivion. Jimmy T was a good sport about his terrible game play, especially since he had been boasting about how everyone would want to play the game like him when it was all said and done. Perfect example of someone trying to take control too fast, too soon. I have to say, I don't think Nicaragua would have been as bad a season if not for the tribe divisions and that stupid medallion of power. In hindsight, I don't think the cast was particularly bad, although I can't say it was a final 3 that overly excited me.
  9. LadyChatts

    Fix The Show

    I miss seasons of 16 and finales of 4. Sometimes less is more. I think they figure the more people they cram in, the more opportunities for big moves and memorable moments. At most they need 5 in the finale, and if it means double boots in eps so be it. It worked for Cook Islands, and I think that was a pretty good season. I still think it's one of the better Survivor seasons for challenges. If they're going to re-use challenges, I wish they'd re-use those. I got thinking about the new jury format, and as much as Probst may say that it was because of KR, I have to think MvsGX also played a role in how the new jury format played out. Since Probst loved one season and the outcome and hated the other, of course he'll blame KR. But the jurors are still talking at Ponderosa, which he claims influenced the KR jury to vote for Michele over Aubry. I believe Adam pouring his heart out over his mom at TC may have made them worried people would use stories to get the votes in the end, and this format may help (sort of) stop that in it's tracks. I do admit I kind of like it, though, as long as the contestants can answer the questions, one juror doesn't totally dominate, and Probst doesn't meddle.
  10. I could care less to see either one on this show again, as I don't like Brad, and Monica just doesn't do it for me. However, I'm resigned to the fact that Brad will be back, and likely win the next time. Or just keep coming back until he does.
  11. For the first AS, Tina and Ethan refused to come back unless the prize money was upped to $2 million, but the show wouldn't budge and they ended up coming back. Back then it might have been easier, since there were a lot more sponsors and interest, but then they'd have to do it for every returning player season. And would partial returning player seasons count? I had heard first boots got $2,500, or they did in the early seasons, but I don't know if that's still the case. I don't know if it matters whether it's returning players. I didn't realize, in a 2nd place tie, that they split both 2nd and 3rd prize money. No wonder people give spite votes just to make sure someone doesn't finish in second or tie. I still think $1 million is a better deal than the $500,000 they get on Big Brother. Almost 3 months locked in a house where you can't rely on the editing defense, and have no idea how you're being perceived, and have no space to get away from anyone. Same old surroundings day and night.
  12. I don't know if Cirie would have had a choice in getting rid of Andrea when she did. If Sarah was dead set on getting her out, and Cirie worried she'd flip back to Brad/Troy/Tai, that could either lead to a 4-4 tie at TC and rock draw; but more than likely Sarah would have played her vote steal, giving the other side an advantage in numbers, and Andrea still would have gone. Cirie wouldn't have had any blood on her hands, but she still would have lost an ally. I can see where they might have been afraid that Andrea would have gone on an immunity run, because she seemed to be the best person to challenge Brad, and get to the end. Between her and Cirie, the vote might have been very close, and I don't know how it would have gone, but I think it's possible Cirie could have squeaked it out. Her biggest obstacle was getting there, and with the other side having all the idols and advantages, plus Andrea likely not wanting to go to the end with Cirie, it would have been difficult anyway. I don't really think there was any way Cirie was making it to the end.
  13. I'm actually surprised Big Brother hasn't done more cross overs. Of all the CBS reality shows, I figured they'd be having them on all the time compared to the others. Didn't someone say that Michaela applied to TAR first? I did see her say she'd want to do that show. It would be great if it could happen! Still, I can just picture how side splitting her diary room confessionals in the BB house would be.
  14. I'd love to see Cirie and Michaela on Big Brother. That might have been more up Cirie's alley, in terms of strategy. Michaela would just be hilarious to watch,
  15. I don't think TPTB ever anticipated that every idol and the last advantage would come into play at once. Even with the rumor floating around that that was going to happen this season, I still couldn't believe it, especially with Troy and Tai being on the bottom at various stages. I agree that while it might be fair based on the rules, it sucks. I think it sucks on various levels, mainly because this season, one idol was hidden at a challenge, the rest at camp, and Tai found 3 idols total this season. That's not his fault, but come on, make it a little more complicated. Everyone knows where to look for them. I think they need to have one idol per camp, and once it's played, it doesn't get re-buried. Have one merge idol, and that's it. No advantages or super idols. I'm dreaming, I know. @cooksdelight someday, one day, I hope you can spill everything you know. It'd be fascinating to know the little behind the scenes. In terms of extra long episodes-only if they focus on camp life and the social dynamics of the game, less on big moves, idols, and resume building. I worry a longer episode will just mean more of that. I know they can't do live feeds like Big Brother, but it'd be nice if they could at least upload more extra footage (like what was left out of the episode) online, rather than those little clips. If CBS wanted to get people to subscribe to All Access, that might be a way to do it.
  16. LadyChatts

    Fix The Show

    I looked it up, and that particular IC was 10 hours and 17 minutes. There was lots of temptation (pizza, hot chocolate, peanut butter). Elisabeth even negotiated her own end in the challenge by telling Jeff she wanted a boat ride in. I never knew that Tom and Ian had nerve damage. However, challenge design could be a factor in that. It's actually quite comical nowadays when they show the elapsed time. Although I suppose the only bright side to these challenges not being prolonged is not having to hear Jeff go on and on about "20 days, no food, no sleep, really starting to take its toll in this extreme heat..." for the duration of the challenges. He should just use a recording of himself, because even he can't be original.
  17. LadyChatts

    Fix The Show

    I remember during Palau, they received I think 1,000 gallons of fresh water and toiletries (for a shower they had to construct), and there was an argument over whether to use the water to shower or save it and have fresh water to drink. One of the things I miss is when they'd go and visit the other tribes camp before the merge, which they might have quit doing when tribe swaps became a thing. I just re-watched the merge episode of Outback, and the ladies visited Ogakor, while the men visited Kucha. Of course the men at Kucha thought they were getting the ladies from Ogakor and put on this big wine and dine spread, only to have Colby and Keith show up. And since Mountain Dew was a sponsor back then, Elisabeth and Alicia took cans over as a housewarming gift to the Ogakor camp. That was also the ep where Jeff blew his chances by jumping off the pole for peanut butter during the IC. I also miss the temptations during the endurance challenges. Why did they stop those? I agree, though, that things aren't going to change. When Probst was asked about why he doesn't take time to talk to everyone at the reunion, and focuses on so few people for so long, he said essentially he talks to who wants to and who he felt made the season. Which this time around, you could make an argument to talk to everyone in the back row, but last season, what was the point of acknowledging Rachel, Mari, and the other first boots that I can't remember? I just think Probst, since taking over as producer, has it in his mind what he likes, what's stale and what isn't, and is all about making these great TV talked about moments that'll trend on SM. I get the show has to evolve, but I don't know if he just has it in his mind what works and what's great and assumes everyone's on board. And those who aren't are the problem. I see him give big praise to the challenge department, but the challenges are so stale and alike. Hell, they re-use so many anymore. I think it also goes back to returning player seasons, and who he wants to see back, and who he doesn't, whether the fans do or not. I know he isn't entirely responsible, as there's other channels at work, but just from interviews I've seen his arrogance kind of come through. And the interviews he does give are with people so far up the show's ass that they won't ever question him if something isn't working.
  18. Okay, so I'm not totally crazy. On CBS's FB page they had the final 6 on the red carpet. It only showed the start of a video of Brad/Sarah/Troy together before it cut out on me. I didn't think he had a mustache in it. I had wondered if it was fake and he was trying to disguise himself. After the show, if people came up and started berating him, he could say 'no, that Brad Culpepper had a mustache. It wasn't me!'
  19. Katrina is also a former Olympic swimmer. So I'm wondering what would be the logic in voting out someone clearly athletic in a season that will likely have water challenges. Do the big burly men decide because she's old she's no good despite her background? Intimidated? Or does she over strategize? The NFL player is on the Heroes tribe. To me, I would think he'd be more of a hustler, but what do I know.
  20. I would love to do a Survivor pool. I'm sure the show's definition of hustler is more "these leftover guys we couldn't fit anywhere else." They should have saved Anna Khait for this season.
  21. Troy seemed to think he would win based on his social game. In a Brad/Troy final 2, it's hard to say. We had a jury saying they wanted to vote for who played the best game (whatever their definition of that was), and Debbie/Sierra were staying loyal to their original alliance to the end. They were going to be Brad votes no matter what. I do think Brad definitely overthought Sarah betraying people on the jury would cost her. He probably thought she was his goat or villain. I can see where Ozzy would have the respect for Brad, since he still has an old school mind set, and seems to like the people who take in the whole experience. Ozzy's never been good at the strategic part of this game. Neither is Brad, so maybe he sympathized with the guy that the jury was all about big moves, and the things he loved most about this game get pushed to the wayside.
  22. Michaela herself said she'd come back, but she'd want to wait a few years so she'd have time to grow and branch out, and really examine her game so she could change it for the next time. I agree that playing back to back hindered her, especially since no one saw her season and probably didn't know what to make of her. Despite the fact that the title of this season could be used very loosely, they had to know she was brought back for a reason. No one probably imagined she did so poorly on her first season, despite being bad ass at challenges and giving that tree a piece of her mind on her way out after being blindsided. I think she got off on the wrong foot when she was used as a decoy vote in the first vote, and then kind of held back from there. Still, she was a huge highlight of this season, and I do think she's got some growing up to do. But she took her boot much better than I expected, she was a joy at Ponderosa, and she really took having Sarah take an advantage she could have had and get voted off with it very well. Brad, I still think, was playing up Mr. Good Guy for the cameras until the end.
  23. LadyChatts

    Fix The Show

    Somehow I think the show hasn't thought that far ahead. My guess would be, despite being immune, either the group decides who goes home amongst everybody, or they go to fire. Either that or they just let everyone go back to camp and the next vote 2 people are voted off. I am just disappointed with the pacing of this season, and with the reunion show. Agreed. The way Jeff was whipping through people at the RS, I thought he was actually going to get through to everyone. But he spent so much time on the stupid 'if Tai was in the final 3, who would you have voted for.' I've seen castaways say they just BS their answer anyway. It's so stupid. And what was the stupid thing with Cochran and Aubry? Just to give him a shout out? But this season especially, it was just the same stale formula, especially after the merge: challenge, scheming at camp, TC. Nothing else. They could probably cut back on their challenge footage by a few minutes, too. Or maybe after the merge, combine the RC/IC to save time. Of course that would probably mean more time for scheming...
  24. LadyChatts

    Fix The Show

    So Brad did say that he thought the immunity run would earn him respect and votes, but knew he was doomed when Zeke was praising Sarah's cut throat game play. He did look pretty pissed when all was said and done at the FTC. Didn't he have his back to Sarah and Troy when Troy conceded he out of contention and hugged Sarah? It made the sulking even more adorable with the outfit he was wearing. I wonder if he remembered how bad his tirade was to Tai (editing aside). I know Sarah had said that she didn't remember the stuff she said about Andrea until it aired, so maybe Brad forgot how bad his behavior was. This did film almost a year ago.
  25. I think filming ended May 12th? And season 36 will start filming around the first week of June I believe.
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